You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2358 Urgent for Industry

"Senior, you are the True Immortal. Please do not blame me if I, Fanxing Tower, offend you."

In a short period of time, dozens of figures were already standing in front of them, and all of these figures exuded extremely powerful auras.

And in the dark and silent starry sky all around, there are countless war boats that are densely packed and approaching here.

"Don't blame me? I'm not the one looking for trouble. I don't want to kill anyone today. Just get out of the way."

Looking at the creature in front of him, Ye Lin said calmly.

The people in front of them also silently moved out of the way, and the war boat behind them drove slowly. Ye Lin stood on the war boat, and the strong men behind him watched the war boat leave.

"Are we just going to let them go like this? I broke the rules of Fanxing Tower and even killed Lao Wan."

"What else do you want? That person is the True Immortal. Even the forces behind Fanxing Tower don't dare to provoke him, let alone me. We are lucky that he didn't take action against us."

"The human race is really very lucky. This person is willing to help the human race. It seems that soon, we will have a new member among the so-called top races."

These so-called top race experts began to discuss with each other.

"Senior, don't you need to drive at full speed?"

On the war boat, Zhuge Yunyu came to Ye Lin and asked softly.

The group of disciples behind her were talking to each other with red faces.

"It's really awesome. Senior is so awesome. The scene just now almost scared me to the point of peeing."

"I'm going to be a good boy. Dozens of immortals dared not let go of anything in front of our seniors. A dozen battle boats from the top races just made way for us."

"It's worth it. It's worth it in this life. As far as what I saw today, I can boast about it for the rest of my life when I go back."

"hold on."

Ye Lin said lightly that he was waiting for the down-and-out young man who had traded with him before.

Ye Lin stood at the front of the war boat and looked at the vast starry sky in front of him, wondering what he was thinking.

On the other side, Yu Ye was running frantically in the starry sky, and the stars behind him exploded one after another.

He was holding a jade talisman tightly in his hand, and there were runes looming under his feet.

"Boy, return my magic talisman to me, and I will spare your life. Otherwise, I will kill you."

There were angry sounds behind him, and waves of terrifying fluctuations scattered throughout the galaxy.

"Hurry, hurry, it's coming soon."

Yu Ye squeezed the jade charm in his hand and murmured that he was the down-and-out young man who traded with Ye Lin that day.

After saying goodbye to Ye Lin, he went all the way to the place where Lang Tao Tian lived, and came to the stars where Lang Tao Tian lived, and even stole his magic talisman without Lang Tao Tian's attention.

Since then, he has been pursued endlessly by Lang Tao Tian. If it weren't for the magic talisman in his hand, he would have been caught long ago.

He only has one belief now, that is to reach Fanxing Tower, the sooner the better, the sooner the better.

I hope that person didn't lie to himself.

"Boy, stop, stop."

Behind me came the sound of rough waves and weather.

Behind him, an old man with white hair kept wielding sword energy.

Every sword energy can break a star, it is extremely powerful.

But now he looked anxious, because he was heading to the location of Fanxing Tower, and it was getting closer and closer.

As a lonely old man wandering in the galaxy, he has offended most of the races. If he comes to Fanxing Tower, he will definitely face a scene surrounded by many powerful people.

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