You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2287 Mysterious Land-Breaking the Formation

The Immortal Binding Rope was severely damaged, and the formations around it also disappeared.

"What's going on?"

One of the black-robed men asked, and he looked at Qin An in the distance.

"Take care of yourself first."

Ye Lin's voice came from behind him, and the bloodthirsty magic sword was already on his neck.

The black-robed man reacted quickly, he immediately stretched out his palm to pinch the sword, and then slapped Ye Lin.

Ye Lin turned his head to dodge, and then the bloodthirsty magic sword moved slightly, turning into sword shadows to slash at the black-robed man, who was caught off guard and could only resist repeatedly.

"Qin An, you have bothered me again and again, and I am bothered by you even if you don't bother me. This time, I must leave you here."

Li Wushuang stood in front of Qin An, pointing the spear in her hand at Qin An in the distance. From beginning to end, she had only one goal, that is Qin An.

It can be said that this Qin An in front of her completely offended her this time. Even if she couldn't kill him here, Qin An would still die after returning to the Galaxy Universe.

Do you really think that Li Wushuang is so easy to mess with?

Qin An, with a distressed look on his face, put the Immortal Binding Rope back into the space ring. He just found that the Immortal Binding Rope was severely damaged and the weapon spirit was unconscious.

He was secretly shocked. What was the origin of Ye Lin? First, he used the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot to scare his Immortal Killing Spear so that he dared not come out, and then he used a mysterious thing to severely damage the Immortal Binding Rope.

This Immortal Binding Rope is a top-grade supreme weapon, and it has been nurtured by the luck of the demon clan year after year. It has vaguely exceeded the range of the supreme weapon.

Even if Taiyi Jinxian wants to destroy it, it is not easy, let alone a small true immortal.

How many good things does this kid have in his hand?

But now is not the time to worry about this, there are more troublesome things waiting for him.

A pair of black claws appeared in Qin An's arms, and the surface of the claws was attached with extremely strong demonic energy.

He looked in the distance and saw Ye Lin being beaten by his three junior brothers.

For a moment, he felt more at ease. He was sure that he would not make any mistakes this time. Four against two, the advantage was on my side.

After thinking about this, he rushed up to fight with Li Wushuang without hesitation. Even though Li Wushuang was wearing the Dawn Armor, he was not afraid.

This time he brought a lot of good things.

Although the Dawn Armor is strong, it depends on who uses it. The Taiyi Venerable is wearing the Dawn Armor, and no one in the same realm can defeat him.

But if it is Li Wushuang, it is another story.

"Is that all the strength?"

The black-robed man stood in the sky and looked at Ye Lin, who was in a very embarrassed state on the ground, and said contemptuously.

Ye Lin stood in the big pit, his clothes were tattered, and there were wounds on his arms, and the wounds were floating with terrifying demonic energy.

Each of the three black-robed men in front of him could match himself individually, not to mention the three of them at the same time. They are indeed from the Immortal Dao Sect. This foundation is indeed not comparable to his own.

"What? You don't even have the courage to attack?"

Another black-robed man sneered, I thought they were so strong, but they are just like this?

Those who can enter the realm of true immortals in a very short time here are not just passers-by or noobs, they are real geniuses.

Any disciple from the Immortal Sect would be invincible in the outside world.

Not to mention that they are the most core group of disciples of the Demon Clan.

Not everyone can provoke them at will.

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