You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2368 Water Moon Cave

"Oh? God's Dynasty? Then ask your so-called God to come to me."

Ye Lin said calmly, and then directly wiped out the soul of the young man in front of him, and then sent out another round of Sun Sacrifice, directly killing Wu Qi who was not completely dead in the distance.

"I didn't expect you to be quite powerful. I also know about this dynasty of gods. It is said that the god is the Taiyi Xuanxian. Aren't you afraid?"

Shen Yunxue, who had witnessed everything, folded her arms and said.

"We haven't fought before, so how can we be afraid of a single word?"

Ye Lin said lightly, then turned and left.

"Then God has the cultivation level of Taiyi Xuanxian. Is it possible that you want to defeat Taiyi Xuanxian with the cultivation level of a true immortal?"

Seeing Ye Lin leaving, Shen Yunxue immediately caught up with Tucao.

"If you keep following me and talking nonsense, I'll kill you too."

The shadow of the sun appeared in Ye Lin's palm, filled with murderous intent.

"Why are you like this?"

Shen Yunxue curled her lips and a hint of warmth and anger flashed across her face. She didn't care about Ye Lin's threat at all, because Ye Lin didn't show the slightest murderous intention towards her just now.

Shen Yunxue folded her arms and looked at Ye Lin's back thoughtfully.


At this moment, the starry sky in the distance of Ye Lin suddenly changed dramatically. A Milky Way came from outside the starry sky and penetrated the entire starry sky, and bursts of strange light circulated in the Milky Way.

"Shuiyuedongtian? Let's go quickly."

At this moment, a snow-white palm grabbed Ye Lin's shoulder, but the next moment, Ye Lin and Shen Yunxue's figure behind him disappeared together.

The Milky Way continued to run through the Milky Way Galaxy Cluster, but all the monks who saw this Milky Way disappeared one after another.

Ye Lin only felt that the scene in front of him changed rapidly. Finally, he came to an island, which was surrounded by the boundless ocean.

"What is this place?"

Looking around, Ye Lin was full of doubts. What on earth was that Milky Way just now?

"Shuiyuedongtian, we entered Shuiyuedongtian. Damn it, I knew it. If I had known, I should have left earlier."

Shen Yunxue stamped her feet on the spot with an angry face, and coupled with her peerless appearance, she looked extremely cute.

"Shuiyuedongtian? Such a familiar word."

Ye Lin felt an inexplicable familiarity with these four words, and the next moment, he knew it.

He searched for specific information about Shuiyue Cave in the depths of his memory.

It is said that for millions of years, two great Taiyi Golden Immortals fought against each other in remote places in the galaxy. The battle caused the sun and moon to turn upside down and the galaxy collapsed.

Finally, one of the Taiyi Golden Immortals threw a spear, and the spear flew everywhere in the galaxy, forming a beautiful Milky Way.

All creatures that see the spear will be sucked into the inner space of the spear, and this inner space is called Shuiyuedongtian.

And they were currently in the Water Moon Cave.

"It's fine now, I can't get out."

Shen Yunsheng stood there helplessly. She looked at Ye Lin in the distance with a resentful look on his face. It was all him. If she hadn't pulled him away, she wouldn't have entered the Water Moon Cave.

I have been to so many places and seen so many cruel and bloody scenes, but I still can't change my so-called Holy Mother's heart?

"The only way out of Shuiyuedongtian is to find the real secret of Shuiyuedongtian."

A large number of memories emerged in Ye Lin's mind, and he fell into silence looking at the boundless ocean around him. Find out the real secret of Shuiyue Cave?

According to the memories he inherited, no living being has been able to find this so-called real secret from beginning to end.

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