And as Ye Ruo and their team continued to advance, the black mud along the way was also cleared.

During this period.

Whether it's opening the way, clearing the monsters that are attacking madly, or collecting items, these members are doing it.

Ye Ruo was just the type to look around.

After all, this kind of small work, it must be done by the players.

Why else let them come?

Wei was working very hard, after all, he knew that this time it was Ye Ruo who came here specially for him.

In addition to the previous care, he was given four more elixirs this time.

He couldn't thank him enough.

No reward!

Therefore, the fish has been making a lot of movement, holding a long gun, and with a bang, it bursts the stone wall in front of it, revealing a completely new path.

Below this layer of rock abyss, it can be described as potholes, and everywhere is the road.

Around the corner, all kinds of trail caves.

It can be described as intricate and connected.

If you are not careful, it is easy to get lost.

Don't know where you are.

And the action of the fish is also surprised to see everyone.

It is worthy of being an immortal, that is, violent and powerful.

Even Yan Huang was surprised.

After all, although she is also an immortal, she was born in a peaceful era and does not fight fiercely.

They have always dealt with the civil office of the law.

The combat power is not very high.

And old immortals like Wei are too far behind.

When she was in the port of Port Mondjövf, she worked as a consultant on the ship.

As a result, there was a batch of goods, a batch of dangerous goods from the Abyss Sect, disguised as ordinary goods, intending to send them to Liyue Port.

If it weren't for the appearance of Yura, she would have saved Yan Huang.

That time it was miserable.

So they became friends and often kept in writing.

Eura also hopes that Yan Qiao can help her find someone.

That person was Amber's grandfather, Yura's master.

Leader of the Order's reconnaissance squad.

It's just that he has been missing now.

If you come to find it by Liyue people like Yan Qiao, it is more likely to be found.

However, Yan Qian didn't know Ye Ruo, only knew that this benefactor seemed to have a favorite object.

Youra's character is understood by everyone.

She couldn't have written such a thing in her letters.

The combat effectiveness of Yanqi itself is indeed a little worse.

After all, this is not the era when the immortals went to the battlefield.

And Wei also listened to Ye Ruo's words and went in the designated direction.

He even hit one and it fell.

Then a more secret passage was discovered.

This made Ye Ruo perceive it and found that it was a mine road, from which he could go directly deeper.

There are no monsters either.

It's safe.

So he remembered.

Isn't this the path that Zhiqiong will take in the future?

It should be a passage dug by the treasure thief group.

Today, this place is already very deep underground.

From this road, you will not encounter those polluted areas, nor those strange-looking creatures.

Through that gate, you can reach the area where the pillar is located.

So as to find that space.

So Ye Ruo waved his hand directly, and the two talisman seals formed on the spot, and then flew over.

Only a boom was heard.

The gate was blown open directly.

The space inside is exposed.

Let everyone be stunned.

Ye Ruo was still making the fish move a little in front, don't smash everyone down.

As a result, Ye Ruo's backhand came even bigger.


It has to be you.

Soon, as everyone moved forward, a huge space appeared here.

Smoky is also an eye-opener.

"The cave here is so big, but judging from the traces, it doesn't seem like a manpower~."

Yelan also stared at the traces here, as well as the pillar in mid-air.

There are a lot of dark forces around it. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And then analyzed.

"Judging from the appearance of the excavation, this is not a human tool, but some behemoth bumped out."

"Something big has been moving here in the past, and you can see from the edge that it is not a strong monster, but rather an oversized bug or snake."

"That big, slender thing."

Ying was also a mental shock.


The pillar mentioned earlier!

Sure enough, there is one here!

What the hell is this?

Still plural.

Liyue Stratum Rock Abyss, Mengde Longji Snow Mountain.

These two places are a long way off.

And those purple-black things stained on the pillars look very strange, similar to the feeling of black mud.

I don't know if it's an illusion.

Ying even felt that these purple-black things were eroding this pillar.

The fish are just staring at these things.

"It's a bad feeling, it's best not to rush into contact."

And Paimon, who flew to the side, also made a discovery.

"Come and see, there's a stone tablet with a pattern on it. It seems to be a map of the surroundings, and it seems to have something to do with this suspended spar. "

So the group also walked over.

Then, according to their analysis and judgment, it should refer to the surrounding of this large spar, there are five switches.

The above wire connects the large spar, which means that it should transmit energy past.

Finally, someone needs to hit this big pillar.

The black thing on it will disappear.

Just like after using an external force to impact, it will trigger a function of accelerating purification, which belongs to the ability of the large pillar itself.

This also made Ying thoughtful.

Ye Ruo just said that this kind of pillar has the function of targeting the earth vein, so it can also purify these black mud?

And now that it is not strong enough, it will gradually be devoured by these black mud?

So you need external stimulation?

Come and help?

And in the picture, there is indeed a big bug.

It should mean that if you hit this pillar, the movement caused may wake up the creature.

So tips for posterity, be careful.

But just as they were about to act like this, Ye Ruo suddenly stopped everyone.

"Don't worry, our mission is to find that mysterious space."

"Let's go, I detected the seal."

"If you touch this pillar in advance, the space may also be stimulated and awakened." There is no need, first find the whereabouts of the floating house. "

"When this goal is completed, restore this pillar, (Li's) whatever you want."

This made Ying and Paimon a little dumbfounded.


The main task here is to find Yasha.

After walking not far from the pillar, Ye Ruo looked at the ground.

"This is it. At the time of the Canrea Magic Tribulation, those of them should have entered here, and there was a strange space below. "

"There are also seals outside. Therefore, it can be judged that it should be Boyang and Fushe who activated the Taiwei Instrument Plate inside, and the outside world was assisted by Rong Zhao, setting up two layers of seals inside and outside. "

"As long as the immortals come over, they can detect this altar."

"Come here, I'll make an opening in the seal."

At this moment, as Ye Ruo pinched out the Immortal Family Law Seal, a magic array suddenly appeared under his feet, and the others hurriedly stood up.

And then everyone disappeared here.

Because Ye Ruo moved too fast, everyone didn't even have time to ask questions.

What does awakening mean?

Is this space alive?

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