"Who do you think you are?"

Ye Lin was so angry that he laughed. He slapped him without thinking. How dare a mere early True Immortal dare to teach him how to do things?

What a bunch of idiots came out of the God's Dynasty.

The bloody evil spirit rolled and directly blew up half of the face of the young man in front of him, and he flew backwards.

Ye Lin slapped him and killed half of his life.

"Heavenly Spear, kill."

Wu Qi's furious voice came from a distance. The next moment, a long spear stabbed from the depths of the starry sky. The long spear was filled with a strong evil spirit. This evil spirit was different from the killing spirit. Killing one person can form a killing spirit, and killing tens of millions of people can form an evil spirit.

Wherever the long spear went, the planets shattered and the starry sky collapsed.

"Just try your trick on you, the sun is coming."

Ye Lin sneered, and a big sun appeared in his hand. As he threw the big sun, a big sun that looked like a real sun appeared in the starry sky.

For a while, the dazzling light pierced Shen Yunxue, who was watching the show in the distance, and couldn't open her eyes.


The sun blasted on the spear, directly blasting the so-called spear apart.

Then, before the sun dissipated, it went straight to suppress Wu Qi.


Wu Qi roared, blocking his chest with the spear in his hand.

The next moment, the sun directly hit the spear, and Wu Qi's body immediately fell downwards, spitting blood wildly during the period, and the blood he spit out was almost instantly evaporated by the high temperature carried by the sun.

"One move, let your soul be destroyed."

Ye Lin sneered. The strength of this supreme law was beyond his expectations. One move directly destroyed a True Immortal.

The so-called late True Immortal was as weak as a baby in his eyes.


Ye Lin exerted force on his palm, and the shadow of the sun behind him spun violently. The next moment, the sun that suppressed Wu Qi exploded directly, and a light that was more dazzling than the light produced by the simultaneous explosion of hundreds of stars was produced.

The terrifying shock waves directly destroyed all the stars in the radius of tens of thousands of stars and turned them into ruins.

Ye Lin stood above the starry sky and quietly looked at the figure floating in the distance.

At this time, the spear in Wu Qi's hand was broken, and he was floating in the starry sky with blood all over his body. His eyes were broken and his body was even more miserable.

It is hard to imagine that the high and mighty True Immortal Powerful can have such an embarrassing side.

"Daoyou, we are from the God's Dynasty, and this General Wu Qi is the most favored person by God. You will definitely anger the God's Dynasty by doing this."

"Do you know the price of provoking the God's Dynasty?"

At this time, the young man who was half dead by Ye Lin's slap came to Ye Lin again and said coldly.

His face was very ugly at this time. He didn't expect that there were cultivators in this abandoned land of immortals who dared to provoke the God's Dynasty?

You know, the reason why the abandoned land of immortals is called the abandoned land of immortals is because the abandoned land of immortals is extremely barren, with scarce resources, and there are no rules at all, and the strong are even more scarce.

On weekdays, when people from the three major forces come to this abandoned land of immortals, even the strongest in this abandoned land of immortals have to give them three points of face.

I didn't expect that I could meet such a fool now.

In his mind, the cultivators in this abandoned land of immortals were all lowly bitches. Except for a few who were worthy of his attention, even the true immortals were lowly bitches in his eyes.

And now, he was beaten by this lowly bitch. Wu Qi, who was arrogant and claimed to be invincible in the realm of true immortals, was even beaten directly.

This made him extremely angry. When he returned, he would report to God and give this abandoned land of immortals a bloodbath.

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