You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 486 Steady as an Old Dog

At the same time, outside the square, one disciple after another entered the square to find the position corresponding to their status and sat down. They didn't dare to fart during the whole process.

In the middle of the square, there were ten figures sitting cross-legged. These ten figures were all True Lords in the Hedao period.

In addition to the ten figures, there was another person with a smile on his face. This person was Taichu.

Among the ten figures, three of them looked extremely ugly. Obviously, the three dead people had a deep relationship with them.

And the big sound transmission just now was done by the three of them.

When the time was approaching, Ye Lin finally arrived at the square. Just as Ye Lin was walking towards the direction of his direct disciples, Taichu stretched out his hand and waved his hand. Ye Lin's body came directly to the seven sequences and sat next to them.

"Taichu, you are so presumptuous."

Seeing this scene, one of the ten figures sitting cross-legged in the air roared.

Taichu's move was already very obvious. He wanted to recommend his disciple to become one of the ten sequences. However, Taichu did so just after his sequence died.

It was really a murder.

"Why? Your people died, and now there is a vacancy in the top ten sequences. I think my disciples are qualified for the identity of sequence disciples in all aspects."

"Also, they are all old guys who have lived for millions of years. Don't take some things so seriously."

Taichu didn't take this guy's roar seriously at all, and just picked his ears out of boredom.

Seeing Taichu like this, the man just now could only suppress his anger. He had no way to deal with Taichu now.

Then he looked at the people below.

At this time, the major forces of Wuming Mountain have gathered.

There are tens of thousands of elders in the God Transformation Realm alone. This is the foundation of Wuming Mountain as the first force of the human race in Dongzhou.

"Everyone, since the establishment of Wuming Mountain, we have been keeping a low profile, which has led many forces to forget about Wuming Mountain, and many forces have jumped out to the surface."

"And now, the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain have been assassinated, and three of them. This was something that was unthinkable in the ancient times."

"And now? It happened. The third of the top ten sequences of Wuming Mountain was assassinated. What does it mean now?"

"It means that the reputation of Wuming Mountain has not only declined again and again, but even the safety of its own disciples cannot be guaranteed."

"As for the assassination of the three sequences of Wuming Mountain, I have some eyebrows. I hope someone will stand up now, and I can give a lighter punishment. If I am exposed by myself, don't blame my men for being merciless."

"Even if you have someone backing you up, I will definitely seek justice for my disciples."

After the True Lord finished speaking, he slowly closed his mouth, glanced at the many disciples below, and stopped talking.

The next moment, the gaze stayed on Ye Lin, Zhao Huaian, Zhao Huaiping and Leng Ning for a moment, and the deep meaning in the gaze was known at a glance.

Zhao Huaiping and Zhao Huaian were as steady as old dogs. After they finished this, they knew that this matter could not be concealed from the great power, so they confessed to their master.

Their master already had a way to deal with it, so they were not afraid at all.

Leng Ning and Ye Lin were from the same family. Leng Ning's father was Ye Lin's master's brother, and the two were not panicked at all.

"Three breaths of time, stand up yourself, are you still hesitating?"

Seeing that Ye Lin and the other four were motionless, the True Lord shouted angrily.

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