Of course, Dadalia did not know about this.

Now he is raiding the Golden House with some elite members of the Fools.

This place, where a large number of troops are stationed, is really easy to defend and difficult to attack, and it is very troublesome to deal with.

But fools are not vegetarians.

After taking several means and spending a lot of items researched by the fools themselves, a group of Thousand Rock Army was led away, and a group of transformed Warcraft were contained.

In addition, a large number of Thousand Rock troops fell to the ground under the smoke.

So Dadalia directly rushed in with people and directly entered the Golden House.

Looking at the Thousand Rock Army who kept falling to the ground, Dadalia showed a disdainful smile.

The Doctor is such a genius.

The things that have been researched are so easy to use~.

Of course, this was sent before, and the stock is not much.

He hasn't been in touch with this side since the Doctor's slice overturned.

It seems that he is embarrassed and angry, and he feels that his face is lost.

It's a pity for Dadalia.

If there were more of this thing, wouldn't it be able to take down these obstructing Qianyan Army at once?

Do you still need to take such trouble, let him kill it himself?

After coming to the inside of the Golden Room, there were still a large number of Thousand Rock troops inside, but Dadalia directly clenched the weapon in his hand and swept over with contemptuous eyes.

The battle of the strong against the weak begins!

Not long after, Ying and Paimon, who felt wrong, also came directly.

And fought with Dadalia, who invaded here.

Looking at Ying, who was not weak, his face was also full of excitement, and he twisted his neck.

A clear sound was made.

And his laughter echoed here.

"Good, really good!"

"I didn't expect that you, who have no value, still have such strength, which can make me have fun fighting!"

"Even if you can't beat me, it's okay to let me enjoy the fight."

"Don't worry, I will spare your life."


"Oh? Are you so confident? "

Looking at Dadalia, who was in a state of excitement, Ying was a little puzzled.

Is he so crazy?

Only two moves, feel that you are not his opponent?

But at this time, all the weapons of the Thousand Rock Army that fell to the ground floated, and then with a bang, they stabbed directly towards Dadalia.

This made Dadalia's face startled, and he swung the double sword stream in his hand and sent out a slash.

The power of the water element is intertwined here!

He split the weapons while trying to dodge.

Bell - bell - bell!

The sound of collisions and clashes between weapons continued to sound, and because the collision was too violent, sparks were created.

He holds an armed body with a pure water structure, which can be transformed into many weapon forms.

As a warrior, Dadalia is not bound to a single weapon.

He has a wealth of experience in the use of many weapons.

Zhuwu is proficient!

Don't look at Dadalia holding a bow, in fact, among weapons, the bow is the weapon he is least good at.

Therefore, in order to be able to use it more freely, he will often carry out bows and arrows.

But in real combat, he switches to other stances.

Just like now.

However, these flying weapons were as if they were overwhelming, carrying such an impact, and every time they struck, they would make Dadalia's arms vibrate.

This surprised him.

"What the hell is this weapon? It was very strange when I fought with these Thousand Rock Army before! "

"Why is it so heavy, and it can still release the power of the elements."

"It's as if a weapon has the power to go beyond its limits."

In the face of the attacks of these weapons, he also constantly slashed quickly, and also moved his figure.

But even so, the sudden attack of a spear made his pupils shrink.

I could only put the weapon in front of me and hard catch it down!

That kind of impact directly shook him out!

It took a lot of distance to vent the force.

Such a change also made the stunned god holding the long sword, what happened?

Paimon also flew in surprise.

"Ying, did you see that?"

"The weapon actually flies on its own?!! They all shot towards that [Gongzi]. "

But before they could wonder, there were footsteps at the door of the now relatively quiet golden room.

What appeared in front of everyone was Ye Ruo with a calm face.

It startled them.

"Ye Ruo?"

"How so?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Even Dadalia looked shocked when he saw it.

"Wind Knight Ye Ruo? Mond's warrior with a legendary name! "

"You actually showed up here!"

The puzzle is revealed.

He instantly understood that those weapons must have been controlled by this wind knight.

After all, his power is the wind.

It's too easy to do that.

After watching Ye Ruo appear, Dadalia obviously showed a look of jealousy.

But soon his face was full of fanaticism and belligerence.

"Even if it is your words, I will not stop myself!"

"You know, since I became an executive, my greatest joy is to be able to throw a punch at a stronger person!"

"In the end, this world should belong to the strong, and for those boring and boring weaklings, I can't even bother with the idea!"

"Only continuous strengthening and killing is what I should pursue!"

For his expression, Ye Ruo did not change much.

As always bland.

Ye Ruo instead glanced around, there were quite a few Qianyan Army lying on the ground, and they were injured large and small.

However, because of the help provided by himself, there were no casualties.

The reason why their weapons are the way they are.

It was because of Ye Ruo's Divine Power Golden Pill, which he had refined by the way before he practiced.

Ability to strengthen the weapon itself and gain power beyond limits.

Control the elements and start battles.

It's just that at present, the level of the Thousand Rock Army of this generation has indeed decreased too much.

It was far less powerful than those during the Demon God War.

But it's normal to think about it.

Liyue has been peaceful for too long.

In the era of peace, with the Rock King Emperor, the protective deity, there is no need to fight fiercely.

So the level of the sergeant will naturally decline.

To summarize it simply.

The Rock King Emperor protected them too well.

After taking a look at these Thousand Rock Army and Ying, Ye Ruocai set his eyes on Dadalia.

"Originally, I didn't plan to intervene this time, after all, this is something that people in Liyue should face."

"But in the place that everyone has guarded for so long, now there are people swaggering into the golden house, a little too arrogant, young man."

Dadalia's face turned dark.

Don't look like an elder lecturing the elders.

Obviously, your wind knight is still young, right!

Even if you are very strong, you can't be so breathless.

Only Ying feels very normal, and there is no problem with people saying this.

Dadalia, armed with a weapon, was also more serious than ever.

"It seems that I have to use all my strength, and it is time to arm my demon king as well!"

Facing Ye Ruo, Dadalia changed his style again, and the purple power continued to surge, accompanied by a sizzling arc of light, which was definitely not the power of the elemental power of the Eye of God.

Instead, it looks even more gloomy and evil.

At his feet there was the power of water rushing.

Under the power of the explosion, Dadalia appeared directly with a new attitude, and the energy aura set off directly rushed away from all the surrounding debris!

Ling Yingdu quickly covered his eyes.

Avoid such storms and dust affecting yourself.

"Let's fight!"

Hearing this voice, Ying Ye quickly opened his eyes, could it be that there will be a fierce battle next?

Then Ye Ruo's position remained motionless.

On the contrary, it was Dadalia, and all of a sudden, his whole person was gone.

"Boom !!"

Then I heard a loud bang.

In the distant walls came a startling tremor and resound, as well as Dadalia's belated cry of pain.

The dust cleared, and Ying discovered that the Demon King weapon he had just activated had been directly beaten back to the prototype.

The whole person was beaten into the wall.

The kind that can't be buttoned.

One move.

This seemingly astonishing executive of the fools was stunned.

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