You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 341: Give it a try

"I knew I would bring Wu Xin here."

Ye Lin complained in his heart, Wu Xin is an expert in dealing with these guys, a professional counterpart, as long as he brings Wu Xin here, when the Buddha statue opens, these scum will not dare to approach.

His phoenix fire also had miraculous effects on these ghosts, but he didn't dare to use it. Once it was used, it would be an accident.

Once the Phoenix Fire is activated, the spiritual energy is extremely consumed, and there is no telling whether we can reach our destination by then.

Seeing this scene, the spirit transformation realm ghost in the sky suddenly laughed.

He could tell at a glance that the kid's methods were only useful to people like himself, who were in the spirit transformation stage, and were useless to people below the Nascent Soul stage.

Isn't this very easy?

Kill, kill well. The total number of ghosts accumulated in the dark forest over the years is more than the entire human race. I want to see how many you can kill.

"Is it almost there?"

Ye Lin asked Toitian while holding the spiritual stone to absorb and replenish the spiritual energy.

Attacking while replenishing spiritual energy will damage the meridians and weaken the foundation if it lasts for a long time.

"It's almost here, hold on a little longer, there are still three kilometers left."

After Toitian finished speaking, Ye Lin rolled his eyes at him.

Three kilometers? At their current speed, it would take two hours. After all, taking one step would require clearing the ghosts in front of them.

If this continues, sooner or later he will not be able to hold on anymore.

Nascent Soul monks are also human beings, not machines riding horses.

"Damn it, forget it, let's go."

The next moment, Ye Lin gritted his teeth, and a fiery red flame appeared all over his body, while Ye Lin grabbed Toitian on his shoulders and rushed forward quickly.

As long as the surrounding ghosts come within one meter of Ye Lin, they will automatically dissipate between heaven and earth, even ghosts in the Nascent Soul stage are no exception.

But the price of doing so is that the spiritual energy is consumed twice as much.

"Damn it, the place they went to is... the main hall? Damn it."

The expression of the spirit transformation realm ghost who had been following closely in the sky changed, and he cursed secretly.

Then he waved his hand, and countless ghosts suddenly appeared in the air.

The strength of these ghosts are all in the spirit transformation realm, and at a glance, their number is no less than ten thousand.

This is the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years in the dark forest.

And these are only a very small part.

Although the combat power of ghosts in the God Transformation Realm is far different from that of real people in the God Transformation Realm, they are still in the God Transformation Realm.

So this is the reason why the demon clan has a headache and has never destroyed the dark forest.

It’s not that it’s immortal, it’s that it really can’t be destroyed.

No matter what he said, he was still a spirit in the Soul Transformation Realm. He could kill a Nascent Soul Stage monk with one slap, while a real person in the Soul Transformation Realm could only hold back a maximum of ten ghosts in the Soul Transformation Realm.

Calculating it like this, I don’t dare to underestimate it.

"Everyone, the two human races below are heading towards the main hall. Those people live in the main hall, as well as my dark forest treasure."

"If we wake up those few, there's no need to say more about our fate, right?"

"These two human races are a bit weird. I can't shake them at all. Now I'll take action together to stop them both."

After hearing what the demon ghost in the Transformation Realm said, the other ghosts realized the seriousness of the matter.

Those few people are in retreat in the main hall to regulate their breathing. If they are disturbed by these two human races at this time, they will not get any good results if they become angry.

After all, ghosts can devour each other, devouring each other and increasing their own strength.

"Okay, let's take action together."

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