This result made Ying's mouth open wide.

"This is, what a gap."

Not a hierarchy at all.

Even Paimon was stunned.

"Oh my God, what did Paimon see?"

"That imposing son was beaten down by Ye Ruo with one move?"

It was too true for her to imagine.

Paimon felt that Ye Ruo was even a strong man who could repel the Wind Demon Dragon and the top knight of the Zephyr Knights.

But to this executive who does not seem simple.

Why do you have to make several moves, right?

As a result, she really didn't expect Dadalia to be so rubbish.

Directly killed in seconds.

Is Ye Ruo too strong, or is this executive too weak?

Dadalia also looked incredulous, and then left blood at the corner of his mouth.

In just a split second, he was seriously injured. "Zero three three" originally he thought that Ye Ruo was no matter how strong he was.

It is also a move of the huge ice goddess of war.

Being in the Golden Room, that trick should be difficult to perform.

As a result, I didn't expect that the gap between the two people was so outrageous.

I didn't react at all.

When did Ye Ruo attack?

Or, did he really come over?

It's really ironic, I didn't even see the opponent's tricks.

I lost inexplicably.

It was clear that he had slaughtered an entire nest of dragons on a single ride.

That's not an ordinary Warcraft, and ordinary people can't deal with it at all.

If you encounter one, you have to wait for death.

But meeting him can be described as an easy slaughter.

In that icy world, he was like a cold and ruthless blade.

Not to mention that he had also gone deep into the extremely dangerous secret realm, and he was still able to come out unharmed.

One man overturned the territory of the great nobility.

Not to mention.

As an executive officer, he actually lost so quickly, or he used the Demon King's armament.

This left him struggling with his remaining consciousness.

Trying to get out of the ruined walls.

However, at this time, a large number of Thousand Rock Army came in outside, and Ye Ruo just waved his hand.

The soldiers immediately came towards him.

Dadalia also heard the other's voice.

"You are more valuable alive than dead, and an executive who invaded an important place and was caught can make those Liyue Seven Stars make amazing profits."

"Well, if you die, it's worth nothing. Be thankful to me, boy. "

Dadalia: ...

This was true and made him spit out another mouthful of blood.

But after this mouthful of blood came out, he was able to get a little better.

So Dadalia burst out laughing.

"Ye Ruo, as a legendary wind knight, you are indeed very strong."

"But I'll catch up with you! Don't regret it. "

Then Dadalia found that the other party didn't care about him at all, and turned around and left.

This made his face darken.

There was no way, he could only grit his teeth and shout.

"Even if you defeat me, it's useless, before that, I used those taboo baskets in advance."

"By the way, let people take these copies and unseal the seal laid by that rock god, even if I lack some of my own strength, it should be about the same time."

"It's all because I have to worry about you guy, so I have to keep a backhand."

"Heh, after all, the news of your meeting with that Celestial Power Star has spread so much, if the Golden House here is just a trap, it will be troublesome."

"Unexpectedly, it really was."

"Now that there is no god's Liyue Port, what should I use to fight the monstrous malice of that ancient demon god?!!?"

As a result, Ye Ruo's figure disappeared.

I heard a very flat voice coming from the wind.

"Oh, that's what matters to me."

Dadalia felt her blood pressure go up.

This wind knight, what kind of person ah this is! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Can kill people!

However, he didn't have a chance to say more, and the other Thousand Rock Army weapons had already reached his head.

If there is no more nonsense, the life will be gone.

So he was taken away directly.

This time directly squatted in prison.

Ying also heard what he had just said.

She looked at Dardalia, who was taken away, and was shocked.

"Hey, what does the Ancient Demon God mean?"

However, there is no need for Dadalia to speak out anymore.

The surroundings began to shake violently, collapsing everywhere, giving people a very uneasy feeling, and even the atmosphere became gloomy.

It gives people a feeling of depression in their hearts.

This is not my own thought.

It is the force that triggered this big movement, and the effect brought 0........

It seems to be coming from afar!

Like, something shudder came out.

Ying, who hurriedly ran out, saw the weather suddenly darkened in the distance, and the sea began to set off unbelievable waves, and the waves were rough.

It was as if a storm was coming.

Dark clouds.

The storm is coming!

Amazing waves rushed high all at once.

Even if you are separated from a great distance, you can see it.

No matter who it is, as long as they see this scene, they will know that they are afraid that big trouble is coming!

Just when Ying was still in shock.

A Thousand Rock Army captain came over to answer her doubts.

The squad leader had a serious face.

"If you guessed correctly, this is the Vortex Demon God Orcel in the Lone Cloud Pavilion!"

"Vortex Demon God?"

"That's right, once our Rock King Emperor once defeated many demon gods and used the Rock Spear to seal it under the earth or in the ocean."

"One of them came out, and it formed the current Lonely Cloud Pavilion."

"That hateful fool knew that he should have come a few more times and clean him up fiercely! Clutter! "

At this time, he looked very angry.

Because the emperor has died, coupled with the handwriting of the executive of the fools, the place where the Vortex Demon God has been sealed has been loosened, and the Demon God who has been sealed for a long time is coming out again!

How should Liyue Port face such a demon god today!

This is all 0.0 done by the damn fools.

If something happens, Liyue Port will kill many people.

On the side of the Thousand Rock Army, there will also be countless comrades who died for this.

The so-called demon god is absolutely very matched.

That's a terrifying monster!

So after saying this, he also left here in a hurry.

Liyue, which has always been peaceful, is about to face a terrible crisis.

Ying Ye reacted immediately.

That's right!

Vortex Demon God Orcel!

It is clear that Ye Ruo's novel is written, how can he forget it.

Although there is only one mention in that book.

He said that he was sealed under the sea by the Rock King Emperor Town.

And then it's gone.

After all, compared to this demon god, the book is more about another demon god in the sea, and that is a terrible strong enemy.

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