Your Majesty, please stop messing around.

Chapter 114 The Twins in Beijing


In a dark and quiet dungeon.

In front of a cold cell filled with an unpleasant smell, Lin Hengzhong stopped and raised his eyes.

There was no expression on the slightly aged face. There was a vague chill all over his body.

Cold and frightening.

He glanced at the cell and glanced behind him: "You wait here, no one is allowed to come near."


Behind Lin Hengzhong, Zheng Zhiming lowered his head and spoke respectfully.

Later, Lin Hengzhong stepped into the cell.

In the dark cell, a dim oil lamp burned in a niche on the wall. The light of the oil lamp illuminated slightly, and in the cell, there was a person chained in a corner.

Both hands and feet were restrained by iron chains, unable to move.

He was in a mess, his hair was disheveled, and he was sitting in the corner defeated.

When he heard the footsteps coming from the door, the man slowly raised his head, ecstatic.

"Your Majesty? Your Majesty!"

The man struggled to get up, fell to his knees in front of Lin Hengzhong with a plop, and cried bitterly: "I finally see you, little one!"

Lin Hengzhong was unmoved and looked at the strange man in front of him with cold eyes: "Who are you?"

"Little, little is..."

The man knelt on the ground, trembling and excited: "The young man used to be a servant who raised horses for the prince's palace, named Chen San. More than two months ago, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince went out for a parade, and the young man happened to follow His Highness in front of him. To take care of the horses..."

Lin Hengzhong's eyes were slightly cold: "Continue."

There was a look of horror on this man's face: "Unexpectedly, His Highness was attacked and killed by a mysterious master on his way back. All the masters around His Highness suffered unexpected events..."

"The little one was so frightened that he fainted... Maybe God took pity on the little one, but he unexpectedly saved his life..."

"When I woke up, the world had changed..."


Listening to the words spoken by this man, Lin Hengzhong's eyes became colder and colder. His face was expressionless and his voice was as cold as frost: "You mean, my prince is a fake?!"

As if feeling the substantial murderous aura coming, Chen San was trembling all over, his head was in heavy contact with the ground, and he didn't dare to lift it up, his voice became even more trembling.

"No, that's right!"

"When I woke up in the ruined temple that night, His Highness the Crown Prince had been killed... I saw with my own eyes that His Highness the Crown Prince was killed by an assassin..."

"The little one was so frightened that he fled for his life in a panic... He has been hiding in the countryside during this period. It was not until he returned to Linjiang City a few days ago that he learned that His Royal Highness was back safely..."

"The young one immediately noticed something was wrong and came here to report to the prince..."


The real Crown Prince is dead!

Chen San's eyes were horrified. He remembered clearly that when he woke up from a coma, he saw with his own eyes His Royal Highness the Crown Prince died under the sword of those people.

But now, His Royal Highness appears in Linjiang City without incident?

Return from the dead?

How can this be?

The only possibility...His Royal Highness is fake!

It was faked!

Thinking of this news, Chen San breathed rapidly and looked horrified, but there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

This is his chance to become famous!

Someone pretended to be His Royal Highness Prince Lin, and as an insider, he reported the news to the prince. That was a great achievement!

The prince will definitely not treat him badly.

This is also the reason why he came back to report the news despite taking such risks!

"That's unreasonable!"

In the dim cell, a cold sound came.

The temperature of the entire cell seemed to drop sharply, and it was filled with murderous intent.

Lin Hengzhong's eyes became colder and colder, and he spoke in a low and cold voice: "How dare someone pretend to be my prince, damn him!"

After saying that, Lin Hengzhong glanced at Chen San on the ground again: "Only you know about this matter?"

Chen Sanqiang suppressed the joy in his heart and nodded quickly: "No, that's right..."

"After Xiao Xiao escaped, I made a special inquiry and found out that all the people who followed His Highness on that trip were dead, except Xiao Xiao... Xiao is the only one who knows about this..."

"The fake prince wanted to hide it from the truth, but I'm afraid he didn't expect that the younger one was still alive and saw it with his own eyes, exposing his conspiracy. ..."

Chen San couldn't hide his excitement in his tone.

This wave is really a miracle!

Lin Hengzhong looked at the person in front of him expressionlessly and nodded slightly: "Very good, you have made a great contribution this time!"

Hearing the prince's compliment, Chen San immediately raised his head excitedly: "Thank you for the compliment, prince..."

What he just said came to an abrupt end.

A sharp pain hit his chest, and Chen San subconsciously covered his chest with a look of ferocious pain.

"It hurts, it hurts..."

Chen San fell to the ground and struggled painfully.

"Your Majesty, please save me..."

Chen San's face was full of pain and ferociousness, and he looked up at Lin Hengzhong pleadingly.

To no avail!

After struggling painfully for a while, he fell to the ground stiffly, motionless.

No sound.

Lin Hengzhong watched this scene expressionlessly from beginning to end. It wasn't until Chen San lost his breath that he regained his composure. Finally, he glanced at Chen San coldly, turned around, and left the cell.

Outside the cell, only Zheng Zhiming was waiting quietly.

"Get rid of this person, check his family background, family tree, relatives and friends..."

"I don't want anyone to know about this matter."

Lin Hengzhong glanced at him: "Remember to remove the weeds!"


Zheng Zhiming spoke expressionlessly.


The capital city is bustling and bustling.

Located in the bustling area of ​​Beijing, in a certain house.

A few streets away is the most prosperous and lively place in Beijing. But here in the house, the scenery is beautiful and the architecture and decoration are magnificent.

In this house, one can tell at a glance that the owner of the house is either rich or noble.

In the courtyard, there is a quiet backyard with a small bridge and flowing water, and the scenery is pleasant.

In the courtyard, there are some flowers, plants and trees planted in the corners. In the courtyard covered with cobblestones, there is an arch bridge, and water flows slowly along the ditch beside the bridge. Behind a corner in the courtyard, there is a swing.

At this moment, the sky is clear and the air is fresh. The swing swings slowly, one behind the other, extremely leisurely.

On the swing, a young woman was sitting.

Wearing a white and cyan slim-fitting long skirt and a monochrome coat, her graceful and slender body sat on the swing.

Under the long skirt, a pair of snow-white and slender white ankles were vaguely exposed. They were stepping barefoot on the cobblestones, their crystal clear toes gently touching the ground, rippling leisurely with the swing.

A long skirt like a bright jade bamboo shoot was occasionally exposed under the skirt. Her calves were slender and round, as white as jade, and incredibly beautiful.

Further up, it is looming.

Her thick black hair was flowing freely, reaching her waist. It was dancing in the air on the swing, revealing a beautiful and delicate face, mature and beautiful.

The exquisite facial features and elegant eyes seem to be thinking about something, giving people an elegant atmosphere.

Although he looks young, he has a mature temperament that is very inconsistent with his peers.

More and more tempting!

She was the only one in the courtyard.

Until a long time later, footsteps suddenly came from the corridor not far away.

A figure slowly stepped into the courtyard.

The woman on the swing looked up and saw a figure in white standing quietly under the eaves not far ahead.

The long white dress is elegant and cool, with a tall body and a beautiful but expressionless face.

A familiar look, leaning against the eaves, holding a sword in both hands.

She glanced lightly for a moment, her beautiful eyes smiling: "Are you here?"

Bai Yi's eyes were calm: "Do you have a problem with me?"

"Can't I come to you if I have nothing to do?" She smiled sweetly, and every smile seemed to have a bit of seductive beauty.

"It's okay, I'm leaving!"

The woman in white didn't show any respect at all, and turned around to leave.


Seeing this, the woman on the swing sighed softly: "It's hard to see you once. Why are you leaving in such a hurry? Can you chat with me?"

The woman in white stopped and looked back at her.

He didn’t leave or speak.

The woman on the swing sighed softly, and then seemed to remember something. With a hint of embarrassment, she suddenly said: "I heard that he entered Beijing?"

The woman in white still had no reaction on her face: "Who?"

"Who else could it be?"

The woman on the swing looked at her with a smile: "Of course it's your fiancé... Don't tell me you don't know the news?"

The woman in white was silent, and after a while she said in a slightly cold tone: "He is not."

"It's useless if you don't admit it!"

The smile on the face of the woman on the swing became more and more playful: "He is the person your father has personally granted marriage to, and is your fiancé... Isn't he coming to Beijing just to marry you back?"

"I didn't expect that that guy would actually have such courage?"

The woman on the swing was amazed.

There are rumors in the capital that Prince Lin is an ignorant idiot. King Lin was a man of great intelligence and talent, but he gave birth to a useless person with no ability at all.

Not only was he incompetent, but he also had a bad character. Even far away in the capital, there were still many bad comments about the Prince Lin.

Why is that son of a bitch bullying men and women, forcing girls into prostitution, and hanging out in brothels all day long...

What a perfect scumbag!

Now that I heard that this 'scumbag' is going to Beijing, it has indeed attracted the attention of many people.

"Information came from Linzhou that he has left Linjiang City and is about to go to Yanzhou..."

The woman on the swing looked at the woman in white under the eaves with a smile: "If he really dares to come and marry you this time, what are you going to do?"

"Don't marry!"

The woman in white under the eaves spoke expressionlessly and decisively.

"Not marrying?"

The woman on the swing blinked her beautiful eyes: "Are you planning to resist your father's will?"

The woman in white still crossed her arms and looked cold: "I told you before, I won't marry!"

"If he dares to come, I will break his legs!"


The smile on the woman's face became brighter and she blinked: "If he really comes, are you really going to break his legs outside the city?"

The woman in white didn't say anything, but her face was cold and her eyes were filled with murderous intent.


The woman on the swing sighed softly, her eyes playful: "I didn't expect that he would actually dare to come..."

The engagement between Prince Lin and the eldest princess should have been put on the agenda long ago, but the Prince Lin of Linzhou has been delaying it. There have been rumors in the capital that Prince Lin was frightened and did not dare to enter the capital.

It's not unreasonable.

Prince Na Lin is rumored to be an ignorant idiot, but who is the eldest princess?

The most favored daughter of the Daning Dynasty today, a genius swordsman master of swordsmanship, and the most amazing woman in the world!

In terms of identity, status, talent, and martial arts... no matter from any aspect, the eldest princess can crush the prince Lin Wang in every aspect!

In addition, the eldest princess once said boldly that she would break his legs if he dared to enter the capital. In this case, does Prince Lin still dare to enter the capital?

Obviously most of them don't dare.

Just when this matter was being talked about in Beijing, news suddenly came that Prince Lin was about to enter the palace.

It’s interesting!

"I'm really looking forward to it!"

The woman on the swing stepped lightly on the cobblestones with her bare feet, and with the gentle exertion of her crystal clear toes, the swing swayed, and her delicate face under her hair floating in the wind was full of playful smiles.

She chuckled and said, "They say Prince Lin is uneducated and incompetent, but I would like to see him... What is the difference between His Highness, the Crown Prince, who comes from a barbaric land, and those kids from the dandy families in the capital?"

The woman in white under the eaves still had an expressionless face: "They are the same as each other."

"It's hard to say."

The pretty eyebrows of the woman on the swing spread slightly, and she smiled playfully: "What if this is deliberately slandered by those officials and thoughtful people in the capital?"

"Those people hate Prince Lin so much that they will slander and smear Prince Lin's reputation?"

"What if Prince Lin is an upright and talented man?"

The woman in white's eyes were unmoved: "Impossible."


The woman in white raised her eyes. There was no emotion in her beautiful eyes, as if they were calm: "I have been to Linjiang City."

Hearing the news, the woman on the swing's eyes lit up: "Have you been to Linjiang City?"

"Have you met him?"

The woman in white didn't speak.

But based on what I know about her, this is...a default?

Hearing this, the woman on the swing became curious. She jumped off the swing and stepped on the cobblestones. She didn't even bother to put on her shoes. She just held up her skirt and walked briskly in front of the woman in white. .

"Tell me, what does he look like? How is it different from what people in the capital have heard about?"

The bright eyes were shining, obviously slightly interested in this.

The woman in white was silent for a moment.

"It's pretty long."


The bright eyes became more and more surprised: "You can praise me for looking pretty good. So Prince Lin Wang's appearance must be very good, right?"

"That's right. After all, his mother is a daughter of the Jiangnan family. I don't think Prince Lin's growth will be as bad as this."

She nodded slightly, "There's more, there's more?"

The woman in white looked at her expressionlessly: "Why are you so interested?"

"if not?"

Zhao Xiqiao smiled beautifully, her beautiful eyes flowing: "After all, he is your fiancé, I can't help but be curious."

"He is not!"

The woman in white remained expressionless, "I won't marry anyone, let alone him!"

"Don't talk too much!"

Zhao Xi smiled at the corners of his eyes and said, "He is really here this time. When he comes to the capital, he will bring a betrothal gift. By then, do you really want to resist the decree?"

The woman in white still looked calm. She glanced at her and then looked up at the outside of the courtyard, her expression still calm.

"Let's wait until he can enter Beijing alive."


Linzhou territory.

A long row of carriages and horses drove slowly on the official road. In the autumn season, the weather was about to turn cold.

Occasionally, there are caravans passing by on the official road, and people traveling in the rivers and lakes. As the carriages and horses go north, the crowds begin to gradually become thinner, and the weather becomes much colder.

Sitting on a horse in front of her was a handsome and handsome figure. She raised her eyes and looked ahead, then turned the horse's head and came to a carriage.

"Your Highness!"

Not long after, the curtain of the carriage opened.

"What's the matter?"

In the carriage, Lin Jiangnian was lying lazily on a comfortable soft couch.

Lin Qingqing glanced at the scene inside the carriage, her expression suddenly became a little unnatural, and she turned her head away.

"Your Highness, in two days we can leave Linzhou and enter Yanzhou!"

"Next, I'm afraid I have to be careful!"


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