It seems that this space has completely awakened.

All roads are gone.

In this place, everyone also understands.

Both time and space are chaotic, and such a strange situation will appear.

This means that there will be multiple spaces that meet and be messy.

For example, before, everyone almost had a situation where the smoke rushed to other areas, if they were not pulled.

Maybe the smoke will be dispersed.

I don't know where to go.

Once lured into a dangerous area by space, then Yan Qian may encounter ~ big trouble.

This place, even immortals can - something happened.

But there is no one else here.

If only Wei comes alone, he will most likely be damaged here.

Even an immortal like him will be damaged.

It's a veritable weird and dangerous place.

After all, here, it is indeed a long time ago to swallow an immortal.

Isn't that exactly what happened to that Thunder Yasha Floating House?

Even if that was what he left voluntarily.

And it seems that the end is approaching.

This space no longer conceals malice, and everyone can feel the strange feeling coming from all sides of the space.

It's as if people's senses are disturbed.

Caught in turbulence.

I don't even want to give a new way, it's like blocking everyone here.

Consume alive.

It should have sensed that Ye Ruo, the demon god, was here, and thought that it would be of great benefit after devouring, so he was unwilling to let go.

Directly Tu Poor Dagger saw.

So everyone looked at the stone walls in front of them and fell silent.

Even when the fish wanted to attack again, the others let him slow down.

A vigorous drain on power.

It's not a good thing to go on like this.

Ye Ruo stood up directly and asked the others to back off.

"Let me come, this space is greedy. But it seems to overlook the fact that I didn't break through it because I came to find something. "

"It thinks too much of itself!"

Even immortals can tear open gaps.

If you continue to input power, you can create a channel.

It is unstable, and it will consume the fish like this.

But for Ye Ruo, is this space really hard?

Since the immortals can't.

And what about the demon gods who are stronger than the immortals?

Therefore, one cyan ball of light appeared out of thin air around Ye Ruo, surrounding him, and there were eight of them.

It emits terrifying and amazing energy fluctuations.

The inside is dazzling, looks like a work of art, brilliant and charming.

Beautiful and hidden with thousands of murderous intentions.

[Immortal Dragon Star Diffusion Explosion! ] 】

Then only a boom was heard, and the eight energy balls directly burst out a terrifying attack, turned into streamers, and forcefully shot out the stone wall in front of them with a posture of shattering everything, tearing open the space here.

With fleeting power, it directly and forcefully penetrated here.

You can even see that the light hits the outside, and in an instant, it shattered the stone pillars outside and flew far away.

Even the torn space there began to recover.

Everyone still noticed that scene.

What a terrifying and terrifying blow.

The paths that were originally sealed are now all visible.

And they all saw that Ye Ruo hit a little higher, otherwise this place would be destroyed.

There will be no territory inside.

Just like he said, after all, he just goes to the deepest part to find something, and he still has to collect something.

Yelan sighed.

Immortals are immortals.

Much fiercer than these mortals.

So everyone also entered the end of this space.

As it progressed again, a larger square appeared here, wonderful and eerie.

That huge Taiwei Rite is also located there.

But what shames them. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This large taiwei disk directly lost the upper half neatly, as if it had been cut off by something.

Obviously, it was Ye Ruo's move that came out.

And at this time, those fleeting phantoms appeared here.

Unlike before, these things disappeared at the beginning.

Now, they've been here for a long time.

More and more real.

Ye Ruo just looked at this change flatly, after all, it was just the last madness of this space.

But for others, it can be quite shocking.

They watched as these phantoms gradually turned into the appearance of the Thousand Rock Army, and the standard ancient Thousand Rock Army clothes became more and more lifelike.

The soldiers were armed with extremely heavy spears.

A large number of monsters appeared next to it, which seemed to be the handiwork of this space.

Having been beaten like this, it has been outraged.

Poured it all.

To the enrage of both Yelan and Wei, a familiar person appeared in the phantom.

A multi-armed Yasha.

A warlock.

It was the floating house and Boyang of that year.

And then they killed them.

It is like a microcosm of the war hundreds of years ago, after being swallowed up by this space, one of the historical images was intercepted and turned into today's mirror images and afterimages.

In fact, these people died hundreds of years ago.

Now you can see that the power of this space is unstable, and these people have traces of phantom flashes.

But you can still hear the killing of the year.

The Thousand Rock Army roared in unison.

"Jing demon idle, go forward!"

The roar of the Ukisho Yasha.

"Thousand Rock Army! Hold the battle line! "

Through this space, everyone can get a glimpse of the great war.

Even the screen is blindfolded.

But for Rays and Yelan, this is definitely not something to be happy about.

Instead, they were furious.

"Do you trample on Big Brother Fushe like that? They have long passed away, and they will be killed like puppets! "

"It turned out to be the missing ancestor of my clan. So it is, if we are swallowed by this space, will it become like this? "

"Become a shadow of darkness, become part of this space."

"Actually, it's long gone, it's just this space."

Faced with such a situation, they directly rushed up and launched a killing.

Because they absolutely do not want to see such a scene.

This is blasphemy against brothers and ancestors.

Yan Chong and Ying also hurried to follow.

Fought with those Warcraft and the Thousand Rock Army.

In this fierce battle, they were surprised to find that after these people were hit, they would turn into afterimages and disappear.

After all, this space was crippled by Ye Ruo.

However, the heaviness of the weapons of the Thousand Rock Army still surprised Ying.

How did it work.

This is completely different from the Qianyan Army that was dealt with before.

Could it be that this is the level of the Thousand Rock Army hundreds of years ago, much stronger than now!.

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