You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 344 Taichu's Curse

"This is the demon clan area. How come you two humans are here? Have we, the humans, already broken into the demon clan area?"

The real king sitting in the most important position spoke.

However, these three figures are all human monks. They were human beings when they were alive, and they were human souls after death.

"Senior, excuse me, my human race has not invaded the territory of the demon race. We are here for the things next to you."

Seeing this, Ye Lin took a step forward, clasped his fists towards the three True Lords and said.

Hearing this, the expressions of the three true monarchs darkened.

"Do you know what this treasure means to us? Take it away? Since you are a human race, I will not embarrass you. Let's go. Those things in the outside world will not take action against you."

"Before I change my mind."

Hearing this, Ye Lin immediately looked at Toitian, feeling a little embarrassed.

They never expected that these three True Lords would sit next to Luo Pan and take away the things that people depend on for survival under the eyes of their True Lords. Tsk, no one else would agree.

"Senior, this thing is the treasure of my Tianji Tower. I want it because it is of great use. I hope that the seniors can fulfill it. And if the three seniors agree, I can also take out the treasure to nourish your souls and bring you to my human race. area to reshape your body.”

Toutian stared at the pressure, clenched his fists and gritted his teeth.

Under the gaze of the three True Lords, Toitian's body was dripping with sweat. The sense of oppression from the True Lords was so strong that just sitting there and doing nothing was intimidating.

"The remnants of Tianji Tower?"

Unexpectedly, the True Lord on the far left snorted coldly when he heard this.

"Senior, I am a human being. Those things were not done by us. Some of them are inconvenient for me to say, but please don't wrongly accuse good people."

Seeing the Zhenren on the far left looking like he was about to take action, Toitian panicked and said hurriedly.

Grandma, if the real king wants to kill him, even his ten lives are not enough to kill him.

Although he has many tricks, under Zhenjun's nose, his tricks are no different than a child playing house.

"Hey, retreat quickly."

Hearing this, the Zhenjun on the far left did not continue to embarrass Toitian, and sighed and spoke.

They are already dead anyway, so no matter how much you care about them, it will be of no use.

"Senior, my master is Tai Chu. Do you know him?"

Seeing Tou Tian's anxious face, Ye Lin stepped forward and spoke.

But Tou Tian was extremely anxious. Seeing that the treasure of Tianji Tower was right in front of him and could not take it, Tou Tian was helpless.

"A disciple of the Beginning? Do you have any evidence?"

Unexpectedly, when the real king sitting in the center heard Ye Lin's words, his heart moved, and there was a trace of concern in his tone.

When Ye Lin heard the change in this person's tone, he felt happy and excited.

At critical moments, relationships are the most useful.

"Senior, this is the token given to me by Master. Master said that you can contact him anywhere in Dongzhou."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he injected spiritual energy into the token, and the next moment, Taichu's face appeared in the air.

"Humph, Ye Lin, I didn't expect that you would cause such a big trouble for me. Just when I was about to go find you, you actually came to my door."

Ye Lingang contacted Taichu, and Taichu scolded him when he turned against him.

This made Ye Lin a little overwhelmed.

"Master, what did I do wrong?"

"You have the nerve to say that? You are really brave to steal someone's mountain treasure under the nose of the True Lord of Longhu Mountain."

"How can your three-legged cat skills be able to hide the truth from a True Lord? I have already told you not to underestimate people of True Lord's level, but you have taken my words into the dog's belly?"

"Besides, if you want you to tell me earlier, if you tell me earlier, I will definitely help you steal it. Just steal it. Who has never done that kind of thing, but it was still discovered under the eyes of others, isn't it a shame? ah."

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