In an instant, the environment changed.

At this time, several of them found that they seemed to have come to a deep cave.

If you look at it from above, it seems very tall.

You can't see the situation on top.

The surrounding area is a cave-like environment, leading to an unknown place.

You can also see plants and vines growing here, and some branches are also shooting.

The yellow stones on the ground shone brightly, which illuminated the place a lot.

There are other blue trumpet flowers, or large purple flowers located here.

It looks like a quiet, peaceful place.

Smoky looked at this in amazement.

"Is this the space? Great, we just showed up here. "

Then she looked up.

"Fortunately, I didn't fall directly, otherwise I wouldn't have fallen miserably."

"Even if you use a book, it should be useless."

Paimon and Ying are also full of energy.

Now that you've arrived at the place, the next thing is to search.

Yelan was very concerned and looked at Ye Ruo.

"Master Ye Ruo, can you tell me that this space you just said will awaken, what's going on?"

I never thought that Ye Ruo directly had something in his hand, and then threw it directly to her.

This made Yelan subconsciously take 757.

Then I was surprised.

I saw that this was a small precision magic plate, which looked like a magic weapon used by their family in terms of structure and layout.

Yelan's family has practiced techniques for generations.

There has been much more than one warlock.

"This is my imitation of the Taiwei Yi Disc back then, and it can sense the original one."

"Even if people and things were swallowed up by this space, they could still find a trace of induction in the vast space and find the area where they were finally buried."

"After all, this space area is chaotic."

"Yelan, you really want to know what happened back then, then go and find it yourself."

"What is in your blood is not ominous, but the blood of a roaring hero."

Looking at the complexity on Yelan's face, Ye Ruo just smiled.

"Let's start, this space will slowly wake up."

"After all, with a foreign object, how can a living creature not feel it when it enters its body?"

This was true, which made several other people feel a little chilly.

How does it sound, what kind of abyss this place looks like.

When it wakes up, it will swallow everyone up.

So weird.

How under the rock abyss, there is such a thing.

And Yan Chong also took a look at the magic weapon.

"Hey, Brother Ye Ruo, could it be that you created this magic weapon, why do you (cjcj) also have it."

"It's not. This thing was made by the Rock King Emperor, I just created another one. "

As soon as the Rock King Emperor came out, it also shocked everyone's hearts.

This time, more and more are involved.

In other words, a magic weapon that the Rock King Emperor once had was handed over to Yelan's family.

And then they and the magic weapon, were all swallowed up by this space?

Yelan was even more shaken.

Sure enough, Ye Ruo was an immortal who knew the emperor.

So then everyone also led Yelan and walked towards the depths of the cave.

The fish is still responsible for opening the way.

Ye Ruo would tell him where the covered road was.

Yan Chong and Ying were observing the surroundings, and during this time they suddenly saw an unknown figure flashing by, very quickly.

Black shadow.

It's gone in the blink of an eye.

It's like a phantom.

It's a little hairy.

Even Paimon shouted in fright.

As a result, Ye Ruo told them that there was a space that converged due to chaos, connecting more than one place, and those shadows that hovered underground like wandering souls were actually far away from them.

It's just that the space is very chaotic, and this phenomenon appears after a convergence.

Then they were relieved.

Only the fish took a deep look.

According to Brother Qinglong, if a lot of Thousand Rock Army and Demon Beasts came here, there would be Big Brother Fushe.

And this space is similar to a living thing.

What will happen to their corpses?

If it is devoured, will it become these phantoms wandering here?

Over time, these phantoms are likely to turn into entities and come out to attack them.

Or if he stays here. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Maybe it will become like this.

The reason why there is no movement now, it should be that Big Brother Qinglong took them down directly like this, and did not forcibly destroy anything.

For such a long time, this space is still sleeping.

So at present, the fish have not felt the malice of space.

But he has raised his guard.

In any case, be sure to find the whereabouts of the floating house.

And others gradually noticed this strange place in the space, and walked for a long time.

It stands to reason that it's time to get tired and take a break.

As a result, no matter who it is, they feel energetic.

It's like just coming in.

It's very weird.

It was as if everyone's physical state had froze from the moment they came in.

Here is the time, there is a problem!

And faintly, this space seems to have begun to change, and everyone also remembered what Ye Ruo said.

Even if you don't do anything, just come in.

As a foreign body.

It will make this space react.

So after walking a distance, everyone found that the road suddenly disappeared and became a dead end.

But according to Yelan's induction, it is right to continue to move forward.

This made the fish choose to wave his weapon and directly cut a gap, and a new road appeared.

It's still vast.

With the power of immortals, there is no problem at all in opening the gap.

The result is a bunch of monsters.

This made Ye Ruo smile.

"Well, it's starting to target you, go ahead, these things will be handed over to you."

So, a few of them rushed forward.

Ye Ruo stood motionless and watched silently.

Maybe I have my own joining this time.

The movement of the space is significantly greater.

Even if the body is not tired here, the spirit can be drained.

Injuries on the body can also happen.


Those who came over this time are not rookies.

Water Elemental God's Eye, Half-Man, Half-Immortal, Two-Element Traveler, Immortal Ray.

Some monsters couldn't stop them.

And as they advanced, they defeated more and more monsters, which is logically the treatment of the original Wei alone, because he is the strongest.

This space will arrange this kind of afterimage for him.

Afterimage of the monster.

After all, the real monsters have long died, all dead.

Others give them a small room and drain their minds.

So after the battle, a bunch of people also took a little rest, and their spirits consumed a lot.

Yelan was also holding a magic weapon, and her face was serious.

"Something is wrong, this space is so obvious to us, and the road down several times is wrong."

"There are monsters waiting for us."

"But it doesn't pick us up, it just delays our pace. It is as if this space is better at grinding people's souls than killing. "

"And several times, they wanted us to go somewhere else. Is this trying to get us into more dangerous areas? "

"Deal with us with real danger?"

"It's just that at present, it's not a big problem for us."

At this time, Ye Ruo, who had been touching the fish, suddenly smiled.

"It's like this on the outside, and it may not be necessary on the inside."

"I can already feel the malice, the space wants to control everyone present. When I found it, the shadow that flashed became more and more solidified. "

"It's almost here, I'm afraid there will be a big war next."

"But don't be afraid, just kill it! I also want to see what this thing can make a name for! "

"Only pretend to be a spooky thing."

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