Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 115 All the way north

It has been more than half a month since Lin Jiangnian left Linjiang City and headed north.

Lin Jiangnian's longing and expectation for the outside world from the beginning was quickly exhausted in the boring days.

I have to say that traveling is the most torturous.

The journey of thousands of miles from Linjiang City to the capital took at least two months and at most I didn’t know when we would arrive. The road was bumpy. Although it was an official road, the official road was full of potholes and in disrepair. On rainy days, the road was muddy and it was difficult for carriages to move, which made it even more miserable.

And the peace and harmony along the way also wiped out the last trace of Lin Jiangnian's excitement.

At this moment, a carriage was driving slowly on the official road, heading north. In front and behind the motorcade, there were many royal guards in plain clothes and swords, standing ready.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, was lying in the car bored.

After all, as Prince Lin's prince, the carriage he rides is different. It is made of special materials and will not bump violently even on the muddy road.

The car was covered with soft cushions and a soft couch, filled with a light and pleasant fragrance. Lin Jiangnian lay lazily on the soft couch, his head resting on... Xiaozhu's lap.

In the carriage, apart from Lin Jiangnian, there was only the personal maid Xiaozhu who was accompanying him all the way.

It was a long way to the capital, so Lin Jiangnian naturally brought along the only familiar little maid beside him.

Euphemistically called taking care of His Highness's daily life along the way.

It was her first time traveling far away, and the little maid was obviously quite excited. Of course, the most important thing is to be able to stay with His Highness again.

When she learned that His Highness was going to Beijing to marry the princess, the little maid was obviously disappointed. She didn't have many friends in Prince Lin's Mansion, and the only people she knew well were Sister Zhiyuan and His Highness the Crown Prince. Now that Sister Zhiyuan has left the palace for a long journey, His Highness is also leaving, leaving her alone. Naturally, she is frightened and a little uneasy.

And when she learned that His Highness was going to take her to the capital, the little maid was naturally overjoyed. Along the way, I followed His Highness with all my heart, took care of His Highness's daily life, ate and slept with him, and was extremely responsible.

At this time, Lin Jiangnian and Xiaozhu were the only two people in the carriage.

Xiaozhu was wearing a turquoise skirt, sitting upright by the soft couch, her face was slightly red, and her eyes were lively and seemed to sparkle with a hint of shyness.

Looking down, he saw Lin Jiangnian lying lazily on the soft couch beside him, with his head resting unceremoniously on Xiaozhu's legs. Xiaozhu's legs were slightly numb from the pressure, but he didn't make a sound.

Sitting upright, letting His Highness lean on his pillow, and dealing with His Highness's restless hands from time to time.

The carriage was driving on the official road, moving forward slowly. The interior of the carriage was warm and peaceful.

Until, the carriage slowly stopped not long ahead.

Lin Qingqing's voice appeared outside the carriage.

"Your Highness, after passing the checkpoint ahead, we will leave Linzhou and enter the territory of Yanzhou. From Yanzhou to the capital, there is still at least a month to travel. But next, we have to be careful!"

This time Lin Jiangnian went to the capital, the battle was not small. After Lin Qingqing left as Zhiyuan, the pro-military general responsible for Lin Jiangnian's safety naturally shouldered the responsibility of protecting His Royal Highness.

Since leaving Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian has not encountered any assassination so far. The journey was safe and sound, and these were naturally inseparable from Lin Qingqing.

Long before Lin Jiangnian set out, the prince's troops had already opened the way, and all possible safety hazards had been eradicated along the way.

Of course, it is also related to the fact that Lin Jiangnian is still in Linzhou.

Linzhou is Linwang's territory. Once any accident occurs on the Linzhou territory, soldiers and horses belonging to Linwang's forces from various places will come to rescue immediately.

Therefore, there is no need to worry too much in Linzhou territory.

But once they leave Linzhou and lose the protective umbrella of Linzhou, Lin Jiangnian and his party will face unknown challenges. And those who are hiding in the dark will start to make moves.

"Just stick to the plan."

Lin Jiangnian glanced outside the carriage and spoke calmly.


Outside the carriage, Lin Qingqing, who was sitting on the horse, nodded slightly. Just before leaving, she heard Lin Jiangnian's words again: "Wait a minute."

"Any other instructions, Your Highness?"

"How far is it from Xunyang County?"

Lin Qingqing thought for a moment: "It's about three or four days' journey, but..."

A trace of doubt quickly appeared on her face: "Your Highness is going to Xunyang County?"

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

"Although Xunyang County is the center of Yanzhou, it is not on our route this time. If we pass through Xunyang County, we will have to take a detour and add several days to the journey. Your Highness, do you really want to change the route?"

Lin Qingqing was a little puzzled.

"That's right."

Lin Jiangnian said categorically: "Change the route and go to Xunyang County!"

Seeing that His Highness was so determined, Lin Qingqing did not say anything more and immediately lowered her head: "I obey!"

In the carriage, after Lin Qingqing left, Lin Jiangnian slowly sat up. Looking up, he saw an indescribable look of grievance on Xiaozhu's delicate and delicate face next to him, biting his lower lip lightly, as if it was painful but not painful, and accompanied by a hint of resentment.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Lin Jiangnian was startled, and then he realized that something seemed wrong with the little maid.

"Ma, numb..."

Xiaozhu had a sad face, looking pitiful.

Your Highness has been lying down for so long that his legs are almost numb!

Lin Jiangnian finally realized what was going on, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?"

Xiaozhu said nothing, looking pitiful.

"Here, let me rub it for you."

As he spoke, Lin Jiangnian put his hand on the little maid's leg and rubbed it gently through the gauze dress.

Xiaozhu's face immediately turned red, he lowered his head, not daring to look at His Highness, biting his lower lip. He opened his mouth and wanted to refuse, but he didn't dare to speak.

She could only let His Highness the Crown Prince's big hands gently knead her legs. Xiaozhu's delicate body tensed up, feeling the temperature of His Highness's hot hands, and she unconsciously felt something strange in her body.

"Okay, okay..."

After a while, Xiaozhu's low and still trembling voice finally came.

However, Lin Jiangnian did not let go: "Don't worry, I will touch you again."

Xiaozhu: "..."

Your Majesty, Your Majesty is so evil!

Xiaozhu felt aggrieved, but did not dare to resist.

His Highness has been bullying her like this for a while, and she has gradually gotten used to it.

After Lin Jiangnian let her go with satisfaction, Xiaozhu tidied her messy skirt in a panic, pulled it down to cover her snow-white legs under the skirt, took a few deep breaths, and let her red face Gradually it subsided.

Lin Jiangnian, on the other hand, looked at the little maid in front of him with interest. The journey north was indeed a bit boring. Fortunately, she brought Xiaozhu with her, otherwise it would have been so boring.

"come over."

Lin Jiangnian waved to Xiaozhu, and then pulled Xiaozhu into his arms.

In the autumn season, the weather has gradually become cooler. Despite the cold wind, the car is still warm.

Being hugged by His Highness, Xiaozhu did not dare to resist, nor did he want to resist.

It's not the first time anyway.

She curled up in His Highness's arms with peace of mind, her breathing gradually calmed down, and she seemed to have thought of something.

"Your Highness?"


Lin Jiangnian lowered his head and glanced at that delicate and childish face, "What's wrong?"

"Why are we going to Xunyang County?"

Xiaozhu remembered what Sister Lin Qingqing said to His Highness just now and couldn't help but ask.

She doesn't know where Xunyang County is, but from what His Highness said just now, it seems that he plans to go to Xunyang County?

Where is that place?

"Go do something big!"

Lin Jiangnian squinted his eyes.


Xiaozhu was a little confused. Isn't His Highness going to Beijing to marry the princess this time?

What big thing are you going to do there?

Lin Jiangnian held the little maid in his arms and felt the petite and boneless body, which was very comfortable. One hand hugged the little maid's slender waist, and the other hand slowly fell on the girl's white catkin, gently stroking it, half-smiling but not smiling: "Don't you want to see your sister Zhiyuan?"

Xiaozhu's breathing was a little short of breath when His Highness touched her, and her face turned red. Her delicate body limply fell into His Highness's arms, letting His Highness do whatever he wanted. But His Highness's words suddenly cheered her up again.

"Sister Zhiyuan?"

Hearing His Highness mention Sister Zhiyuan, Xiaozhu was immediately attracted to her. He even forgot that His Highness was taking advantage of her unscrupulously, and opened his eyes wide: "Can Xiaozhu see Sister Zhiyuan?"

"Of course, we are going to find her!"

Lin Jiang young nodded lightly and slowly walked along the soft arms of the girl in his arms, as if appreciating a unique treasure.


Xiaozhu seemed to have thought of something and opened his eyes wide: "Your Highness, you mean...Sister Zhiyuan is in Xunyang County?"

The little maid is obviously not too stupid.

Lin Jiangnian nodded.

Before leaving Linjiang City, Lin Jiangnian already knew Zhiyuan's life experience, and naturally also knew the reason why Zhiyuan left the palace.


Revenge for the Jiang family back then!

At that time, Jiang's father was the county guard of Xunyang County in Yanzhou. He was falsely accused of treason and suffered the disaster of annihilation.

The culprit who slandered and murdered the Jiang family was still in Xunyang County. Zhiyuan wanted to take revenge, so naturally she couldn't go around Xunyang County.

"She'll be there."

Lin Jiangnian said calmly, one of his plans was to go to Beijing this time to find Zhiyuan. Yanzhou is adjacent to Linzhou, and Xunyang County is not far from Lin Jiangnian's route to Beijing.

Then, Lin Jiangnian's first stop was naturally Xunyang County.

"Very good!"

Upon hearing the news that he could see Sister Zhiyuan again, Xiaozhu clenched his fists excitedly and looked full of energy.

In Xiaozhu's eyes, Zhiyuan has always been the benefactor who saved her from suffering and her most trusted sister. Zhiyuan suddenly left Prince Lin's Mansion before, leaving this little maid missing for a long time. Now that she knew she could see Sister Zhiyuan again, she was obviously excited.

But after being excited for a while, her delicate body suddenly trembled, her subconscious tensed up, her pretty face turned red in an instant, and her watery eyes were filled with an extremely shy look.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty...don't..."

"Be good, let go of your hands..."

Lin Jiangnian leaned close to the little maid's ear and spoke softly, as if coaxing a child.

Xiaozhu's delicate body was tense and she bit her lower lip tightly. Her blushing face was full of shame and indignation as she did not dare to see anyone. She did not dare to stop him. She buried her head in Lin Jiangnian's chest, her voice was soft and a little aggrieved.

"Your Majesty, your Majesty is bullying people..."

"Hey, where did my prince bully you? This prince is giving you a massage to help you grow up early..."

"Obey, you are obedient and obedient. I will reward you with a treasure later!"


The convoy passed the Linzhou checkpoint and slowly entered the boundary of Yanzhou.

After entering Yanzhou, the scenery began to change gradually, and people gradually appeared. Compared with the still hot weather in Linzhou, when you step into Yanzhou, you can obviously feel that the weather is much colder.

Occasionally, the pedestrians I met on the roadside also put on their coats, and at the same time looked at the convoy on the official road with slightly frightened eyes.

Like a caravan, but different!

More than a dozen horse-drawn carriages were driving on the official road, and in addition, there were people escorting people on horseback to the left and right of these convoys.

Although those people were dressed in casual clothes, they could still smell a bit of solemnity. They were obviously not like ordinary escorts, but more like well-trained master guards.

Along the way, few people dared to approach.

The caravan drove slowly on the official road until nightfall gradually fell, passing a small town and stopping.

"I'll rest here tonight."


After Lin Qingqing arranged everything, she turned around and came to the carriage and got closer.

The curtain opened, and Lin Jiangnian's figure appeared and jumped out of the carriage.

Lin Qingqing was about to speak when she suddenly smelled a strange smell in the air.

Can't tell.

Subconsciously sniffing, she subconsciously looked up into the carriage. In the dim environment, when she saw the red-faced little maid in the carriage, who was hurriedly adjusting her clothes, Lin Qingqing seemed to suddenly realize something, and her face immediately turned red. Turn your head quickly.

"Your Highness, will you rest here tonight?!"

His tone was extremely unnatural, and his face was slightly red.

Lin Jiangnian naturally noticed the reaction on Lin Qingqing's face, but he didn't take it seriously. He looked up at the town ahead and nodded slightly.

This is a small town located on the edge of Yanzhou. The town is not big, and under the cover of night, it is quite comfortable.

There is only one inn in the town, and Lin Qingqing sent someone to book it. Apart from the shopkeeper, there are only two waiters and the shopkeeper's daughter in the inn.

Among their group, except for Lin Jiangnian Xiaozhu, Lin Qingqing and others, as well as the guards responsible for protecting the safety of His Royal Highness, most of the remaining people were stationed outside the town.

Such a small town naturally cannot accommodate so many of them.

Lin Jiangnian was very tired from all the hard work along the way, not just physically but mentally. Finally meeting an inn, Lin Jiangnian thought he would take a hot bath, have a good meal, and rest up.

Comparatively speaking, Lin Jiangnian was doing relatively well. After all, he now had a strong foundation in martial arts, while Xiaozhu was exhausted. She didn't know martial arts. She followed Lin Jiangnian all the way and had to take care of Lin Jiangnian. The little maid was miserable.

Back at the inn, after washing and eating, the little maid couldn't hold on any longer and went back to her room to sleep early.

Lin Jiangnian drank a pot of tea in the hall and explained the next planned actions to Lin Qingqing.

Now that we have officially entered Yanzhou, it also means that danger will come at any time. After leaving the asylum of Linzhou, you must be careful next.

"There are guards patrolling outside the town at night, and there are people guarding outside the inn. Your Highness should rest peacefully tonight and there will be no accidents!" Lin Qingqing said.

"Okay, I'll take a rest then."

Lin Jiangnian waved his hand, stood up, and glanced at her again: "Would you like to rest early?"

Lin Qingqing was also very tired these days.

"Yes." Lin Qingqing lowered her head and spoke respectfully.

Lin Jiangnian got up and went upstairs. As soon as he reached the door of Xiaozhu's room, he stopped again.

Remembering that the little maid was very tired these days, Lin Jiangnian hesitated for a moment, then turned around and went to the room next to her.

Let her go tonight!

Open the door and walk in.

After sitting in the room for a while, Lin Jiangnian felt sleepy coming into his heart. He blew out the lights, went to bed, and rested.

Everything was silent.

In the dead of night, a silent figure slowly went upstairs and approached Lin Jiangnian's room.

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