You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2501 Ye Lin arrives.


At this moment, a gentle voice came, and in an instant, everyone in despair saw an incredible scene. They saw that the death aura spreading towards them actually stood still in mid-air.


Another word rang out, and the deathly aura in front of his eyes immediately disappeared, as if it had never appeared before.

"This is……"

Seeing such a magical scene, everyone lying on the ground raised their heads and looked at the sky.

I saw Ye Lin walking towards this side step by step with his hands behind his back. Lotus flowers bloomed at his step. With every step he took, a golden lotus bloomed under his feet.

"Does it look like everyone is in bad shape?"

Looking at the people lying down below, Ye Lin secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It's good to go every time. Fortunately, he caught up, otherwise he would have missed another big opportunity.

"Who are you? I feel the breath of the holy object in you. Hand over the holy object and I will spare your life."

The sword master stepped forward and looked at Ye Lin, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

"Turn back time and go back."

Ye Lin stretched out his hand and saw an inexplicable wave of power passing by. The sword master who had been standing in front of Ye Lin suddenly returned to the same place.

"What method is this?"

This time, Jianjun couldn't do it.

He didn't even notice how he came back just now.

The eyes looking at Ye Lin were unconsciously filled with fear.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, was smiling.

The effect of adding the Taoist body to his words is simply extraordinary. Every word he says is accompanied by the Taoist rhyme, and the power is increased several times.

He can now be said to be truly omnipotent, truly able to speak out and follow everything.

However, this is all based on Ye Lin's understanding of Tao, his understanding of Tao's rhyme, and his collection of ten thousand Tao engravings.

For example, Ye Lin only has the Ten Thousand Imprints of Time to be able to use time-related spells.

If Ye Lin were to create it out of thin air, it would be a fantasy.

Unless Ye Lin controls destiny, cause and effect.

"Your clan's sacred object is not in my hands, but was taken away by others."

Listening to Sword Lord's question, Ye Lin shook his head and said with regret, before Shen Yunxue left, she also took away the two fragments of the sacred object.

But he wasn't surprised. After all, he had already gained such a huge harvest, and it was useless to ask for those two things.

Moreover, it was a hot potato and he couldn't hold it.

"The rest of you? Do you think I'm easy to deceive? Or is my sword bad for you?"

When the sword master heard this, he was immediately furious. Ye Lin was treating him like a fool. You obviously have the aura of a holy object in your body, but you still dare to make up nonsense?

"Believe it or not, I don't have any so-called sacred objects with me. Even if you kill me or them, your clan's sacred objects will not come back."

"This person is the one who stole your clan's sacred objects. I fought with her in the starry sky for more than a month, but I still let her escape."

Ye Lin waved his hand, and streams of light appeared in the air in front of him. These streams of light intertwined with each other, and finally formed the appearance of Shen Yunxue.

That's right, Ye Lin completely betrayed Shen Yunxue at this moment, causing trouble to the east.

"Why don't you leave quickly?"

Seeing the strange and dazed gap in front of him, Ye Lin hated himself and looked at the geniuses lying below.

Although he has become stronger, it is still a bit reluctant for him to fight the weirdness of the four gods in front of him alone.

Ye Lin estimated that at most he could only beat one of them, but as for the four, he would still only be beaten.

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