It seems that Orcel pulled the same.

So there should be many people like themselves, right?

Contempt for this demon god.

After all, there are too many demon gods in the book, and everyone who reads it is stunned and admired.

At that time, the land of Liyue was so many demon gods.

But look at the seven earthly countries, and then look at the size and environment of Liyue.

It is normal that so many demon gods will appear.

As for admiration, it is for the Rock King Emperor.

Even so many demon gods can still seal or kill them.

The emperor is too strong.

It is worthy of being a martial god in people's minds

If it weren't for the fact that he still had to take care of his people, I am afraid that the Rock King Emperor would have let go of his hand, and his achievements would have been even more amazing.

The result is now.

Even as a demon god who is not very bright in the book, it can cause such a big movement after unlocking the seal.

It really made Ying's face very solemn.

Demon God, it is indeed terrifying.

I don't know how big a gap between my current strength and such a demon god is.

So she hurried outside.

The feeling that the big 08 is difficult to come has also been accumulated in her heart.


Obviously Liyue was fine before, why did she encounter such a big movement as soon as she came?

Mond too.

Really toxic.

Let's hope the next country will be better.

I don't know, I thought she had the [Trigger Calamity Ability] full level.

At this time, a huge flying object suddenly flew overhead, which made Paimon immediately exclaim.


"Look, it's Qunyu Pavilion!"

"How did it go to the ocean!"

Ying also looked shocked.

"Paimon, let's go over and take a look."


Even the immortals who originally came to Liyue Port looked shocked at this time.

The once sealed demon god Orcel has now reappeared in the sky!

Originally, because of Ye Ruo, their attitude towards Condensing Light was a little better.

But on the contrary, for these seven stars of Keqing, it is a little more fierce.

Put the engraved sunny.

But she couldn't have a seizure of anything.

It's really infuriating!

These immortals.

So out of sight is out of sight.

Ke Qing went directly to organize the Qianyan Army, and did not have much to do with the immortals.

And watching Condensing Light drive the Jade Pavilion towards the direction of the Vortex Demon God Orcel, the immortals were also shocked.

Is this girl so daring?

That's the Demon God!

Even if the immortals present add up, they are not necessarily opponents.

This is still the extent that the other party has been sealed for too long, and his strength has declined a lot!

It's hard to do.

Does she think that with such a flying pavilion, she can deal with that demon god?

Therefore, the immortals also hurriedly went to the Qunyu Pavilion.

And here in Liyue Port.

For the residents living in the harbor and the fishermen who are fishing at sea, seeing this scene is a big change of face.

Those who were at sea hurried to sail away.

For fear of being affected.

"Quick, turn around, it's currently a tailwind situation, hurry up!"

"Brothers, pull up the sails! Get out of here with the help of the wind. "

"Good! Everyone, go for it! "

There are also those who encounter headwinds.

It was all a dozen sailors pulling the rope together, working hard. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Those who were originally unloading goods in the port were even more frightened and quickly gave up their work and fled here.

"Hurry up, that wave is coming at our Liyue Port!"

"If you don't leave, you may be flooded later."

"Oh my God, what the hell happened. I've been here for more than twenty years and haven't seen anything like this! "

"yes, it doesn't seem like it happened naturally at all. You say, is this some kind of sea beast or a demon god? "

"You've read too many novels! But it is not impossible, the feeling of black pressure makes my chest tight. "

"I have a very bad hunch."

"Gotta get out of here quickly."

Others hurriedly shouted after watching their companions move unfavorably.

"Lao Wang, what are you still grinding, hurry up."

"Is it important to make money, or is it important to save your life?"

This also made the previous old king only grit his teeth and choose to keep up with his friends.

Before leaving, he took another look at the old stone tablet.

According to the family rumors, it was an item used by an immortal to suppress the waves of this sea.

It's just that maybe it's the same as everyone says.

That immortal did not exist.

Rumors or something, it's just that the ancients were too cranky, and seeing the wind is rain.

If something happens at every turn, I like to buckle it on the body of the immortal.

Even his companions saw this scene.

"Let's go, that stone tablet fart is useless!"

"It has been said a long time ago, it's just a broken stone monument that is a little old, if it weren't for the protection of the Thousand Rock Army, it would have been shoveled out a long time ago."

"It is!"

"Look, there's no reaction at all. Sure enough, that Qinglong Zhenhai True Monarch did not exist. "

"In the future, if you read less immortals and not immortals, the novel will be a joy."

"Hey Lao Xu, don't talk nonsense, obviously Lao Wang is an old man over there rumors, people don't have time to read novels."

"Too. I was exhausted from working every day, and I had to take care of my children when I went home. "

"What leisure time is there?" 440

A bunch of people kept running in the direction of the city.

Anyway, you definitely can't stay by the sea.

That's not looking for death?

However, just after they ran to a slightly higher place, Lao Wang subconsciously looked at the location of the stone tablet, and then he looked shocked.

"Look, that stone tablet seems to be lit up!"


The others didn't react for a while, and then they remembered.

It's the stone tablet we just discussed.

When they put their eyes alive, several people were shocked.

And stunned.

I saw that the original stone stele, which had long been old, had gone through the vicissitudes of time and was tattered, but now it actually lit up with a cyan light, and it was getting brighter and brighter!

All of a sudden, it became a radiant, dazzling and gorgeous Zhenhai monument.

There are immortal texts and energy flowing on it.

Then everyone saw that an amazing ripple was released from the Zhenhai monument and spread into the distant sea.

A magical scene happened.

The waves, tsunamis, storms that were originally set off were all miraculously resolved!

Even the dark clouds were directly forcibly dispersed!

This phenomenon has been advancing.

As a result, this sea area in front of Liyue Port unexpectedly appeared a strange calm scene.

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