You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2286 Mysterious Place - Breaking Cone

While dodging, Ye Lin kept swinging his sword to resist, but he was temporarily powerless against such a strong sword energy.

"The dawn shines."

Li Wushuang roared angrily, and the Dawn Armor on his body burst out with thousands of rays of light, forming a protective shield around the two of them. The sword energy made a clanking sound when it hit the golden shield.

"Wushuang, what is his relationship with you that deserves your protection? This matter is none of your business. Get out of the way quickly."

Qin An frowned and said, this dawn battle armor was the treasure used by Supreme Taiyi to conquer the world. It has been infiltrated by Supreme Supreme Taiyi's Taiyi Golden Immortal breath, and it is no longer comparable to ordinary top-grade supreme weapons.

If Li Wushuang really wants to protect Ye Lin, he will really have no choice for a while.

Unless...the Dawn Armor is destroyed, but that is impossible.

"Does hurting my friend have nothing to do with me?"

After Li Wushuang finished speaking, the spear in his hand passed by, and the shadows of the spears appeared. Now they are all in the formation and must break the formation immediately.

This formation is the result of the evolution of the Immortal Binding Rope. The longer they stay in it, the more serious they will be suppressed. They may not feel anything at first, but as time goes by, their strength will be weakened bit by bit.

This is the terrifying thing about the Immortal Binding Rope. Even if Taiyi Golden Immortal enters it, it will be extremely troublesome.

"I'll cover for you, and you can find a way to break the formation."

Li Wushuang said something to Ye Lin, and then ran out to buy Ye Lin time.

Ye Lin's face was full of embarrassment. How to break the formation? He knew nothing about formations. How could he find a way to break the formation?

At this time, Ye Lin set his sights on the panel mall.

Name: Ye Lin

Cultivation: Early stage of True Immortal

Destiny: Luck

Identity: A disciple of Zhuge Yun, one of the true immortals of Cangqiong Holy Land. He has an extremely great background, and coupled with his excellent talents, his future is bound to be bright.

Race: Human race

Luck value: 245 million

One-time item: One opportunity to improve your realm [Enhance a great realm, without any side effects, without any price, without any entanglement of cause and effect, and at the same time, it comes with insights. 】

Numerology: [Good luck] [Intelligence to connect with the gods] [Vulcan body] [Unparalleled blood god body] [Hundred flowers bloom] [Extremely intelligent] [Killing field] [Ten thousand talisman ancestors] [Linghu holy body] [Unparalleled combat power] 】【Speak according to the law】

Destiny: Stopping in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, watching his friends die in front of him, watching his former friends, and his former beauties die one by one under his nose, and he was powerless, and finally became completely possessed by the devil. He died in battle, and before he died, his cultivation stopped at the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

[Good luck]: Good luck. Good luck can often help you avoid danger when you encounter a crisis.

[Intelligence and Enlightenment]: The understanding is transcendent, and it is extremely fast to comprehend various exercises. For the same exercise, it takes others three months, but you only need a few days.

[Fire God's Body]: With this kind of physique, you are born with a affinity for flames and have unique control over flames. By practicing fire-based skills, you will make rapid progress, and if you use the spiritual fire of heaven and earth to fight, both of them will Interact and your combat power will be doubled.

[Unparalleled Blood Divine Body]: Eternally supreme physique. During battle, you can drink the enemy's blood to increase your combat power. The more people you kill, the stronger your combat power will be. Your own body is also extremely powerful. Once you practice to the extreme, you will be immortal and will not be reborn with a drop of blood. Next words.

[Let a Hundred Flowers Bloom]: The secret method passed down by the bloodline can only be activated when there is a life crisis. Once activated, it will explode into thousands of pollen. As long as one pollen remains in the world, it can be reborn. It can only be used once in a lifetime.

[Extremely smart]: He is as smart as a demon, with an extremely smart mind, and can predict certain futures from invisible changes.

[Killing Domain]: Prove the Tao through killing, killing one person is a sin, killing ten thousand people is a hero, killing a million people is a king, killing hundreds of millions of people is an emperor. The more people kill, the stronger one's own cultivation is.

[Ten Thousand Dao Talisman Ancestor]: Extremely sensitive to the talismans, and is naturally attached to the talismans. On top of the talismans, he has an understanding that far exceeds that of ordinary people.

[Spiritual Fox Holy Body]: Has half of the Sky Fox blood in its blood. Once the power of the blood is stimulated, it can have the ability to communicate with the ancient Sky Fox.

[Unparalleled Combat Power]: Extremely keen on combat, and his combat awareness has never been matched by anyone in the past. If he is entangled by it, it will definitely be a nightmare.

[Speaking Dharma Sui]: Born with magical powers, speaking Dharma Sui, and good words of gold and jade.

There are still two hundred million.

Ye Lin felt excited when he saw his remaining luck value, and then began to flip through the panel mall crazily.

He also felt that the suppression on him was getting heavier and heavier. If this continued, let alone break the formation, he would not even have the strength to resist.

He basically never used this mall panel because he was afraid of becoming dependent on it.

But now, it has to be used.

After searching for a long time, Ye Lin found a way to break the formation.

Formation Breaking Cone "Disposable Item": Once activated, it can break all formations.

Price: 100 million luck value.

nice one.

Ye Lin's eyes suddenly lit up when he saw this thing. But isn't this formation using the formation-breaking cone a little overkill?

Looking at Li Wushuang who was losing ground in the distance, Ye Lin finally made up his mind and made a purchase.

The next moment, a black drill bit appeared in Ye Lin's hand. In just an instant, Ye Lin also knew how to use this thing.

All you need to do is inject immortal power to push it out.

Ye Lin looked up at a large black net floating above Qin An's head in the distance and immediately understood that the thing was the so-called Immortal Binding Rope.

The ultimate supreme weapon was not something he could deal with at all. Only things that were also ultimate supreme weapons could fight against it.

Now the Heaven Devouring Demon Pot was severely damaged and could not be borrowed.

"Ye Lin, are you okay? I can't stand it anymore."

Li Wushuang jumped behind Ye Lin. She half-knelt on the ground and barely supported her body with a spear.

Now the intention of suppression is getting heavier. Every time she attacks, it basically consumes three or four times. No one can stand it.

"Okay, I will kill a few people when the formation is broken later."

Ye Lin smiled and weighed the formation-breaking cone in his hand. Once the formation is broken, he will have to take a few away anyway.

"Wushuang, get out of the way."

The arrogant Qin An had a cold face. Now the Immortal Binding Rope has exerted one-tenth of its power. It is easy to suppress a true immortal.

The Immortal Binding Rope is a supreme weapon of the highest grade. They alone cannot really activate it, but just activating a part of its power is enough.


Ye Lin threw the Breaking Array Cone in his hand without any hesitation.

In an instant, a black light flashed, and before Qin An could react, the Immortal Binding Rope above his head let out a whine, and then a black light flashed, and the Immortal Binding Rope turned into an ordinary black rope.

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