It seems that I have to find another opportunity next time and give it to her.

I didn't expect Jean to be so sensitive.

Suddenly ashamed like that, Ye Ruo saw her blush from her face to the root of her ears at an extremely fast speed.

I know how much stimulation this time has been for her.

Also, such behavior does look like a young man courting a woman.

The lethality of the piano is even more complete.

Just ran away.

However, this kind of piano is also very cute.

After all, no matter how mature and elegant she looks, Jean is also a 19-year-old girl.

When you meet love, you immediately catch blind.

Of course, Jean is still too simple.

But whenever she comes to say a word, I am not here to break up this family, but to join, it will be done immediately.

But this kind of thing, Jean can't say it.

She is a "297" person with an excellent aristocratic upbringing.

Unwillingness to disturb the happiness of others.

It seems that she still has to do her thought work, which is not to disturb everyone's happiness, but to make happiness more.

Since possessing the body of the green dragon, Ye Ruo has felt that both Eura and Lisa are no longer enough.

Often they are exhausted.

I'm fine.

Ye Ruo took pity on them and used immortal power to restore them.

So it's time to add new wings.

And Qin, who fled in embarrassment, quickly found a remote place to quickly regain his composure.

She exhaled heavily, and it was not until a cool breeze blew on her face after a while.

However, remembering what happened just now, it still made her blush quickly, and quickly covered her face.

Then he looked to the side worriedly.

After discovering that there was no one, I was relieved.

This is a side that she has always had a mature demeanor, but does not have.

Instead, it's more like a girl in love.

Jean really didn't think of it.

The senior, who has always had a good impression, would actually give a ring to show his love today.

It's hard to do.

It turns out that the seniors also have a good impression of themselves???

And it's too fast!

I can't react at all.

But remembering his behavior just now, Jean actually regretted in his heart, if he agreed, then he would be able to be with his seniors, right?

But Jean immediately shook his head.

No way!

I can't be sorry for Lisa and Yura, both of whom have a good relationship with me.

Lisa is her best friend.

And Eura is also a friend, and sometimes after Eura returns from a mission, she will come to the office to have tea with herself.

Of course, the other knights always thought that Eura was constantly trying to challenge herself.

There is actually no such thing.

Eura has a good personality.

Jean knows this.

So in this case, I can't rob them of their happiness.

Otherwise, how will I face them in the future?

And it is precisely because the predecessor has a love object that Jean has always put his love in his heart.

After all, her exquisite love has never been multi-woman's.

It's just that every time he sees Ye Ruo, Qin will still be unconsciously attracted.

She has been distressed.

If I could have opened my heart early, it wouldn't be like this now, right?


My sister's affairs were not handled by myself.

As a result, she failed to handle the affairs of the seniors.

I'm such an idiot. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And the most important thing is that Jean doesn't know how to face the seniors next.

If he continued to give himself the ring, would he refuse?

Confused, Jean chose to return to her office, trying to distract herself from her work.

However, today's piano is destined to work very inefficiently.

Fortunately, the knights were outside, and there was nothing to do.

So after overtime, Jean also dragged her body back to the house and chose to sleep.

However, when Jean slept in her bed, she couldn't sleep well, and all she kept thinking about was this matter.

Finally tired came up, after falling asleep.

Qin dreamed of Ye Ruo again.

When she woke up the next day, Jean's face was red and dripping blood, so she could only quickly change her clothes.

So ashamed that she almost lost her face.

Fortunately, no one knew.

For the next few days, Qin avoided Ye Ruo and did not dare to meet him.

Let Ye Ruo spread her hands, she is also too shy.

Why do you look faceless?

Obviously gave the ring, but he was only right 0........

Jean didn't do anything again.

It's really a green piano, it can't stand up to teasing or something.

and the active and charming Lisa, completely two extremes.

So after feeding Lisa and Eura couldn't stand it, Ye Ruo also began his own actions, he first told the windy Goodwin and let him obediently roll back.

For Goodwin, Ye Ruo was also speechless.

Obviously, he specially said it when Falga led the expedition, telling these people not to lose precious things on the road, so as to leave them behind or something.

And even if you fall behind, and now you can't find the expedition, then come back.

No shame!

As a result, he really did not expect how Goodwin would fall behind again.

This Goodwin is a direct knight personally selected by Falgar, as the elite of the Knights who specialize in charging battles.

Oh, of course, he also has a lover who is a blind woman.

The one who often sits on the bench is called Glorie.

After paying attention to the expedition leaving Mond, and no one was left behind, Ye Ruo no longer paid attention to this matter.

Unexpectedly, Goodwin was left behind and had no face to go back, so he could only choose to be active in the wild.

But he didn't know that with the alchemy airship, it would only be a matter of time before other knights noticed him, and it would be even more humiliating at that time.

So Ye Ruo shook his head and drove him back directly.

This kid.

Even a good player in charge is still a 5.3 tendon.

Since you can't go back to the expedition, isn't it also a waste to stay outside all the time?

And because the Winnie who was saved from the Doctor last time also joined the Knights, Ye Ruo looked at her performance and planned to teach it.

By the way, that Erin also taught it together.

If you train alone all the time, the effect is very low.

As a future knight, if Erin can teach her what she learns if she has a good understanding in the future, then joining the Knights is not a big problem.

In the spirit of teaching one is also teaching, teaching two is also teaching, and it doesn't hurt to have a few more.

Ye Ruo went to the Benwolf Leader by the way and found his apprentice.

A teenager named Reize.

His one-handed sword technique was taught by Ye Ruo.

After greeting that king wolf, Lei Ze was carried back by Ye Ruo! .

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