You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2289 Mysterious Land-The War Begins

"Your opponent, Ye Lin."

Ye Lin smiled lightly, and the pupils of his eyes gradually turned blood red.

"Ask for advice."

"Ask for advice."

"Ask for advice."

After the three of them finished speaking, their bodies disappeared instantly.

"So fast."

Ye Lin's pupils shrank, and the next moment, his heart was alarmed. Ye Lin immediately turned around and punched behind him.

In an instant, the two fists collided, and a shock wave directly destroyed the ground within a thousand miles into a mess.

And Cang Gu chuckled at him, and then his body retreated rapidly.

Ye Lin just reacted, but it was too late. Before he could prepare, he felt a pain behind him, and a horrible wound appeared behind him.

Instantly, blood dripped down his back to the ground.

This claw wound was left by Lu Chen.

Lu Chen had a ghostly body, which could make his body virtual and immune to all injuries. As long as he hid in the void, even Ye Lin would not notice it.

"Disaster, I give you the power of disaster."

In the sky, Xue Ao stood in the sky and whispered. The spells that seemed to come from ancient times were transmitted to Ye Lin's ears. Before Ye Lin could react to what was going on, his body was wrapped in a black and white mist.

Ye Lin wanted to use his bloody aura to drive it away, but he couldn't. The mist was gradually eroding his skin, and even he felt the pain coming from his skin.

"Heavenly Cang Gu Fist."

Cang Gu attacked from behind Ye Lin. His right hand was attached with terrifying demonic energy. The whole person's right hand was at the back of his body. He punched at the back of Ye Lin's head with all his strength.

"Meteorite Fist."

Ye Lin was not afraid at all. He also swung a punch, and countless bloody auras surrounded his entire arm.

Boom, boom, boom.

The aftermath scattered, the ground collapsed, and there were lightning and thunder in the sky. Ye Lin stared at Cang Gu opposite him.

"The unparalleled Blood God Body is indeed powerful. Even those demons with strong physiques dare not take my punch head-on."

Cang Gu felt his right hand trembling slightly and was slightly shocked. The unparalleled Xue God Body was indeed powerful. He knew his own physique. There was no genius in the demon race who dared to take his punch head-on.

And today he met him.

"Get out."

Ye Lin's face turned cold and he slammed the ground hard. In an instant, a black shadow suddenly appeared behind Ye Lin.

Ye Lin threw a punch without hesitation.

His speed was extremely fast. With only a flash of afterimage, Ye Lin grabbed Lu Chen's neck. Then Ye Lin changed his palm into a fist and punched continuously. Each punch hit Lu Chen's face firmly.


Cang Gu's voice came from Ye Lin's left. The next moment, a fist as big as a sandbag came towards him and directly punched Ye Lin out.

Ye Lin's body directly blasted several mountains and was then carved on the mountain wall.

While Xie Ao, who did not take any action, was chanting an ancient spell, Ye Lin suddenly felt the pain on the surface of his body getting more and more painful.

Ye Lin looked down and saw that the gray mist had turned into tiny gray bugs, which were constantly drilling into his body.

Even with the terrifying defense of Wushuangxue's body, he couldn't resist it.

"No, I have to get rid of this guy first."

At this moment, his intuition told him that if he waited for these gray bugs to drill into his skin, he would definitely be useless.

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