You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 343 Ye Lin breaks out

"Damn it, fat guy, this time you owe me two favors, repay the previous one, now you owe me one."

Ye Lin gritted his teeth and took out a pill and swallowed it. The next moment, Ye Lin exuded a very strong bloody aura.

And his realm instantly reached the half-step transformation realm, which was still a long way from the real transformation realm, but far beyond the Nascent Soul cultivator.

In an instant, the phoenix fire around Ye Lin burned again, and it was more powerful, more than a hundred times more powerful than before.

The ghosts within ten meters around Ye Lin were instantly cleared.

And the reason why Ye Lin had such a huge change was all due to the pill he swallowed, the lower-grade earth-level blood-exploding pill. Once swallowed, it can instantly drain the body's potential in exchange for a large amount of combat power.

The whole process lasted for one minute.

The side effect is that he will be weak for a year and cannot use his cultivation within a year.

And the Nascent Soul will also be damaged, but it will not be broken, but it will take several years to nourish the Nascent Soul.

With such a huge price, Ye Lin would not dare to swallow it normally, but now... if he doesn't swallow it, he will die.

He is still awesome. If you put an ordinary Yuanying stage cultivator in, he would be a genius if he can last for one second.

This time, Ye Lin really opened fire, but it was still useless.

During the whole process, he didn't know how many ghosts he killed. Anyway, there were millions. After all, Phoenix Fire killed thousands or tens of thousands in one second.

And the distance of a thousand meters, under Ye Lin's sudden increase in speed, it only took half a second to arrive in front of the palace, and the ghosts chasing behind him stopped one after another.

They looked at the palace, as if they were looking at something terrifying, and stopped in front of the palace, not daring to take a step beyond.

In this way, the densely packed ghosts stared at the two people three meters away, but these ghosts did not dare to step in.

"This... what's going on?"

Ye Lin threw the thief to the ground, and then immediately sat on the ground to adjust his breath.

He had to stabilize his state quickly, because he had played a little too much just now.

"Ye Lin, what's inside is the treasure of my Tianji Tower. Let's go in."

After Tou Tian finished speaking, he slowly pushed open the palace gate and walked in, while Ye Lin temporarily stabilized his state and followed behind Tou Tian.

He was in the same state as Tou Tian now, with a realm but unable to mobilize his cultivation.

After entering the palace, the entire palace was extremely vast, but there was nothing in such a vast palace.

At the top of the palace, there was a golden table, and on the table, there was a golden compass.

The golden compass was surrounded by a golden halo and looked extremely beautiful.

After seeing the compass, Tou Tian was so excited that he trembled all over.

Yes, it was it. When Tianji Tower was still prosperous, he had only looked at this treasure from a distance, but now, it was about to be his.

Just when Tou Tian wanted to raise his foot and walk forward, Ye Lin pressed Tou Tian's shoulder.

Feeling that his shoulder was pressed, Tou Tian turned around and looked at Ye Lin in confusion.

"Look what's that?"

Ye Lin pointed to the side of the golden compass. Tou Tian turned his head and looked. Suddenly, his face froze.

Three figures were sitting next to the golden table. They looked at Tou Tian with indifferent eyes.

They were surrounded by a terrifying aura of Taoism. At first glance, they were the True Lords of the Hedao Period.

Being stared at by the three True Lords of the Hedao Period, Tou Tian was at a loss.

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