You have a good chance, I accept it.

Chapter 2269 Mysterious Place-Questions

The zeros added together are bigger than his head.

"Master, this thing is also a gift from me to you."

Ye Lin smiled and threw the jade bottle in his hand to Dao Lintian, and Dao Lintian took the jade bottle. He opened the jade bottle and smelled it, and his face became solemn. Looking at his eyes, he vaguely knew something.

However, Dao Lintian did not speak, but just put away the jade bottle lightly, waved to Ye Lin and turned away.

"Are you really going to leave Daotian Sect?"

On the way, Bai Ziran followed Ye Lin and said worriedly.

"Well, Daotian Sect is just a stop on my pursuit of the road. Now I should leave. You have good talent. Come on, you will have a chance to challenge the road in the future."

Ye Lin smiled and patted Bai Ziran on the shoulder. Ye Lin was very open-minded. On the road of pursuing the road, everything is just a passerby.

Anyway, up to now, he has not found a person or thing that can make him stay.

This road is destined to be lonely.

"Is that so..."

Bai Ziran stood there at a loss. Ye Lin naturally knew what Bai Ziran meant, but he didn't point it out. Although he was not interested in women, he was not a fool.

But this was not enough to make him stay.

Since ancient times, there have been many powerful people who fell for love.

Even Taiyi Jinxian was no exception, so Ye Lin planned not to touch it for the rest of his life.

But who can tell what will happen in the future?

"Okay, Elder Ye, have a good journey. If you encounter difficulties, you can come back."

Bai Ziran waved to Ye Lin, and Ye Lin smiled and nodded, and finally left without looking back.

And Bai Ziran turned and left, his back was so lonely.

"What happened to the phantom before?"

Ye Lin looked at the cracked Devouring Heaven Demon Jar on his shoulder and wondered. He had fallen into a deep sleep before, and now, he can finally understand what happened when he killed Yang Xiu?

What exactly was that phantom, that voice?

"The boy you killed will be a Daluo body in the future, which means he is destined to become a Daluo Jinxian in the future. Your strong killing of him naturally attracted his Daluo body to sense it."

"So he wants to pass through layers of space and the long river of time to kill you."

The weak voice of the Devouring Heaven Demon Pot entered Ye Lin's ears, and Ye Lin was shocked. Can he play like this?

"That's not right. Logically, he should be killed by me. What happened originally, he was supposed to be killed by me, why would there be a future?"

Ye Lin was puzzled. He could have killed Yang Xiu originally. If that's the case, then what about Yang Xiu's Daluo body in the future?

"Ye Lin, do you know? All living beings are nothing but toys of the Tao. All living beings, no matter how strong you are, your fate has actually been nailed down, and everything operates according to the established rules."

"Do you know why Daluo is also called transcendence? The place where all living beings live is likened to a small plate, and Daluo has long left this small plate, out of the control of fate, and controls his own destiny."

"And the reason why the previous things happened now is because you are a variable, the only variable in the ages. Although you are in this small plate, your life does not belong to this small plate, that is to say, you can do whatever you want, and no rules can restrain you."

"You, a variable, came to the small plate that had already been set up with rules, just like a huge rock was thrown into a calm pond, disrupting everything."

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