Why is there such a big step back now?

At every time they exchanged fires, the weight of their spears would crush Ying and grit his teeth, and sparks would burst out.

Ying had to use the elemental force to fight back.

In terms of pure strength.

She would actually fall into the downwind.

These soldiers of the Thousand Rock Army have very heavy weapons, far from being comparable to her bladeless sword.

The one-handed sword in his hand is much lighter.

So in such a confrontation, it is very lossy.

Ying sighed, fortunately he had the means of elemental power.

The two elemental forces bloomed here, sweeping away a large number of Warcraft and the Thousand Rock Army at once, and they quickly turned into afterimages.


Well, she's also a dual-element traveler!

Yan Yi quickly hid around.

I also need to help.

After all, her level is no problem dealing with the treasure thief group, which is the result of Yan Xuan's frequent study of martial arts.

But change to these fierce monsters, as well as the Thousand Rock Army.

That's much worse.

Who let her be so young, she didn't grow up at all.

Looking at Yan Huang's performance, Ye Ruo still shook his head.

Never mind.

After all, he was just a child who grew up in peaceful years.

If this is placed on the Demon God War of the year, it is also very possible that a face will be gone.

By the way, this time "seven seven zero" can also be regarded as the effect of exercising and exercising.

The fiercest fight, after all, is still the fish.

Yelan ended the battle early.


No why.

Because her ancestor did not have the eye of God.

Even if he can do a little magic, it is not comparable to Yelan's at all.

After all, Yelan was silent for a while because of the death of her companions and locked herself up.

Crazy hard practice bow and arrow, the practice of blood all over the hands.

And at that moment, she gained the approval of the Water Attribute God Eye.

Beyond mortals.

The combat effectiveness of one body is naturally not bad.

Otherwise, she would have died in all kinds of shady struggles.

After that, the fish finally ended the battle and dispersed the afterimage.

It is with the will for brothers and sisters.

Firm in the desire to resurrect them, more power emerged!

So everyone walked forward and stepped into the final cave.

There, not much place.

Only two bones remained.

There is still a residual power of thunder elements, and it is far stronger than the other in terms of state.

The other one is almost dissipating.

It's as if many years ago, they held out until the last minute.

Such a scene, everyone watching was silent.

After a long time, Yelan was able to speak out.

"In this space, everything we see is actually the result of the confusion of time and space and memory."

"Because each of us is different, space can also respond to our imagination and guesses, and different people or things appear."

"Time is stagnant and chaotic. It is precisely because of my obsession with this immortal that such a corpse can appear that I reproduced the scene back then. "

Originally, they should not have seen this corpse.

But this time, their thoughts and obsessions were too strong to create this result.

What a weird and wonderful place this space is.

So Yelan suddenly spoke up to the other side.

"That's why you brought me and this fish, Lord Ye Ruo."

Ye Ruo also walked over slowly.

With a smile on his face, he clapped his hands in praise.

"That's right, it was your attachment to [pursuit] that was too concentrated and strong, which caused such a miracle."

"Doesn't it sound like the space is a bit of a benefit?" And that's actually it. "

"Time here still stops, and things disappear when you take them out, because time flows outside."

"So that little bit of remaining spirituality can still endure."

At best, the spirituality that floats here still exists.

As for these two corpses, they have long been swallowed by space and become part of space.

And this time.

Wei Ye also quickly took out the thunder attribute elixir and let those spirits absorb it.

Then he stood up again.

Silently looked at the corpse of the floating house.

Yelan also got that small Taiwei instrument plate and got a lot of information.

Got the time of the year.

Ye Ruo looked at this scene and shook his head.

"Let's go, I'll take you out, these corpses appear because of you, it doesn't hurt to see them for a while."

"They're all good."

"Presumably Yelan, you can also answer the doubts in your heart."

This made Yelan also nod, very respectful.

"Thank you for bringing me here this time to fulfill my wish for many years."

For so many years, in order to know what happened.

Yelan has been wandering in the abyss, peering into the deepest darkness.

Unfortunately, it has not been settled.

Now, with the help of Ye Ruo, he finally learned everything.

In order to seal the Warcraft, her ancestors also stayed here.

Another ancestor went crazy.

It is also because as an ordinary person, without the Eye of God, he is contaminated with evil qi such as miasma, which has become like that.

But there is no doubt about it.

Each of them is a hero.

After that, Ye Ruo directly tore open this space with them.

The pillar in the outside world has also been repaired. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

The big mechanical snake was also alarmed and drilled out.

However, they were wiped out.

Ye Ruo also glanced at it and stopped paying attention.

He knew this stuff.

It is an alien self-regulatory organ from Canrea.

In Canrea's name, underground road engineering heavy machinery and the like.

The chainring on its head can easily dig through hard rock, which can be described as a rampage.

This ability is enough to create a passage for Canrea's army to pass all parts of the continent.

On the way back, Yan Chong asked Ye Ruo in a thrilling way.

In this case, did that weird mysterious space just disappear?

After all, he was beaten like this by Ye Ruo.

As a result, Ye Ruo just laughed strangely twice, with a look of deep meaning.

"What do you think, that space will slowly recover, but it will take a long time."

"After all, that thing is not a simple life. It's just an area. "

"I know you're curious to know the truth, why this space came about, how it came about, how long it's been around, and a series of questions."

"All I can say is that I don't know."

"If you really want to know why, I can add a little. Guess why where the pillar fell, this space is below? "

"Is there such a coincidence?"

"Well, go back."


Appeared again, how can this person say half again.

He knows some truth...........

I said I don't know before, and I added another sentence later.

Just play her like a child.

This person is very bad!

Ye Ruo actually knew a lot.

He also got some information about that space.

In simple terms.

In this location in the past, there was an ancient civilization.

The nails of cold weather basically hit ancient civilizations, and one nail destroys a civilization.

The amazing thing is that in fact, in a hidden mine cave in the north of the strata abyss, you can find a strange dead tree with a crooked shape.

It looks exactly like the silver-white ancient tree in Longji Snow Mountain.

Some civilizations are destroyed because they try to master [the power to fight the world].

This is a heavenly god who never wants to see a bit.

Obviously, the ancient civilization here in the stratum abyss has been quite developed, and something incredible has been studied.

As a result, Canrea sent a relic agency to visit here.

Even the Abyss Sect would hit the idea here.

In fact, a country like Canrea will definitely be interested in other ancient countries that have long since disappeared.

If you can get any technology, you will earn.

They have been digging up ancient civilizations in the past.

Secretly licking silently.

Attempt to be the old sixth.

In this land, there is far more than one ancient country that has been destroyed.

In the ancient crane temple civilization, the main hall has been pierced.

They once discovered incredible knowledge in Mount Suga, because wisdom was hidden in that mountain.

Civilization once advanced by leaps and bounds.

Then after developing to a certain point, they even want to fight against the heavenly gods.

The result is no result.

And the cold sky nail here in the strata abyss is the reason why this mysterious space is below.

It is because this strange space is also a kind of thing studied by that civilization.

It's just that this is the power that they can't grasp well and eats them back.

The result is such an out-of-control area.

It's a lot like a use of earth vein power.

Based on people's memories, the people and things they want to see emerge and reproduce the figure of the year.

It has a resemblance to Inazuma's filthy figure in the vein, 3.9.

The earth remembers everything.

But this is a clear failure.

This thing has become an evil place that wants to devour everything, can quietly lead prey into dangerous places, and drain their souls.

After all, there are too many evil forces in the earth vein.

This is not a good and positive force, and the danger is too great.

Once it is not well used, it is not purified well.

It's like a double-edged sword, but it suffers.

Miraculously, this ancient civilization has also developed a device to try purification.

This is the place where the Last Light Sword has never been.

It is a country far older than Canrea.

Even so, it is still lost to time.

Facing these past events.

Ye Ruo could only complain.

Sky Island wholesale pillar is it.

At that time, it was, "Apply for a cold sky nail for cleanup?" "

Such a process?

However, after playing Canrea, Sky Island did not move and fell asleep.

Now the birds are in their turn.

If the Solstice Country does not succeed, then they are the next to eat nails.


Let these who like to make things go.

It's good to have tall people on top.

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