He has been fighting for the Kingdom of God all his life, and this time he came to this abandoned land with a mission to destroy an ungrateful force.

During this gap, he met Ye Lin. He could not tell Ye Lin's cultivation level, but his intuition told him that the young man in front of him was not simple.

So he had evil intentions. The first-grade military generals of the God's Dynasty were well worshiped, but they were far from satisfying him, a powerful person in the late stage of the True Immortal.

So he attacked Ye Lin brazenly. A true immortal was full of treasures, not to mention the treasures of the true immortal.

Normally, first-class generals like him are locked in the Kingdom of Gods to guard the borders all year round and are not allowed to leave their posts without permission. But this time, he was lucky and met a true immortal.

And in his mind, what kind of strong person can be born in this abandoned land?

Even if he is a true immortal, he is still much weaker than the powerful true immortals from the other three regions.

Moreover, there are only a few late-stage true immortals and even peak experts in the Land of Immortal Abandonment.

I originally thought that Ye Lin was only in the early stage of True Immortal, but I didn't expect to find out during the fight that Ye Lin was actually in the middle stage of True Immortal, and he actually suffered a loss after testing.

"I said that offending a powerful true immortal is obviously not a wise choice."

Ye Lin sneered and said, how could the monks of the Divine Dynasty be so overbearing? They took action without any explanation.

Are you being arrogant or stupid?

"I'm surprised that there is a person like you in the land abandoned by the immortals."

"It's been a long time since I met a decent opponent. Come on, let's have a fight."

Wu Qi's eyes were full of fighting spirit. He had fought all his life and was known as the number one among the younger generation in the Dynasty of Gods.

His powerful talent and combat power have developed his arrogant character. Even the so-called god generals of the God's Dynasty don't look down on him, let alone the monks in this land abandoned by immortals.

A black spear appeared in Wu Qi's hand, and the tip of the spear was spitting out an extremely powerful black light.

"General Wu Qi, the mission has been completed, it's time for us to leave."

At this time, a young man wearing a green shirt and long robe walked over and stood next to Wu Qi and smiled.

"Wait a minute, let me have a few moves with this fellow Taoist before we talk."

Wu Qi's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

"Hmph, when will you change your temper? If this continues, you will die sooner or later because of your arrogant character."

The young man snorted coldly when he heard this.

"You can't say anything this time, kill me."

After Wu Qi finished speaking, he charged towards Ye Lin with a spear. The woman who had just arrived, Shen Yunxue, stood in the distance with her arms folded, watching with interest.

She just stood there quietly, as if Wu Qi and the two couldn't see her at all.

In the blink of an eye, Wu Qi's spear was already in front of him. Ye Lin raised his head and flicked his finger, forcibly changing the direction of the spear tip.


Wu Qi screamed in disbelief, but the next moment, Ye Lin slapped him in the face, and slapped his head sideways.

And his entire body fell backwards like a meteor, hitting several big stars along the way.

Beautiful bright lights illuminate the starry sky.

Seeing this, Ye Lin slowly raised his hand, and blood evil energy gathered in his palm, and a trace of murderous intent flashed in Ye Lin's eyes.

"Fellow Taoist, General Wu Qi is actually competing with you. Now the result has been decided. I hope you will stop."

The young man from before immediately came to Ye Lin and said with a smile, holding a fan made of unknown feathers in his hand and fanning it one by one.

His tone didn't sound like a discussion, but more like an order, the tone of a superior giving an order to a subordinate.

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