You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 488: Unexpected Turn from Dark to Light

Instead, individuals will vote for people they know and like.

And he was the first one who didn't believe that the seven people in front of him didn't have his own people in the nameless mountain, so he didn't have much hope for the first level.

"In that case, I'll take my leave, everyone, see you in three months."

"Hahaha, see you in three months."

Everyone said goodbye and left, and Ye Lin also clasped his fists to a few people and left.

When they arrived at the residence, there were already three figures waiting in front of the residence.

"Senior Brother Ye, Senior Brother Ye."

Seeing Ye Lin, the three figures clasped their fists to Ye Lin, their expressions full of respect, and one of them was a familiar person to Ye Lin, Ren Feiyang.

"What do you want to see me for?"

Looking at the three people in front of him, Ye Lin frowned and said.

"Senior Brother Ye, this place is not suitable..."

Ren Feiyang looked at the periphery, looking like he wanted to say something but stopped, and Ye Lin waved his hand, and the residence barrier was immediately touched, and he stepped into it with his hands behind his back, followed by three people behind him.

When they arrived at the yard, the barrier covered the entire residence again. Ye Lin sat on the bench and looked at the three people in front of him.


The next moment, there was a plop, and Ren Feiyang knelt directly in front of Ye Lin.

"Brother Ye, the previous things were all forced by Wang Teng. It has nothing to do with me. Now that Wang Teng is dead, I have come to apologize."

"Brother, I have 100,000 people in my hands, 5,000 inner disciples, 95,000 outer disciples, and five elders in the God Transformation Realm. These people used to follow Wang Teng, but now they all listen to me."

"As long as Brother Ye agrees to spare my life, the votes of these people will belong to Brother Ye, and Brother Ye will win the first level."

After Ren Feiyang finished speaking, Ye Lin knocked on the table with his right hand.

"Brother Ye, I am Wang Shengtian's subordinate. My name is Wang Xuan. I have come here to join Brother Ye. I also have 30,000 outer disciples, 1,300 inner disciples, and the support of two elders."

"As long as Brother Ye is willing, these people, including me, will be loyal to Brother Ye."

Wang Xuan knelt directly in front of Ye Lin, side by side with Ren Feiyang. The two of them just supported the ground with their hands and pressed their heads down, not daring to move.

"Brother Ye, I am Li Qingxuan's subordinate. This time I also came here to join the light. I also have 30,000 outer disciples, 1,500 inner disciples, and two elders."

"As long as Brother Ye nods, these are all yours."

Seeing that both of them knelt down, the remaining person was not calm and knelt directly in front of Ye Lin.

The reason why the three did this was because they all knew about the assassination of Ye Lin when they discussed it.

Later, the three were assassinated inexplicably, and they thought of Ye Lin as soon as they thought of it, after all, the three were assassinated shortly after the assassination of Ye Lin.

No matter how you look at it, it was Ye Lin who did it.

So the three of them gathered together to discuss that if Ye Lin became the leader, the three teams that had assassinated Ye Lin and the other two would definitely not have a good time.

They might as well go all out and take advantage of the fact that Ye Lin didn't have much foundation in Wuming Mountain to directly abandon the dark and join the light.

And the three of them combined have such a huge power, I'm sure Ye Lin would not refuse at all.

Once Ye Lin didn't refuse, then they would have a better life in the future. Once Ye Lin became the leader, their status in Wuming Mountain would be more solid.

And in the end, all they paid was just a little face.

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