Ye Lin walked alone in the lonely starry sky. Their goal was the center of this abandoned land of immortals. As for the Starry Tower, he did not go there.

This time, the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot only refined one world and fell into a deep sleep. It would be a waste to go to the so-called Starry Tower.

Now his combat power is enough to rival the peak of the True Immortals. He also has the Great Supreme Law. Even ordinary peak True Immortals will never be his opponents.


At this moment, a loud noise came from the starry sky in front of him, and several more loud noises sounded. Rays of light illuminated the entire starry sky, dispelling all the darkness in front of Ye Lin.

Boom, boom, boom.

The sound of explosions in front of him was endless. Ye Lin looked carefully and saw the battlefield in front of him clearly.

Densely packed warships, countless strong men were fighting each other, and there were even a few True Immortals among them.

For a moment, the galaxy collapsed, and even the space was shattered. The stars turned into the most beautiful fireworks in the starry sky.

Seeing this, Ye Lin decided to take a detour. It was obvious that the two forces were fighting, perhaps for treasures, or perhaps for revenge.

But this had nothing to do with him.

Just as Ye Lin wanted to leave, a ray of white light suddenly appeared in front of him, and the white light slowly turned into a ray of sword energy. In the sword energy, a figure slowly walked out.

Wearing a white dress, a pair of long white legs were looming in the thin white dress, three thousand strands of hair fluttered quietly, white jade arms hung in the air, and a white bracelet was worn on the right wrist.

A peerless face that made everything speechless, and Ye Lin was also amazed. This woman was definitely the most amazing woman he had ever seen since he practiced.

The most beautiful woman.

"Daoyou, what did you see?"

The woman's lips moved slightly, and an extremely smart voice came into Ye Lin's ears.

"I didn't see anything, I just saw the two sides fighting."

Ye Lin shook his head.

"Oh? You can see me?"

Ye Lin: "..."

At this moment, Ye Lin was completely speechless.

You made such a big appearance, but I can't see you.

"Damn it, Uncle Wei's bracelet is not that useful. Anyone can see me. I must ask him for an explanation when I go back. My three hundred top-grade immortal stones."

The woman touched the bracelet on her wrist and snorted.

Looking at the woman's appearance, a transparent panel appeared in front of Ye Lin.

Name: Shen Yunxue

Cultivation: Early stage of True Immortal

Fate: Taoist

Race: Human

Identity: The biological daughter of the leader of Shengyang Tianzong.

Numerology: [Holy Sun Body Protection] [Comprehension of God] [Unparalleled Combat Power] [Friendly with All Beasts] [Born Holy God]

Destiny: Stopped at the early stage of Taiyi Jinxian. After breaking through Taiyi Jinxian, he resolutely went to the Demon Realm. In the end, he fought with the Demon Lord in the Demon Realm for three million years. He was suppressed by the Demon Lord until he was exhausted. He was suppressed by the Demon Lord for billions of years, and his divinity was completely destroyed.

Recent opportunities: Killed a strange-looking Shuiyue Holy Beast in Shuiyue Cave Heaven three years later, and found a mysterious scroll in the belly of Shuiyue Holy Beast.

[Holy Sun Body Protection]: The body has the blood of Golden Immortal flowing in it, and there is a trace of Holy Sun power. If it encounters a fatal crisis, the Holy Sun power in the blood will be automatically activated, thus killing all enemies. (The power of Holy Sun cannot be stopped by Golden Immortal.)

[Comprehension and Divine]: [Comprehension and Divine]: Superb comprehension, the speed of comprehension of various exercises is extremely fast. For the same exercise, it takes three months for others to comprehend, but you only need a few days.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: A natural combat powerhouse, who can always comprehend something in battle.

[Affinity with All Beasts]: Born with affinity with all beasts.

[Born Holy]: There is a trace of mysterious power in the body, but what it is is unknown.

Treasure Atlas: Mysterious scroll, a fragment of a fairy-level holy law.

After reading this person's faceplate, Ye Lin was also a little surprised. True Immortal, how far did he walk and he met several True Immortals in succession.

However, this woman in front of him was obviously not from the Tianhe Galaxy Cluster. She was the daughter of a Golden Immortal. There were Golden Immortals in the Tianhe Galaxy Cluster?

Golden Immortals were powerful people that could only appear in large galaxy clusters.

Because this galaxy cluster could not breed a Golden Immortal.

"Hmph, you are standing here sneakily, I have been watching you for a long time."

Suddenly, a cold snort came from behind Ye Lin. Ye Lin turned around and saw a purple-robed man walking towards him step by step.

One step was a distance of tens of millions of miles, and in the blink of an eye, he had arrived in front of Ye Lin.

The man who came was a middle-aged man with a horn on his forehead, and the tip of the horn was emitting a faint halo.

He looked at Ye Lin with his hands behind his back and a bad face.

"Late True Immortal?"

Ye Lin was extremely surprised. Did he poke the Golden Immortal's nest today? Just walking along the road, you can meet Golden Immortals one after another.

"Tell me, are you from the Ten Thousand Demons Country? There are no True Immortals as young as you in such a remote place."

The man in front of him looked at Ye Lin and said coldly, with the Dao flowing on his right hand, and he was obviously ready to attack.

"I'm just passing by, you continue."

Ye Lin said lightly, then turned and left.

"Humph, come and go as you please? Since you have seen it, then stay."

Before Ye Lin completely left, a powerful force wave came from behind him, and Ye Lin immediately turned his body, and a ray of light directly penetrated the countless stars in front.

"It's not a wise choice to provoke a true immortal without any explanation."

Ye Lin turned around with a cold face. Just attack him casually?

Under normal circumstances, even a force with Taiyi Xuanxian strongmen would not dare to provoke a true immortal casually.

Because the revenge of a true immortal is very terrible.

"True immortal revenge? Unfortunately, you are going to die here, how can there be revenge?"

"Remember, I come from the God's Dynasty, a second-grade general, Wu Qi."

After Wu Qi finished speaking, he threw his robe and rushed towards Ye Lin.

Ye Lin felt extremely confused during the whole process. He was killed right away? He hadn't encountered such a confusing thing for a long time.

However, since you want to die, don't blame me.

Ye Lin also threw a punch, directly blasting the light emitted by Wu Qi in front of him, and then turned his body to Wu Qi, grabbed Wu Qi's head with a slap and smashed it hard on the big star beside him.

The huge star shattered directly at this.

Wu Qi was instantly furious, and then he suddenly grabbed Ye Lin's abdomen. In a hurry, Ye Lin let go of Wu Qi's head and dodged, and Wu Qi also broke free.

"Middle stage of True Immortal, I thought you were just an ordinary True Immortal, but I didn't expect that you were actually in the early stage of True Immortal."

Wu Qi's face was obviously a little

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