Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 116 Familiar Assassin

It's quiet at night.

The small town located at the edge of Yanzhou and Linzhou has already fallen into sleep.

Outside the inn, there are guards patrolling in plain clothes, and there are also secret sentries hidden in the darkness in the town, monitoring every move of the entire town.

Any wind blowing on the grass will immediately arouse their alertness.

When entering the capital this time, the safety of His Royal Highness is their most important responsibility. Now that they have left Linzhou, they must proceed with caution, just in case.

Lin Qingqing patrolled and checked as usual, making sure there was nothing abnormal inside or outside the inn, and then returned to the room.

Until late at night, when the whole inn became quiet. A strange figure appeared at the stairs of the inn at some point, stepping lightly on the wooden floor without making any sound.

This dark shadow took advantage of the subtle moonlight cast by the corridor window and skillfully touched the door of Lin Jiangnian's room.

There were guards in plain clothes patrolling outside the inn, but the outside of Lin Jiangnian's room was empty without any guards guarding him.

As early as when she left the city, Lin Qingqing was worried about His Highness's safety, and indeed planned to send someone to protect His Highness's safety for twelve hours. However, His Highness rejected it mercilessly and drove away all the guards outside the door, saying that someone outside the door would disturb his sleep.

As for the real reason, it’s self-evident!

The road was full of dust and wind, and Lin Jiangnian coaxed the little maid Xiaozhu to stay with him. Naturally, he did not want anyone to eavesdrop outside the door at night.

This affects his performance greatly!

Therefore, although there were guards patrolling outside the inn, there was no one outside the corridor inside the inn.

This figure successfully groped to the door of Lin Jiangnian's room, took out a dagger from under his wide sleeves, slowly inserted the dagger along the crack of the door, and then, little by little, skillfully and lightly opened the door bolt.

From beginning to end, not a single sound was made.

It’s easy to get used to it!

The door opened, and the black figure slowly walked into the room. He held his breath, held the dagger in his hand, and walked towards the screen in one step, two steps.

Go through the screen and approach the bed.

From a distance, I saw a person lying on the bed!

A vague figure.

At this moment, a glimmer of light burst out from the black shadow's eyes!

A fierce killing intent emerged.

The next second, she suddenly appeared beside the bed, holding the dagger in her hand, and stabbed the 'figure' on the bed fiercely.

The movements were extremely ferocious, fast and cruel, as if they had been practiced hundreds of thousands of times and were extremely familiar.

As the dagger fell, it didn't feel like it was piercing the flesh and skin as expected. Instead, it felt more like... piercing cotton?


The black shadow's pupils suddenly shrank, he took a closer look, and suddenly opened the quilt on the bed. When she saw the pillow placed under the quilt, her pupils suddenly shrank!

Fallen into a trap? !

A chill instantly emerged from her back, and her whole body suddenly became tense.

What, how is it possible?

Why isn't the prince here? !

He, hasn't he already...

Where is he? !

At this moment, she was frightened and angry. She suddenly raised her head and looked around, only to see that the dark room was completely empty.

Where are people?

"Young Prince, get out?!"

A low voice, accompanied by gnashing of teeth.

No one on the bed? !

Clearly, something is wrong.

The next second!


There was a dull sound, and the door behind him suddenly closed.

She turned around suddenly and finally saw a figure appearing at the door. Even though it was just a dark figure, she still recognized the other person at a was the Prince of Prince Lin!

Lin Jiangnian!

"Young prince, suffer death!"

Holding the dagger in her hand tightly, her figure suddenly disappeared from the place and suddenly attacked Lin Jiangnian at the door.

However, just after taking a few steps, she suddenly swayed, her head felt dizzy, her whole body felt useless and heavy, and her physical strength seemed to be disappearing rapidly.

This, this is...? !

A look of panic immediately appeared on her face, what is going on? !

She was so frightened that she realized something was wrong!

A big trick!

Immediately, not caring about the life of the prince, he turned and headed towards the window, wanting to escape from here.

However, I turned around and didn't run a few steps...


The figure staggered, and his legs became weak and he fell to the ground, unable to regain the strength.

She looked horrified and her pupils shrank.

It’s over!

At this moment, the room suddenly slowly lit up. As all the oil lamps were lit, the room became brightly lit again. The light illuminated the 'female assassin' lying on the ground, and also illuminated Lin Jiangnian's delicate and handsome face not far away.

After blowing out the fire stick in his hand, Lin Jiangnian turned around and looked at the 'female assassin' lying on the ground limply not far away.

"Deng Deng stare!"

Outside the room, there was a sudden rush of footsteps, and then Lin Qingqing's figure appeared outside the door, her voice anxious: "Your Highness?!"

Obviously, Lin Qingqing sensed something was wrong.

At that moment, she heard the movement in His Royal Highness's room and immediately came to check.

"I'm fine!"

Lin Jiangnian said calmly: "My prince has caught a female assassin!"

Hearing that His Highness met the assassin, Lin Qingqing outside the door immediately became anxious. Just as he was about to speak, he heard Lin Jiangchang's understatement: "Step back, I have already captured the assassin, don't worry. "

There was silence outside the door.

After a while, he said: "Then, if His Highness has any orders, please inform your subordinates at any time."

Despite this, Lin Qingqing did not go far, and was obviously still worried about Lin Jiangnian in the room.

This inn is heavily guarded. How did the assassin get in?

Thinking of this, Lin Qingqing's face turned extremely ugly. She was responsible for protecting His Highness's safety, and now the assassin swaggered into His Highness's room... Wasn't this a slap in the face?

Lin Jiangnian didn't care what Lin Qingqing was thinking outside the door. He walked slowly to the 'female assassin' on the ground and his eyes fell on her.

Dressed in black, a standard assassin night uniform, and with a pretty face... Isn't this the innkeeper's daughter?

"It's you?"

Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes. There were guards guarding the door. The assassin could not get in, but he did not expect that the assassin was already in the inn.

Is this still a black shop? !

The 'female assassin' who was lying limp on the ground was staring at Lin Jiangnian with fierce and cold eyes.

This fierce and cold look looked familiar to Lin Jiangnian for some reason.

Like...where have you seen it?

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face for a moment, then suddenly realized something and reached out to get closer.

"what are you doing?!"

The 'female assassin' saw Lin Jiangnian suddenly reaching out towards her, and immediately glared at him with fierce eyes: "You stay here..."

She wanted to struggle, but her whole body was weak, her head was too dizzy and she couldn't muster any strength.

It was obvious that he had been drugged...

Unexpectedly, she would be tricked here!

Lin Jiangnian successfully reached out and touched the face of the female assassin in front of him. He touched it gently and soon found something wrong on her thin and white neck.

After kneading it gently, I saw a light film adhering to my neck.


The 'female assassin' seemed to realize something, and immediately struggled and said angrily: "You, let go..."


Lin Jiangnian easily tore off the membrane around his neck, and the thin silk masks were torn off one by one, revealing the true appearance of the 'female assassin' in front of him.

Exquisite facial features, exquisite and small, willow-leaf eyebrows, slender eyes, and red lips, making her look like a beautiful and extremely beautiful face.

At this moment, he was staring at Lin Jiangnian angrily, with an expression of indescribable resentment and shame.

When Lin Jiangnian saw this face.

"It's you?!"

After being stunned for a moment, Lin Jiangnian quickly recognized the other party's identity.

Isn't this the same female assassin who pretended to be an oiran in Yingfeng Garden more than a month ago and deceived Lin Jiangnian into the room with evil intentions? !

Is it her again? !

The last time she assassinated Lin Jiangnian in Yingfeng Garden, she was finally discovered by Lin Jiangnian, who was prepared for it, and she fled in a panic. Since then, people from the palace have been searching for her whereabouts, but to no avail.

Lin Jiangnian had almost forgotten her, but he didn't expect her to appear here again?

Lin Jiangnian suddenly felt thoughtful.

No wonder she was able to avoid the eyes of the guards outside the inn. The female assassin in front of her was best at disguise. Last time I pretended to be an oiran, this time I pretended to be the innkeeper's daughter? !

After Shen Lingjun realized that his identity was exposed. No longer covering up, she stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely and cursed angrily: "Young Prince, you deserve to die!"

"Despicable, shameless!"


Lin Jiangnian looked at her: "When did I become despicable?"

"You actually drugged me?!"

Shen Lingjun stared at him, filled with anger.

The last time I assassinated him, I almost succeeded!

This time I finally found an opportunity, but I didn’t expect it to fail...

He was even drugged by the other party, and he couldn't even lift a trace of strength.

Why is he so mean and shameless? !

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were playful: "Only you are allowed to administer the medicine, but this prince is not allowed to administer the medicine?"

Shen Lingjun showed a hint of astonishment: "You, you know?"

Soon, she suddenly realized something and stared at him: "No, why, why are you okay?"

She clearly remembered that she pretended to be the shopkeeper's daughter and drugged the medicine in the kitchen tonight, and she also saw Lin Jiangnian drinking tea with her own eyes. After the medicine had almost taken effect, she took the opportunity to fumble over and wanted to kill the son of a bitch quietly with a knife!

Unexpectedly, it still failed!

She didn't understand, what went wrong?

This son of a bitch clearly drank her drug, so why was he fine?

"Maybe this prince is a lucky person?"

Lin Jiangnian had no intention of explaining to her.

He practiced the Tai Gu mind method taught to him by Liu Su. Although he has just started to practice it, his body has already produced antibodies.

At the beginning, Lin Jiangnian wanted to learn Taigu Mind Technique, but he was attracted by its miraculous effect of being immune to all poisons. Although Lin Jiangnian, who is just starting out today, cannot be completely immune to the effects of drugs, he is still keenly aware of various intoxicating drugs and poisons.

When he was in the lobby before, he noticed something was wrong with the tea. However, he didn't say anything, and drank the tea calmly as usual. After returning to the room, he used his inner strength to spit out the tea.

Then, wait quietly for the fish to take the bait!

Since someone dared to drug him, there would naturally be follow-up plans. Sure enough, when the assassin came to the door, he was caught by Lin Jiangnian on the spot!


When he heard Lin Jiangnian boasting about himself, Shen Lingjun sneered: "You are a son of a bitch, full of evil, and everyone will punish you. Sooner or later, you will die a good death!"

Lin Jiangnian looked at the female assassin in front of him who wanted to eat him alive, and sighed softly: "Can you use some more words to curse me? It's just these words that come back and forth. If you don't get tired of it, I am tired of hearing it!"

Shen Lingjun was so angry that he opened his beautiful eyes and called him a son of a bitch. He was still tired of hearing it? !

"Young prince, don't be too arrogant. Sooner or later, I will take your life and make you die badly!!"

Lin Jiangnian shook his head lightly: "I'm afraid you won't have this chance... You fell into the hands of this prince, do you still want a chance to take revenge?"

A look of panic flashed through Shen Lingjun's eyes, and she suddenly realized that she had been drugged by this prince, and lost her ability to resist.

The assassination failed and he was in danger. Then, I'm afraid he's dead!

With how cruel this prince is, how could he let her go?

"Kill me if you can!"

Thinking of this, Shen Lingjun closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and looked forward to death: "But don't be complacent, even if I die, there will still be people who want to avenge me. If I die, there will be countless people who want your life. There is reincarnation in the way of heaven. ...Sooner or later you will suffer retribution!!"

Lin Jiangnian looked condescendingly at the female assassin with a tight little face in front of him, who looked like she was ready to die heroically, feeling a little dazed.

Why does her posture make him look like a dog villain who does all kinds of evil?


Lin Jiangnian glanced at her. From the first time he saw her last time, Lin knew that she was probably a nosy woman with a somewhat chivalrous heart but not a very smart mind.

This is basically the case for new entrants!

As for where her chivalrous heart came from, Lin Jiangnian didn't care.

"kill you?"

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her: "You want to die?"

Shen Lingjun still looked fierce and sneered: "If I fall into the hands of a bitch like you, will this girl still have a chance to survive?"

This son of a bitch can even kill ordinary people who are helpless. What else can't he do?

If it falls into his hands, what will happen?

Even before she came, she had already prepared to fail and die. Even if I die, I will never be insulted by him!

"My prince never kills innocent people indiscriminately. If you don't want to die, my prince can give you a way to survive!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes were playful: "Why don't you tell me who ordered you to assassinate my son?"

"In other words, who is your accomplice behind you? And where is it?"

"As long as you tell me, I will let you live, how about it?"

The last time the female assassin was allowed to escape, the palace's people searched the whole city but could not find her whereabouts. Lin Jiangnian realized that there might be an accomplice behind the female assassin.

If you can escape the search of the palace, the power behind you will not be small.

Now that she was in Lin Jiangnian's hands, she naturally had to be interrogated.

Shen Lingjun stared at him and sneered again and again: "I don't have any accomplices... You are a bitch who is full of evil. I killed you to do justice for heaven, to seek justice for the people of Linjiang City, and to seek justice for Miss Yingying. !!”

"You son of a bitch, you deserve to die!!"


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