You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2271 Mysterious Place-Li Wushuang's Complaints

"I'm not in a very good condition. I can resist Da Luo's blow. Even though it's just my own thought, it's not easy to bear."

"I need a lot of blood energy. It is useful for both monsters and humans. The more the better. Human blood energy is more effective. It depends on whether you can be the god of death or not."

Listening to the words of the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar, Ye Lin's eyes flashed with murderous intent. After all, the Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar is the treasure of a peerless demon king, so it is naturally inseparable from killing.

But after so many years, have you still killed few lives?

"no problem."

After speaking, Ye Lin showed a cruel smile.

"Let's see where Li Wushuang is first."

Ye Lin thought for a moment and then began to look for Li Wushuang. During the past hundred years, Li Wushuang kept contacting him, but he fell into a deep sleep and missed it.

I don’t know what happened to the hundred-year confrontation between Li Wushuang and Qin An.

After all, the two seem to be destined enemies.

After going around and around, Ye Lin finally found Li Wushuang. After all, there was a connection between the two and it was easy to find him.

"Have you stepped into the realm of true immortality?"

Li Wushuang looked at Ye Lin with surprise. After not seeing him for a hundred years, Ye Lin had already entered the realm of true immortals, but he was still in the realm of heavenly immortals.

"I was lucky enough to step in."

"It seems that you have also solved that guy."

Li Wushuang sighed for a while, and then got down to business.

"For the past hundred years, I have been chased by that guy Qin An, and we have had several confrontations. I had been running away before, but now, I have been able to fight with that guy at least five times."

"But that guy seems to have identified me and wants to capture me at all costs. During this period, many talents from the Galaxy Universe came to Yangzhou. That guy didn't even look at me. It's so annoying."

Li Wushuang complained that Qin An is just a dog-skin plaster. Without the Immortal Killing Spear, there is no telling who will win or lose.

She knew she couldn't help herself, but she still insisted on causing trouble for her.

The way it was done was simply nausea-inducing.

"It's okay. He should have surrendered himself now, but you have to step into the True Immortal realm as soon as possible. I've already seen many people coming this way."

Ye Linyi pointed out that since he stepped into the True Immortal, something like a map appeared in his mind, and he could also know exactly the location of every genius in the galaxy.

He looked at the entire Central Territory, and found that there must be at least hundreds of thousands of galactic geniuses, and there were even more who had become true immortals, more than a hundred, which was an extremely frightening number.

Just as Ye Lin expected, these true immortals are hunting down the geniuses of the galaxy everywhere.

"How many spots do you have left now? Why don't you help me win over that guy Qin An?"

Li Wushuang asked tentatively, now that Ye Lin is a true immortal, it is not easy to capture Qin An.

What's more, Ye Lin still has something in his hand that can suppress the Immortal Killing Spear, so Qin An is nothing to Ye Lin.

"You have to do this yourself."

Ye Lin rejected Li Wushuang's request without thinking. He couldn't kill Qin An, and he was not that conceited yet.

Killings are always entangled with cause and effect. Even if you don't kill, as long as you take action, you will be entangled with cause and effect. Once you are entangled with cause and effect, when you leave here, Taiyi Golden Immortal will probably be chasing you.

When I think about a Taiyi Golden Immortal chasing me, I can't help but feel numb.

"Okay, that's right, it's my fault."

Looking at Ye Lin's frown, Li Wushuang also knew that he had gone too far.

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