Looking at Ye Lin, Li Yixian was in disbelief. He opened his mouth wide and his eyes were full of shock.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar face, Li Yixian's memories deep in his mind were evoked.

Pictures flashed through his mind.

The first prodigy of the human race, the man in front of him suppressed the other prodigies of the human race with his own strength, and he became the leader of Wuming Mountain at the age of 100.

In the end, he led the human race to rule the entire Xuanhuang world and destroyed the demon world.

"Well, it's me, why am I so miserable? What happened?"

Seeing that Li Yixian recognized him, Ye Lin stretched out his finger and pointed at Li Yixian's forehead.

In an instant, a golden light spread throughout Li Yixian's body.


A crisp sound came out, as if something was broken, and an extremely powerful aura burst out from Li Yixian's body.

"Thank you, leader."

Feeling the gradually restored strength in his body, Li Yixian immediately stood up and bowed to Ye Lin with gratitude on his face.

When he was caught, all his cultivation was sealed, and he couldn't use any strength at all. Now, his strength is back.

"Master, since you left Xuanhuang World, Master has also broken through the fairyland and entered the galaxy universe."

"And I didn't fall behind. I eventually left Xuanhuang World, but I encountered a terrifying starry sky storm not long after I came out."

"Then I was caught in the starry sky storm. I fainted in the starry sky storm just today. When I woke up again, I found myself in an unfamiliar starry sky."

"Finally, I was caught by the snake people."

Speaking of this, Li Yixian's face flashed a trace of embarrassment. The cruelty of the starry sky was indeed worse than he imagined. He was caught and became a slave as soon as he arrived in the starry sky.

"Is that so? You are lucky to survive the starry sky storm."

Ye Lin walked in front with his hands behind his back. After listening to Li Yixian's story, he chuckled.

Starry sky storms are natural disasters in the galaxy. Once they appear, they can sweep across the entire galaxy. At that time, even the true immortals dare not say that they can come out alive.

And Li Yixian is really blessed. He can come out alive like this, but he was captured and became a slave after coming out. It's hard to say...

Looking at Ye Lin's back, Li Yixian wanted to say something, but he didn't know what to say.

He used to be a person of the same generation as him, but now he can only look up to him.

"Okay, you and I are brothers and sisters. It's fate. Follow me and find a way out for you."

Looking at Li Yixian who was hesitant to speak, Ye Lin smiled.

In his eyes, the former Tianjiao was just an ant that could be killed at will.

"Thank you, Sect Master."

Finally, Li Yixian bowed to Ye Lin, and thousands of words turned into four words.

After leaving with Li Yixian, Ye Lin had a general idea that the scouting was over and it was time to go back.

After bringing Li Yixian to join the rest of the human race, Ye Lin and his group left the Starry Tower.

"Do you really not want to play anymore? There are still many fun places in the Starry Tower."

Liu Yun looked at Ye Lin and his group and tried to persuade them to stay.

In her eyes, Ye Lin was too mysterious, and she wanted to know more about him.

"No, it's meaningless, but... maybe we will meet again soon."

Ye Lin waved his hand lightly, and then his back became more and more blurred, and finally disappeared...

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