You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2270 Mysterious Place-Daluo Jinxian, Illuminating the Heavens

"So, your destiny is not here. If it weren't for you, the boy you killed before would definitely be a Daluoshen in the future. But now that you are here, you are a variable."

"This is what happened. As the saying goes, if Tianyan is fifty, one of them escapes. This one is the variable, and you are also this one."

"Beyond the Three Realms and not among the Five Elements, you are in such a state now."

"So, you should understand when I say this, but what I never expected is that you will also be a big boy in the future, but you are really awesome."

"Just because of his cultivation as a True Immortal, he has already provoked a formidable enemy for himself, a great Luo."

After listening to the words of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar, Ye Lin understood, completely understood that his destiny was not in this world.

In other words, it's like a planned program. Originally, everyone was following the planned plan. You will die on that day, you will meet someone on that day, and you will break through on that day.

These have been set aside by Tao, but now, I am a variable. I am not toyed with by fate, and I can do whatever I want.

I have to say, it’s pretty cool.

"But what do you mean by your last sentence?"

Ye Lin continued to ask. There was obviously something in the last sentence of the Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar.

"Huh, do you think Da Luo is so easy to kill? The reason why Da Luo is called a detached person is because they are not controlled by anything."

"The moment he became Daluo, his figure reflected in all the heavens and all the worlds. The figure you saw at that time was just an idea of ​​that boy's future Daluo body."

"Remember that guy now. When we meet him in the future, I'm afraid you two will have a fight."

The Sky-Swallowing Magic Jar joked, while Ye Lin's expression remained unchanged. An enemy of the Great Luo Jinxian was interesting.

But this doesn't scare me. When I become Da Luo in the future, I may not be afraid of that guy.

But this Daluo is really terrifying. Just a thought can cross the infinite space and follow the long river of time to kill himself. It is simply terrifying.

What's more, what level is the reflection of the heavens? Anyway, Ye Lin can't imagine that level now.

"Those things are still too far away from me now."

After thinking for a moment, Ye Lin shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Now that he is only a true immortal, why should he think about those things?

"Didn't you say that I have no destiny? Then what will happen to my future body?"

Ye Lin asked again. Since he is not toyed with by fate, it means that he is the only one in the world. He is the present, not the past.

So what exactly is going on with my future body?

"I don't know. At that level, my master pursued his life and died, so how do I know? These legends about Daluo are just what my master learned through hard work."

"I don't know if it's true or not, but it doesn't matter. In the future, when you gradually become stronger, these puzzles will eventually be solved one by one. You'd better live in the present honestly."

The Sky-Swallowing Devil Jar said lightly, he is just a small jar, how can he know so many things?

Doesn't this make things difficult for him?

"That's right, but thank you. If you hadn't protected me earlier, I might have died. By the way, how are you doing now?"

Ye Lin looked at the sky-swallowing magic jar that was about to break at any time and said with concern on his face.

"God, you finally care about me. You still have a conscience."

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