You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2363: Destruction

It is rumored that the Ice Bird clan is a branch of the mythical beast Suzaku, and their bodies contain a trace of the blood of the mythical beast Suzaku. If they encounter any natural and earthly treasures, they may not be able to return to their ancestors and become the real mythical beast Suzaku.

And here is the Bingque clan's clan, a prosperous place with few remote places.

On weekdays, no other strong person except Bingque dared to set foot without authorization, because the Bingque clan has absolute strength, and there are six powerful immortals in the clan, and no one who is short-sighted comes to offend.

But on this day, a strange voice came towards this direction through the starry sky, and each step was a distance of thousands of miles.

In a short time, he had arrived at the Bingque Clan.

"Stop, the front is a forbidden area, it is forbidden to enter."

Suddenly, a roar came to mind, causing the entire starry sky to tremble.

"Is this right here? Then I've found the right place."

The figure let out a chuckle.

"We won't go to Fanxing Tower. It's too much trouble. I think this place is pretty good."

At this time, a laugh came, and a pitch black jar slowly appeared in the man's hand.

"What kind of creature are you? Leave immediately, otherwise, you will be killed."

Seeing this stubborn figure, the strong man from the Ice Bird Clan guarding the border coldly snorted.


Ye Lin hummed and threw the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar in his hand. In an instant, the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar expanded without limit, and eventually turned into a huge magic jar comparable to a continent.

The magic jar exudes endless demonic energy, and the blood evil energy is surrounding it.

What the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar faces is the huge continent underneath, the homeland of the Bingque Clan.


A stammering voice came from the Ice Bird Tribe who had previously blocked Ye Lin. No matter how stupid he was, he realized that this was someone from the Ice Bird Tribe looking for someone they couldn't afford to offend. ah.


Ye Lin kept making secrets with his right hand, and as a Zhenzi fell, endless blood-evil energy suddenly emitted from the sky-swallowing magic jar, and the blood-evil energy rushed towards the mainland below.

The moment it came into contact with the mainland, the blood evil aura began to spread rapidly. In just a short period of time, the blood evil aura enveloped the entire continent.

"Senior, please forgive me. We, the Ice Bird Clan, have offended our seniors at some point. We, the juniors, hereby apologize to our seniors. If our seniors are still angry, we are willing to offer all the collections of the Ice Bird Clan. I also hope that our seniors will give me a piece of ice bird clan." A way out."

At this moment, a voice begging for mercy came, and the voice was full of fear.

Ye Lin, on the other hand, turned a deaf ear. His expression was cold. As his hands continued to move, huge streams of blood began to pour into the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar.

There were screams one after another in the continent, and the screams were endless and horrific, like a real hell on earth.

The strong man from the Ice Bird Clan who had blocked Ye Lin before was standing there blankly as if he had been frightened. He just watched helplessly as the once prosperous Ice Bird Clan was destroyed.

That was a world, a big world, and it was refined like this?

He saw everything with his eyes, and he was so shocked that he was speechless.

He only has the level of cultivation in the Mahayana period.

He simply could not imagine that a monk would one day be able to master such a powerful power.

Is this really the power that living beings should have? Easily refining a large world?

Destroy a powerful clan in a flash?

Boom, boom, boom.

Explosions began to be heard on the continent below.

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