It's just that Ye Ruo also sighed.

Originally, Wendy focused most of her efforts on maintaining the climate, and also blew the wind from the past.

Not vain.

I'm afraid I'll almost be out of breath.

But people's faith should help him.

Even without the Heart of God.

After all, Wendy is not an ordinary wind element elf at all, and it is normal to be a little special.

And since Sky Island can create the heart of God, the act of exercising management and ruling, it can accumulate props of divine power.

Then the gods on Sky Island themselves may have similar abilities.

How to say, faith conversion?

It's just that the effect is not very great.

For them.

Otherwise, these gods who manage the ground now will not let them kill themselves, and directly end up airborne to pick peaches.

Sky Island, however, didn't do that.

A god's heart came out and handed it over to the seven earthly rulers below to manage.

Since props are also communication tools, there may be other functions.

These things, who knows?

It's just a guess.

Anyway, just look at Wendy's state when the time comes.

Flashes with the picture of the past.

Today's Mond people look at the city that is now brightly lit, and they also have mixed feelings and feelings.

Those dark and lightless pasts, and today's cities.

The 740 is a stark contrast.

This feeling is very strong.

It really makes everyone feel how hard-won such a light is.

From the long night, came Mond.

This was also the result of the research that Lord Ye Ruo and the alchemist had researched.

I heard that whether it is the terrifying alchemy weapons of the Knights or those magic airships, they are all related to Lord Ye Ruo.

Everyone is also full of admiration and admiration.

Even if the wind knight is not a wind god, he is still full of mystery.

It's a legend.

For Mond, it can be said that it is a huge contribution.

It also added so much real history, which was confirmed by Lord Fengshin, which can be described as setting off a huge movement.

I don't know how many historians want to visit Ye Ruo.

And the propaganda about history and culture has been going on continuously before.

This is Ye Ruo's strong demand that the Knights must return history to Mond.

This also made the belief of the Four Winds Guardian also begin to warm up rapidly.

The temple of the gods (aiec), which had long since withered, was also restored and sacrificed by people.

Oh, yes.

The Four Winds Guardian should not be forgotten.

What was originally withered by the Canrea Magic Plague is now blooming again with prosperous flowers.

And the story of the wind god written by Ye Ruo, the story of the guardian of the four directions, and the story of Rustan have already begun to spread wildly, and a large number of new works have been extended, and many poets have created one similar poem after another.

It's as if an IP was born with a large number of two devices.

This is a point that Ye Ruo is happy to see.

In this way, the story will become more and more a classic and be passed down forever.

The figures of those people will also be firmly imprinted in people's hearts.

Including Ye Ruo's previous life Rustan, it is naturally the same.

Of course, the more the two sets, doesn't this promote the more famous the main work?

The more benefits Ye Ruo can get.

It's all legendary.

Symbolizes a large number of treasure chests, a large number of good things.

Isn't this day passing and getting cooler?

And with the lights outside, it means that Mond has officially ushered in the era of electricity. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There's no need to slowly come from the steam age there.

Anyway, the road of Tivat, all countries are very crooked.

You crook me even more.

That's it.

And the residents of Mond can also ask the Knights of the West Wind to install a series of alchemical electric lights to make the house directly brighter.

Of course, this one is charged.

It's not particularly expensive, though.

After all, everyone also understands that alchemy props are very troublesome to manufacture and require a lot of materials.

There are also many people who feel that the fee can be a little higher.

It's as if everyone is poor.

This is also the work of supporting the Order!

You're welcome.

Lord Fengshen would definitely be happier if he saw their actions.

Building Mond is everyone's responsibility.

Tonight was destined to be a busy and lively day, and the alchemists followed the knights everywhere to check if there was any problem with the alchemy line and whether there was a better transmission.

If something goes wrong, it can be fixed.

After using alchemy, elements, runes and other means, the harm to electric energy can be greatly reduced, and it can be well used and maintained.

After systematic learning, ordinary knights can get started.

Not to mention the alchemists.

This profession is really getting more and more promising.

Let them all be happy.

I heard that some alchemists on Meru's side looked down on their Mond side.

But even that wise country doesn't have the light like Mond today, right?

Watching Lord Ye Ruo successively take out information on promoting the development of alchemy theory, everyone had a trace of ambition.

Is it possible that all the alchemists of Meru will have to come to Mond to study in the future?

That's cool.

After all, Meru is a country of knowledge, and many people from other countries in the Seven Kingdoms have studied in the past.

That was how it was many years ago.

If Mond can become an alchemy country in the future, even Meru will have to obey, it will be powerful.

These alchemists were thinking like this.

Now it is, fantasy time.

It's just that with Ye Ruo's help, it is really possible that Mond will be able to become a magical country in the future.

On Mond's side, there are indeed some Meru.

Some of them are scholars conducting a series of topics such as field biological surveys, habitats and living environments, updates of historical documents in Mond, and the history of Mond drinking.

Meru is also very volatile, and various topics and research projects are available.

But at this time, they were all dumbfounded.


Now the bright light of Mond, for these scholars from Meru, the impact is actually very great!

It took a while before he spoke out in amazement.

"This, isn't this the use of electrical energy, through a complex circuit matrix, the electrical energy is transmitted to all parts of the city."

"Oh my God, I remember this was the idea of a scholar of the Mystic School, and he meant to use the electricity of the electric tree, and that kind of life can emit a continuous flow of electricity from the canopy."

"How did Mond study it in advance, it seems to be much more advanced than we thought."

"How did Mond's development become like this all of a sudden!".

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