You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 342 Semi-Immortal Weapon

Just as everyone was about to start the fight, their faces froze.

They had the same reason as the previous demon ghosts in the God Transformation Realm. No matter how hard they tried, they could not shake the two.

This made them feel extremely shocked.

"What is going on? Our combined strength can instantly destroy an area of ​​billions of miles, so why can't we shake two small Nascent Soul cultivators?"

"Damn it, they are getting faster and faster. If this continues, once they rush into the main hall and disturb those people, we will be in trouble."

Seeing that Ye Lin and Tou Tian were getting faster and faster, they were in a state of panic.

And realizing that something was wrong, more and more ghosts in the God Transformation Realm began to occupy the air, and they stared at Ye Lin and Tou Tian.

But no matter what means they used, they could not cause any harm to the two.

The Dark Forest's actions also disturbed the demons, and the demons hurriedly dispatched a large army to guard outside the Dark Forest, fearing that the Dark Forest would riot.

The Shura and human races are eyeing us from the outside world, so we must not have another Dark Forest riot inside, otherwise the demon race will be in trouble.

"Ye Lin, hurry up, hurry up, I have already felt a lot of energy fluctuations, don't hide, just burst out with all your strength."

"The closer the distance, the stronger the connection between me and the treasure. As long as I get close to the treasure, I can immediately activate it. At that time, except for the True Lord of the Hedao period, these ghosts can't attack the two of us."

Seeing Ye Lin's explosion, Tou Tian was excited and lay on Ye Lin's shoulder, shaking violently.

"Damn, you don't have back pain when you lie down and talk, you come and try."

Ye Lin heard this and cursed, Zhuo, this guy just lay quietly on his shoulder and did nothing, just bragging.

He has now burst out with all his strength, and the spiritual energy in his body is squandered as if it doesn't cost money.

And the ghosts around him not only did not decrease, but increased.

The road ahead is already full of ghosts, making it difficult for people to move.

The Phoenix Fire around Ye Lin was getting dimmer and dimmer. The reason was that Ye Lin was really drained of his spiritual energy. Only one tenth of his spiritual energy remained.

"They can't hold on any longer. Faster, faster, more, transfer all the Yuanying stage people around to me."

The ghosts in the sky saw this scene and seemed to see hope.

"They have been transferred."

As the next voice sounded, everyone looked around.

The surrounding area of ​​the dark forest, with Ye Lin and Tou Tian as the center, was occupied by densely packed ghosts. They were rushing towards Ye Lin and Tou Tian.

It's not that there are no ghosts, but they can't squeeze in at all.

"It's almost there, Ye Lin, there are still a thousand meters, a thousand meters, speed up."

And Tou Tian seemed to see the dawn. Looking at the huge palace a thousand meters away, he was so excited that he trembled.

There was the location of his Tianji Tower's treasure. He was about to get the second-ranked peerless treasure of their Tianji Tower. That was a peerless treasure with a grade of semi-immortal weapon.

Semi-immortal weapon, above the heavenly level and below the immortal level, is a semi-immortal weapon.

Of course, the most important treasure of Tianji Tower is in his hands.

As long as he gets close, he can awaken the treasure of Tianji Tower as the only heir of Tianji Tower.

After all, he has spirits for the treasures of the heavenly level, and the treasure of Tianji Tower, of course, only recognizes the heir of Tianji Tower.

Once he gets this semi-immortal weapon, he can reproduce the glory of Tianji Tower in ancient times.

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