You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2357: Kill at will

"You guys are out?"

After leaving the Starry Tower, the group came to the warship berth. Seeing that Ye Lin and his group were all there, and there was one more, the blue man was surprised.

"Hello, please return the warship to us."

Zhuge Yunyu stepped forward and whispered.

"Oh, the warship is just below, listen, just go get it yourself."

The blue man was stunned and immediately agreed.


Just when Zhuge Yunyu wanted to go forward to get his things back, a majestic voice came from the distant starry sky.

Everyone turned their heads and saw dozens of figures walking towards this side.

"Wan... President Wan?"

The blue man saw the person coming and said with a shocked face.

"Daoyou, you robbed my snake people slaves, do you think my snake people have no people?"

"Today, either make up the difference or return the slaves."

The middle-aged man standing in the front frowned and looked at Ye Lin, and next to him stood the man who had just left and imprisoned Li Yixian.

At this moment, he was looking at Ye Lin with a provocative look on his face.

"Robbering slaves? Oh my God."

Hearing this, the blue man just covered his mouth in shock, turned around and slipped away, as if he was afraid of getting involved with Ye Lin and others.

"Robbering slaves? How can it be called robbing? It's just a fair trade."

Ye Lin chuckled, not taking these people seriously at all.

"Okay, okay, you still don't admit your mistakes until now, relying on your immortal cultivation and looking down on others, where do you regard the rules of the Starry Tower?"

"In this case, I, Wan Wudi, will deal with you according to the rules of the Starry Tower. Openly robbing slaves, according to the law, should be imprisoned for a million years."

After Wan Wudi finished speaking, he slapped Ye Lin with a palm.

Ripples began to appear in the surrounding starry sky, and terrifying residual power spread out.

A huge shadow condensed behind Wan Wudi, and the shape of the shadow was like a giant python.

The giant python roared and came towards Ye Lin.

Before the giant python phantom arrived, the people around Ye Lin covered their chests and retreated continuously. The Heavenly Immortal was so powerful that they could not resist just a breath.


Ye Lin stood still and said lightly.

In an instant, the void in front of Ye Lin suddenly twisted, and the giant python phantom shattered directly in front of Ye Lin and turned into dust.

"How is it possible?"

Seeing this, Wan Wudi was shocked.

"Hiss, President Wan is a peak Heavenly Immortal. Even if he attacks casually, it is not something that ordinary Heavenly Immortals can resist. What is this scene now?"

"My God, the person in front of me didn't even attack, but just a word broke President Wan's tricks. Could it be that this person is also a peak Heavenly Immortal?"

"Impossible, when did Heavenly Immortals become so common?"

Seeing such a scene, the people behind Wan Wudi began to discuss.

"It's just a small snake, how dare you show off in front of me?"

Ye Lin stretched out his hand directly, and as Ye Lin grabbed the air, Wan Wudi in the distance changed his expression and turned to leave, but the next moment, Ye Lin closed his five fingers, and Wan Wudi in the distance turned into blood mist.

In an instant, the starry sky was silent.

The people who followed Wan Wudi stood still, each with a shocked look, as if they had seen something horrible.

"Senior, you've gone too far."

"Senior, you've gone too far."

Just then, a series of voices came, and the next moment, the space in front of them began to fluctuate, and a series of figures rushed over here.

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