You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2290 Mysterious Place-Kill


Ye Lin stepped on the ground, and a big hole suddenly opened in the ground, and Ye Lin himself rushed out like a cannonball.

"Boy, your opponent is me."

Just when Ye Lin was about to approach Lu Chen in the sky, Cang Gu came to Ye Lin, grinned, and punched Ye Lin directly in front of his face.

Ye Lin was caught off guard and could only turn his head to avoid it, but the next moment Cang Gu grabbed Ye Lin's arm without hesitation, and then left three deep claw marks on Ye Lin's arm.

"Come die."

Xue Ao came behind Ye Lin like a ghost, and then left three deep wounds on Ye Lin's back.

"Go down."

Canggu twisted his right hand, and Ye Lin's arm was twisted into a twist, and then Beicanggu fell hard to the ground.

A large pit suddenly opened in the ground, and Ye Lin was lying in the center of the pit covered in blood.

"Ahem, ahem, not bad."

Ye Lin coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood and then stood up with great difficulty.

It was still too difficult for him to be one of the three geniuses with divine bodies.

The surface of his skin had been broken by those gray bugs, which crazily penetrated into Ye Lin's body.

"Phoenix fire, turn on."

Ye Lin roared angrily, and in an instant, an extremely violent flame flowed through his meridians, and the insects were burned directly by the phoenix fire.

A layer of extremely high-temperature flames adhered to the surface of Ye Lin's body, and his whole person turned into a burning man.

And these flames gradually merged with their own evil spirits, vaguely evolving in a more powerful direction.

"Hahaha, keep going, I want to see how many trump cards you have."

Canggu laughed and said that in his eyes, Ye Lin was just a prey struggling to death. He wanted to see what other tricks this prey could do.

"Meteor Saint Fist."

Ye Lin's right hand returned to its original shape, his fist clenched tightly, and the phoenix fire and evil energy wrapped around his right arm.

Even the ground was burned, and the space smelled of burning.


Ye Lin punched out, and waves of air swept away in all directions. A huge fist mark grew bigger and bigger in Canggu's pupils.

"Hahaha, well done, I feel like my blood is burning."

Canggu laughed loudly, licking his lips in an extremely perverted way, and a huge figure appeared behind him.

This figure was high up, with a pair of eyes full of indifference, and the whole body was wrapped with terrifying demonic energy.

"The true form of the ancient demon."

After Cang Gu finished speaking, he punched out without hesitation.

With this punch, the color of the world changed, the ground collapsed, and even the thunder above the nine heavens was severely crushed by the aftermath.

Boom, boom, boom.

Recalling the sound of explosions, Cang Gu's body continued to retreat, and even the ancient demon's true body behind him had cracks.

"The true form of the demon ape, open."

There was a loud noise on the ground, and a huge ape also appeared behind Ye Lin. The ape's eyes were shining with bloodthirsty light, and its two huge arms were hanging on the ground, and it kept roaring.


The demon ape let out an excited roar, then jumped up and punched the ancient demon's true form.

Then there were punches one after another, and they were punched continuously. The real body of the ancient demon was unable to fight back, and Canggu could only passively take the beating.

Although Ye Linmei punched Canggu in the face, Canggu not only did not show any pain, but his eyes were vaguely filled with excitement.

"Hahaha, it feels good, it's comfortable, you two don't interfere."

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