You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2291 Mysterious Land-Real Battle

Canggu laughed loudly, and then finished talking to the two companions in the distance, mobilizing all his immortal power to resist Ye Lin's attack.

You punch, I punch, the two punched each other, and each punch hit the other's face accurately.

At this time, the two seemed to be tireless, and the more they fought, the more addicted they became, and the more excited they became. The sky was cracked, the ground was broken, and the two seemed to be immersed in their own time.

The two real bodies blasted each other, and the demon ape kept roaring, as if to tear the opponent in front of him apart.

"These two perverts."

In the distance, Xue Ao, who was watching the two fighting, flashed a trace of fear in his eyes, and Lu Chen beside Xue Ao also stopped his actions.

As if he was very confident in Canggu.

"This guy hasn't met an opponent who can match him for a long time, so let him play, anyway, he is just one person, and he can't turn the world upside down. The most critical battlefield is over there."

After Lu Chen finished speaking, he looked at the scene in the distance that looked like the end of the world and said with fear.

Whether it was Qin An or Li Wushuang, they were simply not able to resist. The descendants of Taiyi Jinxian had the power of Taiyi Jinxian in their bodies since they were born.

It was far beyond the ability of ordinary Tianjiao to resist.

Even if they were divine bodies, it would not work.

"Keep going, keep going, aren't you very capable? Keep going."

On the other side, Canggu laughed wildly and punched Ye Lin in the face one punch after another. At this time, half of Ye Lin's face had been blown up, and his fists could only passively resist.

And Canggu was obviously not feeling well either. There was a big hole in his chest, and his scalp disappeared.

Obviously, these were all Ye Lin's arms.

What Canggu didn't know was that every drop of black and purple blood that flowed from his body was absorbed by Ye Lin's unparalleled blood body, and Ye Lin seemed to have a more powerful power hidden in his body.

As Canggu's blood flowed, this power became stronger.

"Meteorite Fist."

Suddenly, Ye Lin, who had been passively beaten, suddenly punched out when Canggu relaxed his vigilance, and Canggu was blown away.

During the flight, Ye Lin punched Canggu's arm, and then punched Canggu's other arm.

With the last punch, Canggu's head was directly blown up by Ye Lin's punch.

Canggu's body fell to the ground without resistance.

It hit the ground like a meteor.

Ye Lin took advantage of this gap to recover briefly, and his eyes were always looking at the ground.

He didn't think Canggu would die so easily, and the true immortals would not die so easily.

The higher the cultivation, the less likely it is to die.

Sure enough, a huge demonic energy gradually spread on the ground, and Canggu's arms reappeared on his body, and even his head returned to its original state.

He twisted his head and then gave a bloodthirsty smile.

"You are the only one who can beat me so badly."

"But it's time to end."

After Canggu finished speaking, the demonic energy spread on his right arm. The next moment, these demonic energies condensed into a black-demon sword, which seemed to be connected to his blood.

"It's your turn."

After finishing, Canggu looked at Ye Lin, as if he was waiting for something.

"What do you mean?"

Ye Lin was puzzled.

"You don't know? It seems that your divine body has not yet developed to the second form. It's really a pity."

After Canggu finished speaking, his figure disappeared instantly. In an instant, Ye Lin's pupils shrank. He didn't even notice how Canggu disappeared.

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