You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2272 Mysterious Place-Qin An Arrives

After all, he is the descendant of the immortal Taoist lineage. Just because he is not afraid doesn't mean others are not afraid.

Even Taiyi Jinxian is helpless against the fate of karma.

"Finally I found you, Wushuang. Come back with me. According to my reliable information, there is a true immortal among the cultivators who are rushing to Yangzhou now."

"And your identity has been exposed. That guy is coming for you. Once you are caught, do you know the consequences? Now only I can protect you."

"Someone from my demon clan has also become a true immortal."

Just as the two were chatting, a cold voice came, and the next moment, Qin An in a black robe walked towards this side step by step.

When he saw Ye Lin, Qin An was stunned for a moment, and then his expression became unnatural.

After being warned by the Immortal Killing Spear, he swore that he would take a detour when he saw Ye Lin in the future, but now he actually met Ye Lin, which made him a little afraid.

He hasn't appeared for a hundred years. I thought Ye Lin was dead or left, but I didn't expect it.

Name: Qin An

Cultivation: Half-step True Immortal

Fate: Taoist

Race: Demon

Identity: Demon, one of the immortal Taoist traditions in the Galaxy Universe, the young master.

Numerology: [Demon Body] [Insidious and cunning] [Demonic energy] [Demonic path to god] [Born as a demon] [Unparalleled combat power] [Saint Demon bloodline] [Extreme Demon Lord]

Destiny: After ninety-nine and eighty-one tribulations in the Galaxy Universe, he was finally favored by the Demon Dao. Fortunately, he survived the ninety-nine Heavenly Demon Tribulations and entered the realm of Daluo Jinxian. He went alone to explore the mysteries of a higher level outside the universe.

Recent opportunities: After leaving Yangzhou in three days, he went to Cangzhou next to Yangzhou, so he sacrificed hundreds of millions of lives in Cangzhou to help himself enter the realm of True Immortal.

[Demon Body]: The supreme demon body, born with shortcuts, infinite potential, infinite mysteries, when fully activated, comparable to the ancient demons, powerful and boundless.

[Insidious and cunning]: On the surface, he is harmless, but in fact, he is scheming and hypocritical. Those who provoke him often have no good end.

[Magic Qi]: He has a monstrous magic aura since birth. The magic aura is monstrous, and this magic aura seems to foreshadow his life. The more vigorous the magic aura, the stronger his combat power.

[Magic Dao Tong Shen]: Born a demon, favored by the magic, he will definitely be one of the strong men who will step into the magic road to heaven in the future.

[Born a demon child]: The son of the magic, the hope of the magic, born for the demon, and the demon exists for him.

[Unparalleled combat power]: The combat talent is extremely terrifying, which can be called the top. There are few rivals in the same realm.

[Saint Demon Bloodline]: The descendant of the Saint Demon of the Golden Immortal Demon Venerable, with extremely noble Saint Demon blood flowing in his body, has an innate sense of suppression for the creatures of the same realm, even the divine beast clan cannot compare with it.

[Extreme Demon Lord] "Holy Gold": Extreme Demon Lord, Holy Gold Fate, with this fate, if you don't enter Daluo, you will never die.

After reading Qin An's panel, Ye Lin remembered that Qin An also has the fate of Extreme Demon Lord, and he will definitely become Daluo.

But does this fate seem to be only useful for creatures like rules? I am a variable, I don't know if this fate includes me.

"Qin An, you say this every time you meet me for a hundred years, are you annoyed? I advise you to get out of here as soon as possible."

Li Wushuang said angrily without any courtesy, and now her patience with Qin An has reached its limit.

This guy is like a dog-skin plaster that can't be thrown away.

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