Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 117 Not even the female assassin?

Shen Lingjun stared at Lin Jiangnian fiercely, looking as if he was dead.

Falling into the hands of this prince tonight, she realized that she might be in danger.

Escape is almost impossible!

This son of a bitch is cunning and cunning, and if he accidentally falls into his hands tonight, there will probably be no good outcome.

Chen Yingying is a lesson learned from the past!

In this case, Shen Lingjun naturally did not hide her disgust and hatred for Lin Jiangnian at all. She only regretted that she could not personally kill this evil son of a bitch and avenge those innocent people who died!

Faced with the abusive and righteous female assassin in front of him, Lin Jiangnian was not angry, and looked at her more and more playfully.

The more excited she is, the more it means there is a ghost!

"No accomplices?"

Lin Jiangnian looked her up and down: "Do you think this prince will believe it?"

Shen Lingjun didn't speak, his eyes were fierce. That rather beautiful face was filled with fierce murderous intent.

"My prince advises you to be more honest."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at her and saw that she fell to the ground, her body was weak and she had lost the power to resist.

From the moment she entered the house, she was already under the influence of Lin Jiangnian's soft medicine. During this trip to Beijing, Lin Jiangnian frequently shopped for goods from Ruyi Building. And this soft medicine is an extremely rare drug in Ruyi Building.

It is colorless and odorless. As for the efficacy of the medicine... it is obvious from the reaction of the female assassin on the ground.

"If you want to survive, there is only one way to go!"

Lin Jiangnian squatted in front of her, half-smiling but not smiling: "Tell me your accomplices, and I will spare you, how about that?!"

"Bah, you think so beautifully!"

Shen Lingjun stared at him with a sneer: "I can't believe a word you say, you son of a bitch."

"So, do you really have an accomplice?" Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes.

Shen Lingjun was shocked, and then she realized that this son of a bitch was trying to trick her?

She immediately became angry: "I have no accomplices, I am the only one who killed you!"


Lin Jiangnian narrowed his eyes: "Then you swear?"

Shen Lingjun: "..."

Is there something wrong with this bitch’s brain?

Why did she swear?

"If you refuse to swear, you really have an accomplice!"

Lin Jiangnian's eyes fell on her face, his eyes playful.

Shen Lingjun was silent.

This son of a bitch didn't act according to common sense, and she felt a little uneasy at the moment.

"Kill if you want!"

Shen Lingjun simply didn't bother to talk nonsense to him anymore and closed his eyes: "I fell into your hands today and I have no intention of living again!"

"Stop talking nonsense, kill quickly!"


Crisp and impactful.

As expected of the children of the world, they take life and death lightly and are not sloppy at all!

However, after waiting for Shen Lingjun to finish speaking for a long time, he did not get any response. The surroundings seemed to suddenly become quiet, without any sound or movement.

Shen Lingjun couldn't help but open his eyes, but saw the prince in front of him said nothing, looking at her with a smile but not a smile.

Those sly eyes were looking at her with evil intentions... For some reason, Shen Lingjun felt an indescribable weird feeling when he was staring at her!

Very uncomfortable!

This son of a bitch looked at her in a very strange way... What did he want to do? !

Shen Lingjun started to panic...

"kill you?"

"Isn't it too cheap for you?"

At this time, Lin Jiangnian finally spoke, his eyes falling on the female assassin in front of him, his eyes slowly passing over her beautiful body wrapped in black clothes.

Although she was dressed in black, it still couldn't hide her curvy figure. Especially the close-fitting black clothes, which wrap up the body more vividly.

Lin Jiangnian's eyes slid down from her face, from beginning to end, and then slowly upward from her heels, looking at her unscrupulously.

Eyes burning with hope!

At this moment, Shen Lingjun shuddered subconsciously.

The look from this bitch prince...

When Lin Jiangnian's malicious and slightly fiery gaze fell on her, it seemed to wrap around her whole body. That penetrating gaze even seemed to penetrate her clothes.

This son of a bitch's gaze is clearly...

"You, what are you looking at?!"

A flash of panic appeared on Shen Lingjun's face, and he immediately opened his mouth with a fierce expression and subconsciously put his hand in front of him.

Lin Jiangnian slowly looked away, saw her panic look, and raised the corners of his mouth slightly: "Why can't you watch?"

"You are now my prince's prisoner. Isn't it my prince who has the final say on how to deal with you?"

Shen Lingjun's heart sank suddenly, and he gritted his teeth and said angrily: "Kill me if you can!"

"I told you that killing you would be too easy for you!"

Lin Jiang young shook his head lightly and looked at her with more and more playful eyes: "I didn't realize that you, a female assassin, have a pretty good figure. It would be too wasteful to kill her!"

Shen Lingjun finally showed a look of horror. Now, this son of a bitch actually wanted her...

"You, you're dreaming!"

Shen Lingjun's eyes were fierce and he said angrily: "Even if I die, you will never succeed."

"That's not up to you."

Lin Jiangnian came closer and reached out to hold her chin. Shen Lingjun tried to dodge in panic, but was easily controlled by Lin Jiangnian.

At this moment, her head was still groggy and she couldn't exert any strength in her body. She could only watch helplessly as the prince in front of her, whom she hated, was rude and rude to her.

"You have a pretty good face. It would be a waste to kill you. In that case, why not let me feel good first?"

It's like a dandy who is about to flirt with a good girl with evil intentions, his demeanor and movements are full of frivolity.

Shen Lingjun was terrified and struggled back, trying to escape. However, Lin Jiangnian pressed forward step by step, and the malicious look on his face became more and more obvious, as if he had expected such a reaction from her.

"Stop trying to struggle. You have been poisoned by my prince's soft medicine. You can't escape without an antidote."

Lin Jiangnian glanced at the night: "It's a long night tonight, and if you just happen to come to my door, I won't be polite!"

Shen Lingjun's pupils dilated in fear. The moment Lin Jiangnian approached, she almost subconsciously said in panic: "No, don't..."

Lin Jiangnian came closer and stared at her frightened face, the smile at the corner of her mouth became more obvious.

"What? Are you scared?"

"If you reveal your accomplices, I will let you go. How about that?"

When Shen Lingjun looked at the proud and playful smile on Lin Jiangnian's face, how could he not realize it in his heart?

Is this son of a bitch threatening her with this?

Don't even think about it!


Shen Lingjun gritted her silver teeth tightly, her pretty face flushed, but she still gritted her teeth: "You must give up on this idea... Even if I die, I will never say a word!"

This time, let’s not hide it anymore!

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face grew stronger.

"Very good, this prince likes a woman with a strong mouth like you!"

"However, I hope your body can be as tough-talking as you later!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Lin Jiangnian suddenly stepped forward, and when Shen Lingjun exclaimed, he picked her up by the waist.

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's mind was almost blank. When he realized that he had fallen into the arms of this son of a bitch, he struggled desperately, "You, let me go!"

"Prince Gou, let me go!"

"I kill you……"

Outside the room door.

Lin Qingqing, who had not yet gone far, heard a sudden exclamation from the room, with a stunned expression on her face.

What happened?

Aren't there assassins?

Why do you hear this voice...the assassin is asking for help?

Lin Qingqing stood outside the door, dazed for a long time before suddenly realizing something... Your Highness, took down the female assassin?

Then... wait, what are you doing now?

Why didn't His Highness let her in just now?

Could it be...

As if thinking of something, Lin Qingqing's face immediately turned red.

Your Highness, he doesn’t even let assassins go? ! !

inside the room.

Lin Jiangnian held the female assassin in his arms, strode to the bed, and threw her on the bed regardless of her struggles and curses.

Immediately, he bullied himself.

Shen Lingjun had already been hit by the soft medicine and felt dizzy and weak. Now she was thrown heavily on the bed again without any sympathy or sympathy. The fall made her dizzy. Before she could react, she felt someone pressing on her.

At this moment, Shen Lingjun's face was filled with horror.

She was certainly not a fool. How could she not realize what would happen next?

There have always been rumors in Linjiang City that this son of a bitch is a bully and a womanizer. It is said that there are countless girls from good families who have fallen into his clutches, and how many girls have been toyed with and abandoned by him.

This son of a bitch usually loves romantic places and has slept with many women. He is clearly an out-and-out whore...

What would happen if I fell into his hands today? !

Shen Lingjun's delicate body trembled fiercely. Thinking of a certain possibility, she closed her eyes in fear, and a look of determination appeared on her face!

Even if I die, I will never let this son of a bitch tarnish my innocence.

Just when she was about to bite her tongue and commit suicide, Lin Jiangnian's voice suddenly came to her ears.

"Want to commit suicide?"

"I advise you not to think about it!"

Lin Jiangnian stared at her face, raised the corner of his mouth, and sneered: "Even if you die, I will not let you go. I will first take advantage of the heat...and then strip you naked and hang you in Linjiang City." On top of that, ask two storytellers under the overpass to tell everyone about your deeds for three months..."

"This prince will definitely make you famous in Linjiang City, and even in the world. Don't you think it's interesting?"


Listening to Lin Jiangnian's demonic tone, Shen Lingjun's delicate body trembled violently, and his eyes widened in horror.

"you you……"

She was so angry that she was shaking all over, and her face was uncontrollably frightened. As a child of Jianghu, the most important thing is to pay attention to honor and integrity. If it was true as he said, then she would really die with her eyes open.


Too cruel!

"Young prince, you are despicable, a beast, you are simply not human!"

Shen Lingjun spoke angrily. She didn't expect that this person was even more scumbag than she imagined.

"My prince's tolerance has limits."

Lin Jiangnian stared at her and gradually faded the smile on his face: "You will not end well if you go against this prince!"

"I will give you one last chance to reveal your accomplices... Otherwise, I promise, your reputation will be ruined and your life will be worse than death!"

Lin Jiangnian had no intention of showing mercy to the female assassin. Since she doesn't cooperate, don't blame him for being rude.

Shen Lingjun's delicate body trembled, her eyes were frightened and frightened. At this moment, she was no longer as determined as before.

Death is not scary, she is not afraid of death!

The scary thing is that even if she dies, this son of a bitch is not going to let go of her body. If it was really what he said...she couldn't imagine it.

What's more important is that with how vicious this son of a bitch is, Shen Lingjun completely believes that he will be able to do such an unscrupulous thing!

If so, this would be far more terrifying than killing her!

"It seems that you really think that this prince is joking with you."

The smile on Lin Jiangnian's face disappeared completely. Under the dim light, his dark pupils flickered, and he looked at Shen Lingjun beneath him expressionlessly.

The next second.


There was a clear sound of tearing cloth.

A piece of Shen Lingjun's black clothes was brutally torn off, revealing a large area of ​​snow-white skin and the looming light-colored clothes.

Shen Lingjun subconsciously reached out to cover his chest, his delicate body tense and stiff.

"Stop, stop..."

A trembling voice sounded, but she was completely powerless at this moment. How could she stop Lin Jiangnian?

Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand again.

"Tear! Tear!"

With a brutal and rough movement, the dark night clothes were torn off. The snow-white body of the woman in front of her was exposed to the line of sight. Even if she tried her best to hide it, it was still difficult to hide it.

Lin Jiangnian stretched out his hand again and landed on the woman's only remaining garment, just as it was about to fall.

"Stop, stop..."

A trembling voice came: "I, I said..."

In the silent room, a somewhat crying and panicked voice came.

Lin Jiangnian stopped what he was doing, raised his eyes, and saw a face full of pear blossoms and rain.

At this moment, the female assassin's face lost even half of the previous fierce look. Some just looked pitiful, panicked and with a hint of deep fear in their eyes.

Her eyes were red, and two lines of tears fell. Her delicate body was shaking violently. She protected her chest with her hands and stared at Lin Jiangnian.

After realizing that she was about to lose her virginity, she finally got scared!

The unknown fear enveloped her and completely defeated the female assassin's defenses.

She was afraid, afraid of losing her virginity to this son of a bitch!

What's more, this son of a bitch ruined her reputation and actually had her hanged up in Linjiang City...

"Wouldn't it be better if it was like this earlier?"

Lin Jiangnian slowly retracted his hand.

"Tell me, who is your accomplice and where is he?"


Outside of town.

In a village somewhere.

"No, that woman named Shen went alone!"

A figure hurriedly broke into the room.

In the room, after hearing the news, Li Qianlin stood up suddenly, his face extremely ugly.

"Who asked her to act alone?"

"I don't know...she said she didn't want to wait any longer, so she took the initiative to assassinate Lin Jiangnian!"

"Stupid, seeking death!"

Li Qianlin's expression suddenly changed, and he became angry.

The woman surnamed Shen was indeed a nuisance, and she did whatever she wanted with her martial arts prowess.

Is Lin Jiangnian so easy to assassinate?

Everything was originally planned. When the prince left Linzhou, the plan would begin.

Unexpectedly, she couldn't wait to act alone, which completely ruined his plan.

I originally wanted to use this woman as cannon fodder, but I didn't expect this woman to be out of control at all.

"where is she?"

After the sudden change in Li Qianlin's expression, he quickly calmed down: "Go and get her back quickly, don't alert the snake!"

"Once her assassination fails and she falls into Lin Jiangnian's hands, the consequences will be disastrous!"

In the room, Li Qianlin's face became increasingly ugly, and an ominous premonition emerged.


Updated in advance today

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