What a bizarre scene!

It is clear that in the distance you can still see that it is dark, and the storm and tsunami are constantly surging, and the visibility is extremely low.

It's a completely bad natural disaster!

It's chilling.

Definitely not willing to go near that area.

As a result, it is now in the sea near Liyue Port, but it has become gentle and sunny.

One side is dark, the other is light.

Two phenomena exist at the same time!

It's amazing!

And this strange sense of contrast has also made many people who are fleeing notice it.

Especially on the port side.

I basically noticed the stone tablet.

Many of them stopped.

One by one, they were stunned.

"I'm dropping a rock king emperor, look quickly, it turned out that stone tablet played a role, so that the waves here disappeared!"

"This is really an immortal thing!"

"No wonder the Thousand Rock Army will always protect this stone stele."

There was also a scholar who had studied a remote language, and he was shocked to see the words emerging on the stone tablet.

It seems that it is because of the power that is stimulated.

Above the stele, there are some words that ordinary people cannot understand.

"It seems that there is something written on this stone tablet, I will see if I can translate it."

The merchant who invited this scholar to come and identify the cultural relics had an even more incredulous expression.

"Isn't it, isn't this the text used by the immortals, and you can also translate it?"

"Brother, your knowledge is really amazing!"

"In the future, I may be able to seek a good position in Yujingtai, maybe in the future, my business will depend on you, little brother!"

The scholar said as he approached the other side.

"Not so exaggerated, Brother Gu. You look up to me. "

"The words used by the so-called immortals back then were actually a kind of use by the Liyue people themselves, after all, the immortals did not live in seclusion at that time, and they fought against the enemy together with the ancestors."

"It's just that over time, older fonts will be replaced by simpler and more convenient texts, and they will gradually be lost."

"Perhaps, now the immortals still remember and have been using it. The immortal text was formed. "

Then the scholars continue to collect the ancient texts they remember in their minds, corresponding to those texts one by one.

to distinguish specific meanings.

"I look, what is written here is that Liyue Port has been affected by sea beasts and giant beasts today, setting off waves, causing disasters, and endangering the houses on the ground."

"There are still a lot of them that I can't translate. But the last paragraph can, specifically means - I, Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun, hereby command the power of the sea to erect this Zhenhai monument! "

"In this way, suppress this sea area, no longer disturbed by sea beasts and giant beasts. May the wind and rain on my Liyue side be smooth, and everyone can become a dragon. "

After reading out the paragraphs, the scholar's eyes were red.

He seemed to see an immortal personally descending here, looking at the environment where the sea was rampant, and in order to let people live here more safely, he used immortal power to summon the power of the sea.

It was sealed into this stele.

Then looked at the people of Liyue with gentle eyes.

For the ancestors at that time, this immortal placed very touching expectations and hopes.

He hopes that the people of Liyue will all become dragons in the future.

Bloom with their own brilliance.

What a lover of the fairy.

But if what is recorded in that book is true, then this immortal who helped Liyue Port.

Later, it still fell into the depths of the sea.

Just like his origins.

Born in the sea, scattered in the sea.

In order to deal with the terrifying sea demon god, he was sacrificed after all.

For the existence of this immortal, scholars naturally believe that there is.

After all, there are still some traces left.

It can be noticed that in the past, Liyue, there was such an immortal.

And now this Zhenhai stele directly points out the merits of this immortal and the help he helped here in Liyue Port in the past.

Not to mention even across such a long period of time.

This monument still protects Liyue Port.

Unaffected by those disasters. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Listening to this scholar's explanation, I am watching the changes in the sea area today.

Everyone else was tearful and reverent.

Even the sailors before were ashamed.

"I'm sorry, I'm such a fool! I thought it was just a broken stone monument! "

"I didn't expect it to really have such a big origin."

"It's all me who is stupid!"

"Yes, I didn't expect that Lao Wang's rumors there turned out to be true, but we still talked about it and laughed at him."

"I didn't expect the clown to be ourselves!"

"Such a change now really makes us ashamed!"

"I hope the immortals can ignore our stupidity! I will definitely come here every day to serve incense! "

"Alas, that Blue Dragon Immortal is no longer there, just like that novel. After all, after so many years, there is no news about this person. "

"'If you look at it this way, this is a veritable Qinglong Zhenhai Stele. That's true. "

And Lao Wang was also stunned to look at this stone tablet.

I was very emotional.

I almost burst into tears.

"The descendants I waited for have long forgotten you, and as a result, even now, your power is still guarding Liyue Port here."

Because I don't know what else will happen in the depths of the ocean.

These people also left here under the escort of the Thousand Rock Army.

The movement of Qunyuge going over there was naturally also seen by them on the ground.

And on the Jade Pavilion today, several immortals also gathered here.

Ning Guang also said hello to them.

Even Ying arrived here.

After all, the wind blows.

Today's sea is very moving, and there are amazing tentacles-like things moving under the unknown sea, and there is more than one.

It's shocking.

Just by looking at it, you can feel that kind of power (Wang Qian Zhao)!

Even Qian Yanjun turned pale.

Yingdu looked down with thrills, is this the demon god?

So she looks at everyone here.

"That! If you gather the power of all the immortals, will you be able to fight this demon god? "

Didn't think about it.

Several immortals shook their heads.


"With our strength, it is still a lot worse."

"The gap between immortals and demon gods is still real after all, even if this is a weak demon god."

Liuyun added with the help of the wind Zhenjun.

"Only one immortal can cross this level and fight the demon god as an immortal, or even win."

Ying suddenly reacted to the intestines.

"Could it be that you can't say it?"

Lishui Dieshan Zhenjun also nodded.

"Yes, Qinglong Zhenhai Zhenjun, he is the strongest among our immortals. More than one or two demon gods have been defeated by him. "

"However, he's not here now."

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