And in this way, the danger of Kelly directly skyrocketed.

Even though it had not been long since he was born, Ye Ruo could still feel the amazing energy in the life of these two elemental plants.

Take away the headquarters of the Knights in a wave, there is no problem at all.

Moreover, elemental plant life can continue to grow and become stronger.

In time, it will not be a problem for this doomsday mushroom to send half of Mond to the sky.

It is even possible that directly a whole Mond was blown up.

It made Ye Ruo's eyes twitch a little.

He felt that this top-notch elemental plant life authority was not given a little early.

Doomsday mushroom, call it destruction mushroom, this thing is very dangerous.

Fortunately, the character of the doomsday mushroom is an old grandfather type, much better than the impulsive Keli, and the doomsday mushroom itself also likes small animals, which is a very gentle and loving kind.

In addition, Ye Ruo gave an order to the Doomsday Mushroom not to explode in Mond.

In the future, unless you encounter danger, otherwise under normal circumstances, do not blow up.

He didn't want to see the mountains fall.

Or the cliff suddenly makes a loud noise and then collapses.

As the person who extracted the Zen Realm Garden, Ye Ruo had the highest authority.

Don't see that it is all other people who have bound elemental plants, and letting them all rebel is only a matter of Ye Ruo's thoughts.

It's just that he won't do it.

Ye Ruo can command all elemental plants at the same time.

Naturally, he made some restrictions on the doomsday mushroom.

Avoid the Monds or the Knights who are unknowingly sent by Kelly to their grandmother.

It's really an explosion + explosion, a burst and a detonation.

Kelly was happy 493 and got two companions at once.

So while Erin and the girls were still discussing elemental plants, Kelly was already frying fish outside.

Next to the small red figure, two elemental plants followed.

One red nut, one black mushroom.

The former seems to be very lively and active.

The latter closed his eyes and raised his mind, without any unnecessary interest, and looked like an old man.

At this time, Kelly was very happy.

She looked at her companion next to her and said in a cute voice.

"Nut nut, use your ability quickly, divide one out!"

So another red doppelganger jumped directly out of the exploding nut, and then jumped up and jumped directly into the lake in front of him.

"Boom !!"

The lake in front of him directly produced an amazing explosion, the water wave rushed to the sky, the entire lake was violently shaken, countless water sprays were blown out, including a large number of fish!

They all fell from the sky to the surrounding grass, and there were splashes everywhere.

You can also feel the strong flame eruption and burning breath.

Seeing this scene, Kelly clapped her hands happily.

"Great, Kelly can eat grilled fish again, the fish here tastes the best!"

Then Kelly fell into thought again.

"The power still has to be controlled a bit, there are too many fish, and the movement caused is also very large."

"Gotta grab a few and get out of here."

"The movement here has nothing to do with Kelly, yes, it doesn't matter!"

"It's all dried nuts, Kelly is a good boy!"

Exploding nuts:?

It seemed that after seeing the movement or too big, Kelly was startled.

Then he hurried away with the fish.

I'm afraid the Knights are coming again.

Obviously, she had just been released from the confinement room, not long ago.

Let's eat the grilled fish first.

Or you will die!

Presumably Dudu thought the same way.

Only the mushroom of destruction shakes his head, poor fish.

And after that, Kelly found a big "rabbit hole".

Thinking of the cuteness of the rabbit, Kelly couldn't help but drool.

The cute bunny is so delicious!


It's delicious!

It's that this rabbit hole is a bit big, which makes Kelly a little hesitant.

She had blown up similar giant caves before.

It turned out to be a secret place, and the explorers inside were stunned by the impact of the explosion on the spot.

As a result, Kelly was locked up for seven days.

Now she has learned well.

After carefully looking here, there were no traces of people coming, only traces of small animals.

It should be fine.

This time, she ate rabbit meat!

So she gestured again for the exploding nut, made a doppelganger, and let it go deeper into the cave.

As an explosive nut, the ability is to divide 70% of the strength of the doppelganger, allowing it to explode freely.

Perhaps because the power has been reduced.

At present, this fiery red exploding nut can be separated into 15 doppelgangers in a short period of time, and in the future, as it grows, its ability and number of times will become more and stronger.

For now, though. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That's enough time for Kelly.

After all, she can make bombs herself.

In addition, the exploding nuts themselves can also be fried once, and then reappear here in the form of fire element condensation.

It's full power.

As for the doomsday mushroom next to it, Kelly did not dare to use it.

This buddy is one (aibb) secondary.

After using it once, it takes a long time to recover.

So the power will be amazing.

Once used, it is not something that can be solved by a short week of confinement.

She must not be killed by the head of the piano?

Thinking of that scene, Kelly shivered.

So next, under the doppelganger of the exploding nut, this large cave was directly exploded, and with the movement of the explosion and the wave of gas, four people were directly blown out.

Fell to the ground.

This frightened Kelly's face turned pale, and she quickly ran over to check the situation.

"Hey?!! How can there be people! "

"Kelly didn't mean it, just fried the rabbit, woo, are you all right!"

Reze, Winnie, Bennett, Erin: .......

It was a few of them who were blown up.

Originally, they were in another secret realm, because of Bennett's luck, which led to a series of unexpected situations, and that secret realm was directly destroyed.

Fortunately, it is connected to another secret realm.

So they started a new adventure again.

Who would have thought how long this would last?

The sudden explosion and impact directly blew up this secret realm, and they were also blasted out by the heat wave.

This is really powerful!

Everyone's faces have changed drastically.

Fortunately, the distance was relatively far, or maybe Kelly's luck played a role, and several people were bruised.

Not a big problem.

Looking at Kelly, she looked pitiful, sad and sad.

Everyone could only sigh and forgive Kelly.

This foul is cute.

And Kelly is indeed very good-hearted and kind.

Basically, she didn't mean it.

Only Erin had an after-life expression.

"Kelly, I finally understand why you are always locked up, just now I almost thought I was going to end up here."

"Your bomb is really terrifying."

Kelly could only have a sad expression.

"Sister Erin, Kelly really didn't mean it, I really didn't find any traces of you, I just exploded."

"Just want to eat a rabbit."

"Okay, okay, sister forgive you."

"Thank you Sister Erin! Are you guys taking a risk, Gakoli one! "

So, Kelly also joined the team.

became a fivesome.

Not to mention, everyone was surprised to find that the previous frequent crises had miraculously decreased.

Oh, and Bennett himself is sometimes a trick.

But others are a lot better.

It's amazing to make everyone think.

Just half a day later, Ye Ruo sighed at home.

Lisa, who was fiddling with the instrument, heard this and was curious.

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing, those little guys I taught before went on an expedition with Kelly, and they ended up blowing up two ruins."

"Now they're all locked up for seven days."

"Poof, it's good to be young, energetic."

"Don't say that, Lisa, you're also very young, okay, by the way, do you need me to help you study the experiment together?"

This gave Lisa, who was sitting on the wooden bench, a glance at him.

"No, my sister's experiment this time is very important, it must be completed first. If you come over, the wooden stool will become a stool. "

"But fairy arts are really amazing, I feel that my thinking is much faster, and some of the doubts before are now constantly pouring out inspiration."

"It's wonderful, and my skin is even better."

"Honey, thank you. Love you! "。

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