You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 487 The competition for the position of clan leader begins

However, the next moment, a terrifying aura revived in the depths of the Nameless Mountain.

Everyone was shocked, and even the ten great masters could not help but look at the source, which was... the ancestral land.

"The situation is urgent, and the next sect master should come out. If you want this sect master to continue to be re-elected, you can continue to make trouble."

"If not, then give me a year to find the next sect master, and the method is the same as before. All major races, including our human race, are in danger. Since you are still playing house like such a child?"

The voice came from the ancestral land, and the ten great masters stood up, while Taichu hugged his arms and laughed secretly.

"Grandmaster, my disciple died unclearly. Don't I even have the opportunity to investigate the cause of my disciple's death now?"

"Don't I even have the opportunity to seek justice for my disciple?"

One of the ten divine shadows said angrily.

Even if he is from the ancestral land? He was not convinced.

"Xiaoyao, we both know in our hearts that what you care about is really his death? Is it really just him that you care about?"

"You have done many wrong things over the years, and I have not settled them one by one. Now is the last moment, the situation is urgent, and if you lose, you lose."

"You have lived for millions of years, don't play like a three-year-old child."

"The catastrophe is coming. Before the catastrophe comes, my human race must be united. The inheritance of the human race in Dongzhou must not be interrupted by my Wuming Mountain."

"Within a year, let the next sect master take the position, and he must take the position."

After saying that, the terrifying aura slowly disappeared.

And the Hedao period Zhenjun called Xiaoyao, who was still tough just now, slowly lowered his head.


Xiaoyao sighed, and his whole body disappeared, and the remaining nine figures also disappeared one after another.

"Okay, now the top ten sequences are short of two people. Whoever wants to come, come."

Taichu stood in front of everyone and said with a smile.

After hearing Taichu's words, none of the disciples dared to move, even the elders' disciples closed their eyes and dared not move.

Everyone is not stupid, what time is it now? Still want to become one of the top ten?

Have you heard the story of princes killing each other for the throne? It's almost the same now.

There is only one cake, everyone wants it, one more person means one more competition, whoever dares to become one of the top ten will die.

So after hearing Taichu's words, no one wanted to go up.

"Since no one is in charge, that's it. From now on, the assessment will begin. You all know the process, right? The first process is to start voting."

"Your identities will be announced to all the disciples and elders of Wuming Mountain, including the ancestral land. Every cultivator can vote for you. An outer disciple represents one vote, an inner disciple represents ten votes, an elder in the God Transformation Realm represents one hundred votes, and a True Lord in the Hedao Realm represents ten thousand votes."

"And the people of the ancestral land, one person represents one hundred thousand votes. Of course, there were very few previous lords who could get people from the ancestral land to vote, so don't expect it."

"When the voting results come out, whoever has the highest number of votes will win."

"Okay, the voting will last for three months. I hope you are ready. Remember, only disciples and elders of Wuming Mountain are eligible to vote."

"That's it, disperse."

Taichu finished speaking, and his figure gradually disappeared.

Ye Lin looked at the seven people in front of him. He thought that the competition for the position of the lord of Wuming Mountain was very cruel, and he was ready to suppress ten thousand people by himself.

But I didn't expect it to be so hasty?

Voting? Well, he lost at the first level.

How long has he been a disciple of Wuming Mountain? What about the seven people in front of him? His reputation is probably known to everyone in the entire Wuming Mountain, right?

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