You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2355: Angry Li Yixian

Ye Lin was silent after reading this panel. Isn't Li Yixian the next sect leader of Wuming Mountain? By the way, if he remembered correctly, this guy seemed to be his master and Taichu's disciple.

He is from the same sect as his master and can be regarded as his junior brother. Why is he in such a miserable state now?

"Guest, I think you've been watching here for a long time. Is it interesting? Don't worry, we spent a lot of effort to catch this guy. His flesh and blood are of the highest quality."

"Besides, my cultivation level is still in the early stage of Earth Immortal. Being a thug is also very good."

Just when Ye Lin was stunned, a man with the head of a snake god came towards this side, came to Ye Lin, and began to introduce Ye Lin enthusiastically.

"Go away, I'm not a slave, go away."

At this moment, Li Yixian in the iron cage suddenly burst out of anger. He grabbed the iron pillar on the edge of the iron cage and cursed wildly.

His face was full of ferocity.

"What are you yelling about? Get out of here."

The man in front of Ye Lin looked cold, and then slapped Li Yixian. Li Yixian was slapped away without any resistance. His body hit the edge of the iron cage behind him, and then he fell to the ground and lay unconscious.

"How much?"

Ye Lin stood up and said calmly.

"Guest, this is..."

"Tell me the number"

Seeing Ye Lin's interest, the previous man began to introduce Ye Lin enthusiastically, but was interrupted by Ye Lin before he could start the introduction.

Feeling the vague and tyrannical aura around Ye Lin again, the snake man fell silent.

"Guest, 300,000 low-grade immortal stones. I only need 300,000 low-grade immortal stones. You can take this person with you."

The snake man spoke after a moment of silence.

"I'll give you one last chance to make a good report."

Ye Lin said lightly, and at the same time, a wisp of coercion moved towards the snake man. In an instant, the snake man in front of him was suppressed and unable to move.

His eyes when he looked at Ye Lin were full of fear. He was at the pinnacle of Earth Immortal cultivation, but the person in front of him suppressed him and couldn't move with just a wisp of breath.

Immortals, immortals and powerful beings.

He was horrified.

Generally speaking, the powerful immortals will not come here at all. Furthermore, the powerful immortals are so noble that they usually do not show their faces.

Unexpectedly, today he would be able to see the true appearance of a powerful heavenly being.

"Senior, please tell me the number. It will be as many as you say."

The snake man bowed towards Ye Lin, suppressing his identity to the extreme.

"One hundred low-grade immortal stones."

After Ye Lin finished speaking, he threw a space bag to the snake man in front of him. Then with a wave of his hand, the iron cage in front of him was violently broken open.

Ye Lin walked into the iron cage step by step.

Looking at Ye Lin's back, the snake man looked at the space bag in his hand with a sinister look in his eyes.

Can you give me a price of 300,000 yuan and lower it to 100 yuan? Is there anyone in the Snake Tribe who can bully me?

After thinking about it, he turned and left.

"Get out, get out of here."

Ye Lin squatted in front of Li Yixian. Unexpectedly, Li Yixian suddenly stood up and slapped Ye Lin.

However, Ye Lin held it back with a finger.

"Take a good look at who I am."

Ye Lin said coldly that before he left the Xuanhuang World, Li Yixian was the current sect master of Wuming Mountain, and his master was also in Wuming Mountain.

It's just that this kid in front of me doesn't interest me at all.

He was worried that something unexpected might happen to Taichu.

After all, he was once a master and apprentice, and he, Ye Lin, could not be so cold-blooded.

"Zong...sect master?"

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