You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2288 Mysterious Place-Three Divine Bodies

"Unparalleled Blood God Body, open."

Ye Lin put away the bloodthirsty magic sword and chuckled. He hadn't had a serious fight for a long time. He would use the three people in front of him as his stepping stones.

In an instant, Ye Lin was filled with extremely strong blood evil spirit, and the clothes on the surface turned into pieces, and Ye Lin was naked.

There were terrifying blood-colored lines flowing on the extremely solid muscles on his body, and blood-colored lines began to appear on Ye Lin's face.

The blood evil spirit was wrapped around his arms, and the ground within a radius of ten thousand meters was stained by the terrifying blood evil spirit, turning into a ruin.

Blood-red flames began to burn on the ground, and Ye Lin stood in the center of the flames, like an ancient demon god descending to the world.

Three thousand strands of hair were flying in the air, so unrestrained.

"Unparalleled Blood God Body? Interesting, more like a demon than us?"

One of the black-robed men was surprised to see Ye Lin in such a state. Obviously, they also studied the Unparalleled Blood God Body.

At this time, Ye Lin was even more like a demon than them.

"Eternal Heaven Demon Body, open."

"No Taboo Body, open."

"Ghostly Body, open."

The three black-robed men decided not to hide it anymore and opened their own physiques.

In an instant, three strange phenomena spread, and even strange phenomena appeared in the sky, and the four strange phenomena emitted an extremely violent breath.

"It's a pleasure to fight with you, your opponent, Cang Gu."

On the left of Ye Lin, Cang Gu, who was covered with black and purple scales, his pupils turned completely black, his arms were covered with black scales, and his hands turned into two iron claws, said.

His physique is the Eternal Heaven Demon Body, which is a peerless physique possessed by a true demon in the ancient times.

"It's a pleasure to fight with you, your opponent, Xue Ao."

On the left of Ye Lin, a young man with a black and white pupil exuding an extremely weird breath said with a smile.

He will stand there, as if he is carrying all kinds of disasters, as if he is the source of disasters in the world.

He is the owner of the No Taboo Body.

"It's a pleasure to fight you. Your opponent is Lu Chen."

The man in front of Ye Lin, who was all black and looming, as if he existed and didn't exist, said.

He is the owner of the ghost body.

The three surrounded Ye Lin in the middle, and the three divine body visions began to suppress Ye Lin.

Yes, these three people are all geniuses with divine bodies.

They looked down on Ye Lin before, but now, Ye Lin's unparalleled blood divine body has won their respect. For respect, they fought with Ye Lin in the strongest state.

"I didn't expect that the immortal sect has such a strong foundation. If such a genius is placed in the outside world, it will definitely be snatched by major forces."

Ye Lin couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The divine body is a strong physique that rarely appears in the world in a million years, and now, a few people who are casually pulled out of an immortal sect have divine bodies. It is indeed a deep foundation.

Unfortunately, what Ye Lin didn't know was that these three people were not ordinary people, but the real core disciples of the demon clan. They were cultivated as the next northern of the demon clan. When they grow up, they will take up important positions in the demon clan and become the pillars of the demon clan.

Each immortal sect is an ancient force that has been passed down for billions of years, and its profound foundation is self-evident.

Even so, the Tianjiao with a divine body is also an absolute core disciple among them.

This shows how rare the divine body is.

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