The other scholars were also full of incredulity and exclaimed.

"And this effect is bizarre, this kind of light is too bright." You can see it clearly from afar, more daytime than day! "

"It's amazing, this is already much stronger than our Sumi."

On weekdays, they must be so bright at night.

It's all normal kind of lighting.

Leave the lamppost a little, and the stalls next to it have to be placed with that kind of small lamp to be brighter.

As a result, Mond's current level simply exploded them!

This is also outrageous.

Not a level at all.


If you write a paper in the evening, it will be ~ very cool to use such light.

"And what are these pillars, they all seem to use special alchemical means, and there are wonderful words or symbols?" -"

"Strange, I can't even understand!"

"It's impossible, I'm also a good alchemist."

One scholar fell directly into doubt about his own level.

To hell it really is!

Obviously, when he was in the Holy Order Institute before, everyone praised him, which made his heart a little fluttering.

I didn't expect to come to Mond, and I couldn't even understand people's new lights and power flow methods.

Ashamed, he lowered his head.

One of them even brightened his eyes and stared at these electric pillars tightly.

"Obediently, if you can remove one and let me take it apart and study it, I feel that I can get a lot of useful information."

"Mond's alchemy level seems to have developed to an extremely advanced stage, and we Sumeru have unknowingly been surpassed, and such runes do not seem to be just engraved on it."

"It seems that it also played an effect on the transmission of electricity?"

"It's not just alchemy, there's other technologies in it."

"Don't say anything about you!"

Just when he looked drooling, a friend next to him quickly grabbed him and told him to shut up.

Because not far away, a knight of the Zephyr Order looked at this with a bad face.

There are even people who directly discuss stealing the pillars?

That's too daring!

This made the scholar immediately come to his senses and quickly explain in embarrassment.

"Ahem, misunderstood, misunderstood, I'm just talking."

A few Sumeru scholars hurriedly left here, and if they stayed any longer, they were afraid that they would be arrested by the Zephyr Knights.

But even other places have these lights.

This made them also marvel and talk about it.

"It's a pity that our Sumeru side once planned to use the electric tree as a power center, but it was opposed by the scholars of the Su Theory."

"They think it's too dangerous, the current is uncontrollable!"

"Later, I did do an experiment and took ten mushroom pigs. As a result, they were all electrocuted on the spot. I heard that it was quite fragrant at that time. "

"Frightened by the experimenters and sages at the time, they directly rejected the plan, considered it unfeasible, and sealed it."

"Strange, where's Mond's Electrocution Tree? How did they do it? "

However, several Meru scholars looked around and in the distance, and did not see the electric tree.

Instead, the large windmill is still spinning.


Mond is using a very different approach from theirs, which is even more powerful.

This made them have mixed feelings and complicated faces.

What the hell is going on with Mond.

It was their Sumeru's yak again, and it was Sumeru's tiger's, which already made Meru's face strange.

When did you get it?

And there is also a long-sideded tiger that seems to be a stronger individual.

The Monds are amazing!

As a result, the magic airships that appeared later began to make them unable to understand.

Not to mention the big battle in Mond before, it shocked all sides.

Magic Airship vs. Ruins Guard, even other countries received the news.

Even the [Steambird Newspaper] on Fontaine's side deliberately recorded this incident with a large front.

And pictures.

I heard that the issue of the Steam Bird Daily was robbed, and it was once a hit!

Sales are very good.

Such a wonderful and powerful alchemy prop has been talked about by countless people.

Mond's military power has soared!

There are many high-level officials of other countries who are red-eyed by such equipment, and the powerful role that alchemy airships can play, they will not fail to see.

It is precisely because I can notice its value that I want it even more. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


How Mond is engaged in air units.

It's amazing to have a wind god, isn't it?

Although it will also be reported that it is related to that wind knight.

But many people do blush.

They have seen the magical airship of Mond Future shuttling through various countries, and new modes of transportation have emerged.

Leading the new trend!

As a result, Mond is now engaged in electricity and new ways of energy, which is really unexpected.

How did they advance by leaps and bounds?

Some Meru scholars remembered.

"Oh yes, that senior Lisa seems to have returned to Mond early, will it have something to do with her."

"After all, that's a genius known as once in two hundred years."

His companion also nodded.

"It's possible. After all, for us, that senior sister Lisa is a legendary figure, and she seems to hold the position of [Big Palm] here in Mond. "

"Mond's library is the largest and most complete library in Hokuriku, and it's really amazing that she is directly in charge of it."

The changes in Mond today are also amazing for these scholars.

And then they didn't have to talk about the novels again.

I have to say that this time in Mond gave them a big surprise.

And this night in Mond, the knights have been busy.

It is also to maintain order, and it is to guard the key power connection points.

They were also very pleased with the results of the experiment.

Qin, Ye Ruo, Albedo they all said a lot, in the process, in the face of Ye Ruo's praise, Albedo just slowly shook his head.

He believes that the books given by Ye Ruo have played a big role.

It is only a role in making it itself.

And as the knights move around.

Jean also plans to go back to headquarters to deal with the incident, and today it looks like she is going to work overtime.

But at this time, Ye Ruo suddenly stopped her.

This made her a little puzzled.

"Senior, what's wrong."

"I have a gift for you, I hope you like it."

Then Qin saw that a delicate and good-looking ring suddenly appeared in Ye Ruo's hand, dragon-shaped.

The style is similar to the one he wears on his own finger.

Ye Ruo also said: "Come, let me put it on for you."

This made Jean panic all of a sudden, revealing a look and expression that she had never had before, and she immediately became a mess in her head and lost her thinking.

Because the meaning of giving a ring is so unusual!

And the man himself puts it on the woman, which only represents one meaning.

That's courtship.

As a result, she, who has always been calm and calm, showed the panic of a girl.

"Senior, senior! Don't you have Lisa and Yura, why, why did you propose to me?!! "

"Don't be."

"I, I can't be a third party, their happiness, I can't disrupt."

"This ring, this ring, I don't want it, senior, I still have business, so I'll go and get busy first, and then goodbye."

Facing Ye Ruo's ring, Qin's face turned red on the spot, her eyes trembled, and then she fled here in embarrassment.

Ye Ruo:?

This made Ye Ruo stunned for a moment, he just gave a ring.

This is a prop that can use the surrounding water element out of thin air.

It was he who refined, the enhanced version of the imperial tool.

If the piano is worn, it is equivalent to having an extra water elemental eye out of thin air, and it can use the ability of dual systems.

So let her put it on and experiment with it.

It turned out to scare Jean away.

This also made Ye Ruo dumbfounded.

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