You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2503: Golden Light of Merit

"It's okay. This month, I just chased the person from before. I didn't lie in front of Weiyi."

"A month ago, on the stairs, you were all killing the weird ones, but one person went straight to the weird holy objects alone. Since then, I have also caught up."

"In the end, she took the holy object and ran towards the starry sky, and I followed her into the starry sky. In the end, I fought with her for more than a month. In the end, I still didn't stop her and let her run away."

"Since then, I have returned to the strange stars and only then have I seen you."

Ye Lin smiled and explained that after all, these were things that really happened, and he was not lying.

But the only difference is that that part of it is omitted.

"I see."

Everyone nodded one after another with astonishment on their faces, and then they were very sensible and did not ask any further questions.

Ye Lin really saved their lives this time. If they continued to ask questions, it would be too inhumane.

"Thanks to Fellow Taoist Ye Lin, we were safe this time. Now that we are out, we are out of danger."

After Qin Ziyan finished speaking, she looked at the weird stars under her feet. Above the weird stars, the weird ones on the ground were staring at them with a pair of blood-red eyes. Their eyes full of murderous intent made them feel uncomfortable.

But no matter what, they couldn't break through the seal and escape.

"Our work has not been in vain."

Qin Ziyan finished speaking with a smile, then arched her hands and bowed towards the distant starry sky.

"Please give Heaven a lesson."

As Qin Ziyan finished speaking, there was a roar in the distant starry sky. In an instant, a breeze blew by. At this moment, Ye Lin felt that the surroundings were full of strong Taoist charm.

This Taoist charm was so strong that even I was frightened, and it was filled with endless coercion.

Under this pressure, he was as small as an ant.

Qin Ziyan stood motionless in front. The next moment, golden lights came from the void and disappeared into Qin Ziyan's body.

"Golden light of merit?"

Seeing this scene, Ye Lin's eyes narrowed. This familiar golden light, familiar aura, and golden light of merit were all too familiar to him.

After all, he had obtained this thing before.

However, this golden light of merit is simply a world away from the golden light of merit he had previously obtained in the Xuanhuang World.

This golden light of merit is too magnificent and too supreme.

I feel extremely insignificant in front of it.

"Please give Heaven a lesson."

"Please give me a lesson from heaven."

Seeing this, everyone around them didn't dare to delay and bowed to the dead starry sky in front of them. After all, why were they working so hard to kill Weird? Of course it is merit.

At this moment, they were seeking merit from the universe.

Weirdness is a thing from the heavens. As long as you kill it, heaven will send you merits.

Ye Lin also followed suit and gave a fist-clenching salute.

And the next moment, he also received rays of golden light of merit.

With the merits entering his body, Ye Lin remained calm on the surface and poured all these merits into the sky-swallowing magic jar on his shoulder.

After the merits entered the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Jar, there was only a flash of golden light on the surface of the Sky-Swallowing Devil's Jar, and then nothing happened again.

At this time, powerful auras erupted around Ye Lin.

These people are all using merit to improve their cultivation, but Ye Lin doesn't like using merit from the beginning to the end.

Although his merits are good, Ye Lin is very strict when it comes to cultivation.

In the final analysis, merit is an external thing. Although it can improve a lot of cultivation in a short period of time, Ye Lin has always been extremely dissatisfied in his heart.

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