You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2364: Ice Bird Clan, Destroyed

The ground veins exploded, the heavens collapsed, and the whole world was heading for destruction.

And the Ice Bird Clan warriors were sucked into mummies one by one, and finally turned into a wisp of dust and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Even their souls were forcibly refined by the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot.

The whole process lasted for half an hour. In the end, Ye Lin put away the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot, and only a broken continent was quietly suspended in front of him.

On the continent, glaciers broke, magma covered the earth, huge cracks appeared on the ground, and the whole continent began to fall apart.

With the last loud noise, the previously prosperous continent now turned into fragments and disappeared in the starry sky.

A large world was completely destroyed in just half an hour, and billions of lives turned into nothingness.


The Ice Bird Clan warriors who witnessed all this stood there speechless. Half an hour, just half an hour, the entire Ice Bird Clan was completely destroyed, and even the place where the Ice Bird Clan was born, a huge world that could give birth to a celestial fairy, was completely destroyed.

The way of heaven also completely collapsed.

As the sound of a sword rang out behind him, the body of the young man who witnessed everything disappeared.

"Ha ha ha, cool, cool."

"Boy, I really wronged me to follow you before. This is the first time I have found the familiar feeling again."

"Boy, how about we make a deal? You lead me to continue to devour, and I am sure that you can step into Taiyi Xuanxian within ten thousand years, how about it?"

The Sky Devouring Demon Jar, which had tasted the sweetness, began to seduce Ye Lin with words. He couldn't even drink a mouthful of soup when he followed Ye Lin before, which was really wronged.

Thinking about him following the previous master, that was to eat meat to his heart's content, destroy a large galaxy at any time, and exterminate the clan at any time, it was so cool that he took off.

And following Ye Lin, it's all tears if you say too much.

Ye Lin listened to the Sky Devouring Demon Jar's words quietly without saying much, but calmly put the Sky Devouring Demon Jar on his shoulder and left here.

He still had some resistance to the power obtained by devouring living beings.

He didn't need those powers that didn't belong to him.

There is no shortcut on the road of cultivation. Any shortcut will pay a corresponding price in the end.

This is why he rarely uses the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot. The Devouring Heaven Demon Pot can absorb the essence and blood of living beings, and then refine these powers and feed back some of them to himself.

If he really turns into the character in the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot and slaughters living beings everywhere and exterminates the clan, it is indeed easy to improve his cultivation.

But in that way, it is easy to lose oneself and lose one's nature.

The cultivation in his mind is not like that.

Looking at the silent Ye Lin along the way, the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot curled his lips and said nothing. He has seen many people like Ye Lin.

Each of them is full of justice in their hearts, claiming to be a savior who saves the world, and a great master who truly soars freely between heaven and earth.

But that is impossible. Any living being has its own troubles, even those who are truly transcendent have their own troubles.

He is very confident that one day in the future, Ye Lin will use himself as he said, and use the Devouring Heaven Demon Power together to become the second Devouring Heaven Demon Lord in the Galaxy Universe.

The Heaven Devouring Magic Skill combined with the Heaven Devouring Magic Jar is truly invincible and truly tyrannical.

After all, his previous master was such a character, a truly cold-blooded existence.

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