You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2354 Familiar Stranger

"How strong is the strongest person in this Fanxing Tower?"

Looking at Liu Yun, Ye Lin suddenly asked.

If you want to cause trouble in someone else's territory, you must first find out good news. After all, if you really offend Taiyi Xuanxian, it may not end well.

"The strongest person is naturally the controller of each race, all of whom are at the peak of the heavenly immortal."

"What do you want to do? I'd better remind you not to do bad things. Once you do bad things in Fanxing Tower, it is equivalent to offending more than a dozen top races at the same time."

"By then, even if you are at the peak of the heavenly immortal, you will not be able to escape death. What's more, according to what my father warned me, this Fanxing Tower seems to be connected with a major force in the Forsaken Land of Immortals, and there may be a real immortal among them."

When talking about the real immortal, Liu Yun's eyes flashed with a trace of fear. The real immortal is a mountain pressing on the heads of the major races in the remote areas.

They are also unwilling to live in this desolate area. In fact, there are real immortals in other prosperous places. Therefore, when they mention the real immortal, they can't help but feel fear.

A fear from the depths of the soul.

Hearing Liu Yun's answer, Ye Lin suddenly laughed.

Name: Ye Lin

Cultivation: middle stage of True Immortal

Fate: Luck

Identity: An ordinary wanderer of the galaxy.

Race: Human

Luck value: 145 million

Disposable item: One chance to improve realm [Improve to a large realm, without any side effects, without any cost, without any cause and effect entanglement, and with enlightenment. ]

Numerology: [Good luck] [Perception of God] [Body of the God of Fire] [Unparalleled Demon Body of the Eternal] [Hundred Flowers Blooming] [Extremely smart] [Killing Dao Domain] [Ten Thousand Dao Talisman Ancestor] [Spirit Fox Holy Body] [Unparalleled Combat Power] [Words Follow the Law]

Fate: Stop at the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian, watching his friends die in front of him, watching his former friends and former beauties die one by one under his eyes, and he was powerless, and finally completely possessed by the devil, died in battle with a devil body, and his cultivation before death stopped at the middle stage of Taiyi Jinxian.

[Good Luck]: Very lucky, good luck can often help you turn danger into safety when you encounter a crisis.

[Comprehension of God]: Superb comprehension, extremely fast in understanding various techniques, the same technique, others need three months, but you only need a few days.

[Fire God Body]: With this physique, you are naturally friendly to fire, and have a unique control over fire. If you practice fire-based techniques, you will make rapid progress, and if you use the spiritual fire of heaven and earth to fight, the interaction between the two will double your combat power.

[Eternal Unparalleled Demon Venerable Body]: The most powerful extension body, crushing all divine bodies, and has a natural suppressive power over other divine bodies and the physiques below the divine body.

Second Form: Immortal Hunter Saint Body: The second form of the Eternal Unparalleled Demon Venerable Body, once activated, the strength can be instantly increased by 50%. (Consumption per second increases tenfold)

[Hundred Flowers Bloom]: A secret bloodline inheritance method that can only be activated when life is in danger. Once activated, it will explode and become thousands of pollens. As long as one pollen remains in the world, it can be reborn. It can only be used once in a lifetime.

[Super Smart]: It is as smart as a demon, with an extremely smart mind, and can predict certain futures from invisible wind and grass.

[Killing Dao Domain]: Prove the Dao by killing. Killing one person is a sin, killing ten thousand people is a hero, killing a million people is a king, and killing hundreds of millions of people is an emperor. The more people you kill, the stronger your own cultivation.

[Ten Thousand Dao Fu Zu]: Extremely sensitive to the talisman, born with affinity to the talisman, and has a far greater understanding of talismans than ordinary people.

[Spirit Fox Holy Body]: Has half of the celestial fox blood in the blood. Once the blood power is stimulated, it can have the ability to communicate with the ancient celestial fox.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: Extremely keen in combat, combat awareness is unmatched throughout the ages

[Words come true]: Born with magical powers, words come true, good advice.

After looking at his own panel, Ye Lin chuckled. With his current cultivation, True Immortal is nothing.

As long as it is not the prodigies from the top forces of the Galaxy Universe, he is confident that he is invincible in the realm of True Immortal.

Even if those top prodigies from the Galaxy Universe come, it is still uncertain who will win or lose.

"You are not really going to do something bad, are you?"

Seeing Ye Lin's mysterious smile, Liu Yun's expression suddenly tightened, as if he had guessed something big.

"Don't be nervous, I don't have that ability yet."

Ye Lin patted Liu Yun's shoulder and comforted him.

Seeing Ye Lin's smile, Liu Yun secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She was really crazy just now. Since she really felt that the person in front of her could turn the Star Building upside down.

But then he thought about it again. There were dozens of celestial beings in the Starry Tower, and they were also deeply involved with the True Immortals. How could the person in front of him provoke them?

Even if his sword could easily kill a celestial being...

"Okay, you don't have to accompany me. I'll go around by myself."

Ye Lin walked around with his hands behind his back. He strolled very fast and reached the next floor in just a few minutes. This made Liu Yun, who was following behind, look puzzled.

But she still followed him obediently.

That's right. Ye Lin was not just strolling around. He was strolling around on the surface, but he was actually checking out the place.

Here, the ultimate is coming, but not now.

He walked all the way, but he stopped at the 86th floor. He looked extremely puzzled and shocked. Then he walked over in a few steps.

After a few steps, Ye Lin came to an iron cage. Looking at the figure locked in the iron cage in front of him, Ye Lin's eyes were full of surprise.

Name: Li Yixian

Cultivation: Peak of Earthly Immortal

Fate: Red

Race: Human

Identity: A very down-and-out wanderer in the galaxy.

Numerology: [Sword God] [Born Sword Bone] [Extremely Calm] [Comprehension God] [Body of Sword God]

Fate: Stopped at the early stage of Earthly Immortal. Three days later, he was bought by a witch in the early stage of Heavenly Immortal. Then he was tortured to death by the witch.

Recent opportunities: None.

[Sword God]: You have extraordinary talent in the way of sword. Your understanding of sword is sometimes comparable to that of gods.

[Born Sword Bone]: You are born with sword bone. With this bone, you can practice quickly in the way of sword, comprehend the sword intent very quickly, and your combat power can be greatly enhanced. There are not many people of the same level who can be your enemy.

[Extremely Calm]: You have a calm heart. No matter what happens, you always act calm and don't panic.

[Comprehension of Gods]: You have extraordinary comprehension. You are very fast in understanding various techniques. For the same technique, others need three months, but you only need a few days.

[Sword God Body]: One of the strongest physiques in ancient times. It is rumored that this physique was once the physique of gods. With this physique, you are born to be a sword cultivator.

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