So Ye Ruo walked outside the Jade Pavilion with Condensing Light.

The appearance of the huge group of jade pavilions stepped into their eyes, and for Ning Guang, this was a scenery that he had long been accustomed to on weekdays.

It is also one of the most important objects in her life.

Second only to Mora and Yeruo.

At the beginning, the Qunyu Pavilion was only the size of a room, and after condensing the light and a large amount of wealth invested in it, it had grown into such a behemoth, like a silver moon in the sky above Liyue.

Her dream is that one day the shadow of the Jade Pavilion can shroud the Seven Kingdoms.

So Ning Guang looked towards Ye Ruo proudly.

"How about it, my Qunyu Pavilion looks good."

"Good-looking. It can be described as a solemn and luxurious image, representing the authority and courage of your heavenly power star, and you can still look down from the sky every day. "

"It's a fairy-like dwelling."

Listening to Ye Ruo's praise, the corners of Ning Guang's mouth turned up.

"Hmph, even so. There is still a guy who can't look at this place and doesn't want to stay for a long time. "

For this sentence, Ye Ruo didn't say anything.

The face remained unchanged as he brought up another topic.

"You're waiting for the enemy's move, but are you ready?"

Ning Guang's face also became serious. 980

"The reason why I ordered to hide the immortal body is also to stabilize the situation."

"I have also checked the past affairs on Mond's side, and with the help of the Demon Dragon Usa incident, the fools and the doctor have pressured you."

"Now, because of the death of the emperor, the fools have secretly become active again, which is not a good thing."

"Not to mention that the control of Liyue Seven Stars over Liyue before was not comprehensive, on the one hand, to promote the sending of immortal ceremonies, it was only with the help of this time difference to let us Seven Stars completely take over Liyue."

"Now the mobilization of the Qianyan Army is also underway, Keqing is also working hard, and we have also improved the final machine."

Condensing Guang's tone was very firm.

In any case, God's contract with Liyue has been going on for a long time, and now it has ushered in such a situation.

Naturally, it is up to them to lead people to the new era.

Mortals, even if their bloodlines are fragile, can face it strongly.

Presumably, this is also a scene that the emperor wants to see.

Ye Ruo just looked at her calmly.

"Is it, even if you want to face that ancient demon god?"

"Today's Thousand Rock Army is no longer as strong as it used to be. The original mainstream spear was too heavy and is no longer used (AIEH). "

"But during the Demon God War, every Thousand Rock Army used that kind of weapon, and the Thousand Rock Spear could easily penetrate the rock. If there are a thousand more people in formation, they can move forward. "

"It can be said that a thousand people are in formation, with the advantage of a thousand rocks and spears, the evil spirits are idle, and they are invincible."

"But even so, facing the Demon God is still far from enough. There can only be unstoppable sacrifices. "

"Demon God?"

Condensation is not surprised by this.

"Worthy of fools, even this can be done."

"But even so, our Seven Stars and Thousand Rock Army will guard Liyue Port, big deal, I'll smash this group of jade pavilions down."

Hearing this, Ye Ruo resurfaced a smile.

"Qunyu Pavilion, this is your painstaking thing for so many years, it is gone all of a sudden, you have to feel sorry to death."

"As long as it can stop the enemy, what about the Jade Pavilion. For me, the other two more precious things are still there. "


Ye Ruo also nodded.

"So my trump card for you is to strengthen the Jade Pavilion in all aspects, and let it be used as a weapon in the sky to strike at the sea surface."

"Similar to space-based weapons, of course, it doesn't matter if you don't understand."

"Anyway, if it is powerful, there is no problem at all in dealing with this kind of waste that has been sealed for so long and is weak and unspeakable."

But at this time, Ning Guang suddenly called out to him, and looked at him tightly in his eyes.

"Wait, are you here to help me as an immortal now?"

"Even if, nowadays it is our mortal battle. And I myself am just a mortal woman. Do you want to do this level for me too. "

The wind blew the condensed hair and clothes, making her more beautiful and complicated eyes at this moment,

Ning Guang is an exceptionally intelligent woman.

Even if Ye Ruo just mentioned it casually, he was the reincarnation of an immortal. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He still guessed which immortal Ye Ruo was in his previous life.

For this, Ye Ruo just shook his head.

Then a smile appeared.

"No, in a human capacity. In addition to the identity of the immortal, I am still an alchemy master, but I just let those young people exercise more on weekdays. "

"The immortals can't remember the past, they only remembered it not long ago. However, I have always been the guy who frolicked with you and was called a ghost hater by you. "

"So don't say anything extraordinary, you have always been the light in my eyes."


At this moment, Ning Guang also showed a smile.

Soon after, Ying and Zhongli traveled to Ogihuazhou in search of wild glazed lilies.

The fragrance of this flower is very strong, and it is crushed into powder and placed in an incense burner with immortal incense.

Their Immortal Sending Ceremony is ready.

Even though this flower is very precious and rare, Zhongli still knows that there is still this wild in Ogihuazhou.

It's just that after coming here, I look at the big pits that have been covered up.

Zhongli was surprised.

Is this who came to dig a big dig?

It seems to be an acquaintance.

It's true, but the diggers also took care of the glazed lilies, and the flowers were nothing.

This flower loves to listen to people's songs.

But it has to sound good.

As a result, after the screen went up and sang, a few deception flowers jumped out directly.

Make her doubt life.

No way.

Is it so hard to sing by yourself?

How many meanings does this mean?

Look down on herself, obviously she thinks her singing voice is okay.

Even Barbara praised her well.

So, after experiencing a series of things, the arrival of the immortals made this incident conflict even higher.

It was the most chaotic moment.

However, something that made the fools depressed appeared, and the Qianyan Army did not help Liyue Seven Stars to support the field and intercept the arrival of those immortals.

Instead, they were wrapped up.

Looking at these fierce Qianyan Army, a leading fool asked them very puzzled.

"Why surround us, obviously we haven't done anything wrong."

One of the captains of the Thousand Rock Army also nodded.

"Yes, but now because of the arrival of the immortals, Liyue Seven Stars is a bit passive, so we have to help the adults reduce the pressure from the immortals."

"Well, are you sure you didn't say the wrong thing?"

"Of course I wasn't wrong."

"But we are not immortals!"

"What do you say this has to do with us. Be honest! "

These words almost made many fools spit out a mouthful of blood.

No, are you!

Liyue Seven Stars and Immortals just got up, then you go to find the immortals.

What is the skill of blocking them?

Now the Thousand Rock Army is too lazy to make up a reason in order to target them?

I really don't even want a face!.

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