If it weren't for the fact that the three of them had gone through Ye Ruo's training, I am afraid that this trip would have to go back with some injuries.

It's just the current abrasions and dust, mud and sand.

Everyone thinks it's already good.

If you change to someone else, serious injuries are possible.

You may even be trapped in a cage halfway through, waiting for someone to come to your rescue.

It's so exciting!

Does a normal adventure experience so many changes?

Even Winnie and Irene, who didn't have much adventure, or Reze, who had a wealth of experience in wild survival, had an idea in their heads.

It won't.

Then the truth of the matter comes out, what special abilities this Bennett may have.

Can you make the journey more than a little more difficult?

Or to put it simply.

He has bad luck in him, and even affects the people around him!

So the three of them immediately reacted, why there was no one in the Bennett Adventure Group.

Indeed, ordinary people will be scared back when they add in.

Over time, no one dared to come.

But for them, it is very exciting and can exercise their ability.

If you do this a few more times, I'm afraid that no matter who it is, the strength will rise a lot, right?

After all, this is facing danger!

And remembering the bottomless dark depths in the secret realm just now, Erin was a little glad and wiped her sweat.

"Fortunately, we didn't fall and left in time."

"Not everywhere there is wind, it seems that we will have to prevent this situation in the future, I heard that in the boundless ash sea, there is no wind before."

"That kind of place is terrifying for the Monds!"

"So that Stanley, who returned safely from the Ashless Sea of the Windless Land, is worthy of the legendary adventurer!"

Then Erin brought it up a little.

"When the time comes, after joining the Knights, you can accumulate honor points and exchange them for a magical elemental plant."

"I want to be like that scout knight and see if I can get the approval of the clover, which is a special wind element plant life that makes the wind field."

"For the Monds with Wings of the Wind, it is simply a great helper for exploration!"

Erin's face was full of expectation.

But others wondered.

"Exchange for elemental plants? Can you also make wind farms? "

"Can this kind of thing be done, it's amazing!"

Even Bennett, who was still resting and recuperating, was curious.

"Elemental plants, those deceptive flowers of the Knights before caused a sensation'."

"The adventurers association is discussing here, and many adventurers are envious!"

"It's amazing that there are now a succession of elemental plants!"

In fact, on the way, Bennett saw the knight with the elemental plant.

For example, some knights stationed in the Wangfeng Mountains have strange plants that can bounce around them, which are green pea-like life.

Orbs that can spit out grass elements and attack enemies.

It can also turn into a thorny vine on the ground, blocking and trapping monsters!

Even Bennett saw an ice-blue pea plant that could spew out ice attribute attacks, and burst out a large ice ball, directly squashing a monster camp.

He was shocked!

That's awesome!

Even if its owner did not have the Eye of God, this strange plant around him was still able to exert such power.

But strangely, I only saw the ice blue one at that time.

Most of them are greenery and other species.

Erin explained.

"The blue plant you said is a cold ice pea, which is very strong as an ice attribute plant!"

"It's just that there are not many knights with arrogant personalities and can be recognized, but they are the original kind of ordinary pea shooters, and most people can be successfully recognized."

"Those elemental plants are all miracles brought by Lord Ye Ruo, and they have become the things that the people of the Knights are crazy to pursue today. Everyone is frantically brushing honor points, all kinds of tasks. "

That's called a fanaticism, thinking back to that picture, Erin is very excited.

Because the Knights are serious, the effect is obvious.

Not to mention close, far away from Mond, the monsters are cleaned up and it is difficult to see.

Just follow Bennett, there will be inexplicable monsters!

It seems that some rumor came to mind.

Erin thought bitterly.

"Elemental plants seem to have different abilities, and their combat effectiveness is also different, and some are very different."

"I heard that a super strong ice element plant that has just grown and has just grown has recently been cultivated, and a species called frozen watermelon will originally be born, but Lord Ye Ruo was not present at that time, and he added a little handwriting."

"So there is another special kind, it seems to be called an ice fairy or something, just like an ice elf, cute and powerful."

It recognized the Splash Knight and became her partner. It can be said that it is envious of many people. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Because as soon as that plant was born, it plunged the surrounding area into ice, which could cause cold snaps and blizzards.

And that's just its own natural movement.

Everyone could understand that that elemental plant was extremely strong and special, and even most of the Ice Attribute God Eye holders could not compare.

I still don't know if there is a more terrifying move.

Who doesn't envy ah!

However, such a rare and powerful elemental plant is difficult to recognize.

Too demanding.

Ordinary people, people don't bite you.

Some plants are so arrogant.

Like that special and powerful rare element plant, in fact, the Knights have also cultivated several plants.

Just like a fiery red mutant nut, it has a terrifying and tyrannical fire elemental power, and it looks very cranky.

Give everyone a feeling that it will explode.

However, judging from the breath of power alone, it is very powerful.

At that time, many knights were attracted to bind, and even if the required honor points were high, the knights still had many outstanding members and accumulated to a certain extent.

They think that as long as they can get recognition, get this partner's words.

The combat effectiveness will increase greatly!

As a result, none of the people present were successfully recognized, and the red exploding nuts did not identify with them.

This also poured cold water on the knights.

Elemental plants are very strong.

But it's not so easy to be recognized by them!

You have to be good yourself!

Therefore, many people have taken a second place and chose plants that are less difficult to recognize.

After all, with continuous experimentation, the degree of recognition has also formed a list, and everyone can know.

There are also others who do not have bound elemental plants.

I chose to continue to hone myself, make myself better, and then gain the recognition of that powerful elemental plant!

And later, the fiery red nut actually recognized a knight.

It was the one in the Order who bore the name of the Spark Knight.

After she was released from the confinement room, she came to the Zen Garden curiously and saw the red exploding nuts.

It's a sight to see!

Thinking that this nut is related to oneself, as if it is the same type as oneself, feels very kind.

So Kelly directly got the red exploding nut, so that the nut bounced and left with her.

It's a big surprise.

At the same time, I take it for granted.

The most important thing is still later, and then a terrible elemental plant that consumes a lot of resources is cultivated.

It was a black mushroom, and it had red eyes that looked (Zhao Zhao) unkind.

Its own attributes are both thunder and fire.

Bielement plant life.

Eighty percent of the resources were consumed at once, and the logistics captain in charge of training at that time turned black.

Can she say she ordered wrong?

I really didn't do this on purpose.

And cultivating this obviously has a high probability of failure, and you can only raise one, and the result is successful!

Obviously, this is one of the top elemental plants that can be cultivated in the Zen Garden.

The most outrageous thing is that when Kelly came to play, she took this with her.

The magical little Kelly actually won the recognition of the second elemental plant.

He became the only person in the Knights who could bind the life of two elemental plants at the same time.

Those who have deceived flowers are all because of Ye Ruo's props.

The plants in the Zen garden, they can only be one.

And Kelly, simply by virtue of herself, has won the recognition of two explosive elemental plants.

Such a thing alarmed Captain Qin.

Ye Ruo, who also noticed the changes in the Zen Realm Garden, was also surprised.

Kelly + fried nuts + Japanese mushrooms, what a magical combination.

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