This also made Ye Ruo no longer disturb her.

After all, when experimenting, you still can't be distracted.

Since obtaining a large number of immortal arts, Lisa has already started with her own help, and the power in her body has become a mixture of immortal power and witch power.

And Lisa is also very inspired, studying the experiment that was stopped before~.

She is also a genius.

How can Ye Ruo, a lecherous guy, compare?

Sooner or later, let Ye Ruosing conquer.

It is called to revive the glory of the witch!

She Lisa is obliged!


So for a moment.

It's warm and peaceful.

Ye Ruo also looked at his legendary degree and continued the lottery.

Generally, after storing four or five precious treasure chests, he would draw a wave.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining the pure white armor. 】

【Pure White Armor】

[The armor of legend, which can only be worn by virgins with pure hearts, contains extremely powerful power,]

[Skills: Self-healing, high-speed energy recovery, equipment ability increase, Nian power, pure white enchantment, magic power increase, mana recovery speed increase, full level cooking level, holy healing technique. 】

Ye Ruo:.......

What meat shield armor.

There is quite a lot of ability.

And after seeing the request, Ye Ruo directly ignored this armor.

Jean's words, he was decided.

This characteristic conflicts with himself, after all, people who are close to Ye Ruo are impossible not to eat.

He is not a monk.

So this thing looks chicken, and I will lose it to the treasure house of the Knights in the future.

Let the female knight who has made great achievements use it.

Just let yourself go to eat ashes now.

At most, this pure white will make Ye Ruo feel something.

Once as Rustan, he and Rosalyn once said with great expectations and beautiful words, wanting to create a pure white world.

It is a country that is always pure and flawless.

It is a place like an ideal township.

Later, because of Ye Ruo's ideas, a knight was also contaminated with these ideas and became a pure white knight.

Looking back now.

The original disciple, because he witnessed some things, finally chose to be loyal to the abyss.

Then it is possible that he is still alive.

As for whether he is alive or not, who knows?

Just go ahead and draw the prizes.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining a high-level life tree. 】

【Advanced Life Tree】

【A wonderful tree with a rich source of life, the fruit that grows can be extended for up to a thousand years after eating. 】

Looking at this tree of life in the palm of his hand, Ye Ruo felt a little familiar.

It seems that in the past, I have extracted the fruits of life, right?

Now all the premium versions appear.

Being able to increase the lifespan of a thousand years can be called fairy fruit.

Very worthy of his status as an immortal.

Wait until you plant it in your own small world, and when you have an exclusive world, it is convenient.

The fruits of antiquity before have sprouted.

A thousand years is an extremely long time for most people.

It is also possible for these immortals to ignore it, after all, there is a unicorn that has lived for thousands of years and has not changed much.

But it's not bad to add another thousand years to the immortals.

It can also be used as food for yourself to greet those friends in the future.

Not to mention that there are some immortal beasts, but they don't live long, that is, those that turn into stone statues.

They were basically Ye Ruo's friends back then.

Well, this raffle is kind of interesting.

Then Ye Ruo started the third treasure chest.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining Mora 500,000. 】

Seeing this really made him shake his head.

The biggest loss is to draw this thing.

What is the use of hundreds of thousands of mora.

But seeing that he has an immortal law, the more Mora, the stronger the strength that bursts out.

【Immortal Infinite Mora Art】

It was this trick that killed the sea god in the first place.

Except for the waste Mora, everything else is good.

If he gave Ye Ruo enough Mora, like those top-level demon god attacks, he would dare to face up to the next and bombard a few moves. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

That is, the flow of money.

Forget it, move on to the next one.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and getting the opportunity to draw the exquisite treasure chest ten times. 】


It's time to draw again and not draw.

But the delicate chests are also nice and always come out with something surprising.

It's all there to go.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening ten exquisite treasure chests, obtaining gourmet tablecloth *1, plant contract tokens 20 tokens, Mora 2,000, water grass *1, useless stones *1, a big snow pig king, 30 detonation charms, Mora 5,000, gourmet spices, tattered clothes. ] 】


This made Ye Ruo's eyes light up.

【Gourmet tablecloth】

【You can conjure up the delicious dishes you want, and any food and dish can be prepared for you, and the taste is guaranteed to be extremely delicious. 】

【Gourmet spices】

[As long as this spice is added, no matter how unpalatable the food is, it will immediately become delicious. 】

This time the lottery is related to food.

Food spices don't matter.

After all, Youra's cooking skills are really good.

There is also a snow pig king, the meat of this thing should be delicious.

Of course, he is not a hunter in Qingquan Town, so he does not have to worry about the king of the snowy mountains.

And this one is still extracted by himself, then the one on the snowy mountain should still be there.

It is not the same as the fairy tea tree.

Probably, this has something to do with historical coverage.

Then there's the gourmet tablecloth, which is really convenient, and you can get all the food you want at no cost.

It's just like an artifact.

It's even better than the automatic food-making machine I pumped before, which makes food from air and water.

And gourmet tablecloths are more convenient than it.

Even if it is at home, Eura has to show her skills.

Then if you play in the wild in the future, this gourmet tablecloth will be very convenient.

As for the plant contract token, it is the prop that he let those knight contracts cheat flowers before.

Just give the piano when the time comes.

It didn't work for him.

There is also a delicate treasure chest, which is also drawn.

[Ding, congratulations on successfully opening the precious treasure chest and obtaining a mouthful of the treasure Ice and Fire Immortal Spring]

【Ice and Fire Immortal Spring】

[The immortal spring containing the double wonderful mysteries of ice and fire, the two forces miraculously exist together, and the creation of heaven and earth is born, with a strong fairy spirit. 】

[It can play a role in cultivating immortal methods, repairing wounds, moisturizing the Yuan God, mastering the power of ice and fire, feeding back the body, creating a fairy blessed land and many other functions. ] 】

Looking at a series of functions, the more Ye Ruo looked at it, the more he liked it.

Isn't this the best thing to restore Rosalyn, with those props drawn earlier.

It was able to cure her in a short time.

And the power of ice and fire, it really suits her.

During this time, Rosalyn had been in contact with him, and she completely ignored the actions of the fools on Liyue's side.

It's all Dadalia in command.

Trying to find out where Morax's "body" was stored.

It's good to have an inner ghost.

However, Ye Ruo now feels that he wants Rosalyn to come back, and there is no need to be this inner ghost.

The position of executive officer is not good.

What is the good end of the working boy?

Even if she dies, will the Winter Kingdom stand up for her?

At most, mourning is about the same.

It's really shaky.

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