You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2502: Words come true.

His strength has increased, but he is not so arrogant as to fight the four strange gods alone.

The people below immediately understood what Ye Lin said when he saw his obscure eyes, and then they stood up secretly and flew towards the sky.

Although the immortal power was exhausted, flying was just a thought.

"No matter who it is, they must die. It is impossible to deceive me."

At this time, the densely packed strange people below were furious when they saw the Tianjiao of the Kingdom of God leaving, and they roared all over the sky, and the roar also attracted the four strange gods to come back to their senses.

The closest sword master tore the portrait of Shen Yunxue in front of him with a sword and glared at Ye Lin.


The sword master raised the bone sword in his hand and slashed at Ye Lin without hesitation, while Ye Lin retreated and stretched out his fingers.


As Ye Lin said this, the sword energy in front of him actually retreated magically, getting farther and farther away from Ye Lin.


The three strange gods standing beside the Sword Master were not idle either. They all came towards Ye Lin.

Ye Lin had no intention of getting entangled with these strange gods. He cast spells while retreating.

"Time pauses."

"Time goes backwards."

"Strong wind..."

"Fire domain."

Various strange phenomena kept flashing in the sky. Every time Ye Lin said a word, a corresponding strange phenomenon would appear, which annoyed the four strange gods who were chasing him.

Seeing that the gods' geniuses had left safely, Ye Lin did not intend to stay. He smiled at the strange gods in front of him.

"I said, I can leave this place safely."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, the space around him began to twist slightly. The next moment, Ye Lin instantly disappeared in front of the four strange gods.

"Damn it, damn it, what kind of magic is this? Words come true? How can words come true so against the will of heaven?"

"Let them run away, the holy object is gone, how can we report to the master when he comes?"

"Damn formation, damn formation, how many years will it trap us?"

Standing there at a loss, the strangeness kept roaring.

However, Ye Lin didn't know what happened next. At this time, he was already standing safely in the starry sky.

"Tsk tsk tsk, this has consumed 80% of my immortal power? Words come true is useful, but it consumes too much immortal power."

Ye Lin smiled bitterly when he noticed the empty Dantian. Just now, it was just a magic that made him lose 80% of his immortal power.

This is too outrageous.

"Fellow Daoist Ye Lin, thanks to you this time, I owe you a favor. If you need help in the future, just ask."

Qin Huang, standing in the distance, looked at Ye Lin who suddenly appeared, and solemnly clasped his fists to Ye Lin.

"Thank you, Daoist Fellow Ye Lin."

Qin Ziyan also bowed to Ye Lin.

This time, Ye Lin saved them, and they were grateful in their hearts.

"Ye Lin, what have you been doing for this month? What's the matter with that strange holy object?"

At this moment, Lu Changfeng asked stupidly, and at this time, Lu Wushuang quickly pulled Lu Wushuang behind him, and did not forget to glare at Lu Changfeng.

Then he turned his head and smiled at Ye Lin.

"Daoist Fellow Ye Lin, don't blame me, my brother is straightforward, please don't take it to heart."

Listening to Lu Wushuang's words, Lu Changfeng realized that he had said the wrong thing.

Ye Lin disappeared for a month, and he must have obtained some heaven-defying opportunity. It would be inappropriate for him to ask again at this time.

Not to mention that Ye Lin just saved their lives.

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